Chief's Report
Mr. Lester's Message
We have had another exciting month here at PHS. As the fall leaves change to the beautiful orange and tan colors, it warms my heart to know that the future looks fantastic for this GREAT EMPIRE of ours. The week of RESPECT was celebrated by having students as well as teachers read a morning message that inspired us to think and transform our intentions into positive actions. Our school-wide PSAT testing and our scheduled senior cap and gown measurements were implemented flawlessly . Thank you Ms. Edmondson and your crew…JOB well done.
These events were followed up by Violence Awareness week and School Spirit week. In addition to these wonderful happenings, I am also proud of the Clean Café Competition where students were actively engaged in keeping our facility clean. The class that had the fewest tables that needed to be cleaned throughout the week would win the ICE CREAM sandwich treat for the entire Class. In order to find out who won you must read on. This edition of the Chief’s Report is full of the wonderful achievements of our talented students and dedicated staff. Prepare to be amazed.
Strength & Honor
Mr. Lester
Piscataway Choral Collective | First Rehearsal October 9th | Rebekah Sterlacci and Megan Suozzo
October 23 - 8PM-9PM PHS/G102 November 13 - 8PM-9PM PHS/G102 November 27 - 8PM-9PM PHS/G102 December 4 - 8PM-9PM PHS/G102
PHS Academies | Visual Arts and Performing Arts
Senior Night | Chris Sumner, Ken Zampella, Jessica Taylor, Megan Suozzo
All State Choir | PHS Choir | Megan Suozzo
41st Annual Superchief Band Festival | Superchief Marching Band | Chris Sumner and Ken Zampella
The Thomas Barton Post Historic Preservation Award | District Awardees
Superintendent of Schools Teresa Rafferty, VPA Supervisor Rebekah Sterlacci, and Randolphville Music Educator Matthew Worden receiving the Thomas Barton Post Historic Preservation Award at the annual Metlar-Bodine House member picnic. 18th century chairs will be donated to the Metlar-Bodine Museum in honor of the awardees.
The Color Purple | Paper Mill Playhouse Adopt a School Program | Michael Yoson
Members of the PHS Theater classes attended a production of The Color Purple at Paper Mill Playhouse as part of the Adopt a School Program. The performance was beautiful and students had a great dialogue about the production, story, and cast. Thank you to Mr. Yoson for making this possible!
8th Grade Night | Piscataway Superchief Marching Band | Ken Zampella & Chris Sumner
On Friday, October 12th, the Piscataway Superchief Marching Band hosted district 8th grade band members. 8th graders rehearsed with the Superchiefs, toured PHS, and had a chance to perform with the band in the stands during the football game. 8th graders also got to watch the Superchief 2018 show, “Mechanize,” and the Chiefs Dance Team from the sidelines. It was a great night! Over 65 eighth graders attended! Thank you to Ken Zampella and Chris Sumner for organizing and to two of our 8th grade band teachers, Fabian Schulz and Shamie Royston, for assisting with the event!
Dare to Dream: The Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion
Munich awarded a total of $15,000 in scholarship money, with 3 of our own as recipients!
Congratulations to:
Ritu Patel $1,000
Daryl DeCohen $1,000
Amina Ali $3,000
All of our students who attended received a $45 TD Bank gift card for writing an essay on "Why Diversity and Inclusion is Important".
Meet the Scientists
AP Physics took the study of air resistance to a new level, as students conducted experiments in Ms. Eibling’s classes to determine a mathematical model for velocity as a function of time by combining new school technology and old school methods.
Y Vote
On Friday, October 5th Piscataway students with the help of Piscataway resident Sheila Mazar, and her volunteers from the Greater New Brunswick Area Chapter of The League of Women Voters held a voter registration drive in the Commons during 11th and 12th grade lunch periods. Over 60 students registered to vote in preparation for the upcoming midterm elections.
School Spirit Week
- Monday, October 22 - Dress for success
- Tuesday, October 23 - Wear your favorite ball cap
- Wednesday, October 24 - Denim Day
- Thursday, October 25 - Dress in your favorite decade
- Friday, October 26 - Dress as your favorite super hero, movie star, or character from a book
We captured some amazing pictures of our students and teachers who celebrated School Spirit. Please see below.
Important Dates for November:
November 5 PTSO Meeting 7:00pm in Commons
November 6 In-service Day (No School for Students)
November 7 Holiday - Diwali (No School)
November 8&9 NJEA Convention
November 14 End of Marking Period 1
November 15 50 Strong Father & Son Workshop
November 15 ICCA Volleyball Tournament 2:00pm - 5:00pm in Patton Gym
November 21 1/2 Day before Thanksgiving
November 22 Thanksgiving Holiday - School Closed
November 23 Thanksgiving Holiday - School Closed
November 29 PHS Fall Play 7:00pm - 10:00pm in the PAC
November 30 PHS Fall Play 7:00pm - 10:00pm in the PAC
November 30 50 Strong Overnight Trip - Boston Area Colleges
Proud Sponsors of Piscataway High School
Proud Sponsors
Piscataway High School
Chiefs Nation Membership
Cullen Family Foundation
Inglesino, Webster, Wyciskala, & Taylor, LLC.
Piscataway Municipal Alliance
Tribe Members
Tequila & Tacos
Bellamy & Sons
Royce Brook Golf Course
Neshanic Valley Golf Course
Pete Falco’s
The Max of Piscataway
Robert Williams Esq.
Cedar Grove Café & Pizza
Ricochet Club
Black & Gold Members
Piscataway Soccer Club
Lester Taylor
Hand & Stone Massage
Piscataway Pizza
Stelton Lumber
Paul Schoeb
Wine Chateau
George Thomas Jr.
Thai Basil