Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
May 16 - Policy Council
May 17-19 - No School - PREK HOME VISITSMay 23 - End of the Year Celebration
May 25 - Last Day of School
Dear Bright Beginnings' Families:
Wow! We are counting the days and they are going fast. Our students are showing so much growth that it’s hard to keep up. Hopefully, parents are seeing this as well. As we close out the school year, we are thankful for the families and especially students that have been with us for the year.
Hopefully, all of our 4 year olds transitioning to Kindergarten have enrolled. If not, parents—please do this as soon as possible.
A reminder that we are offering JumpStart during the last week of July and the first week of August for all returning or new students for the 2023-2024 school year. Parents, please consider giving your students the opportunity to join us for that time, as it will truly give them a great start before school begins.
If your student is transitioning to Kindergarten, each K-5 center in USD 443 also offers the same opportunity, so we urge parents to consider having their new Kindergartener’s attend. It will help so much with this important new start.
Staff are looking forward to Home Visits for all students from May 17-19th. Please be ready to schedule these with the classroom staff.
Lastly, please put May 23rd on your calendar to attend our end-of-the-year Parent Meeting/Celebration.
A reminder to all parents that there will be no school May 17th through 19th for Home Visits.
Please remember, we will no longer be offering split enrollment in both Child Care and Pre-K classrooms next year. This is due to the difficulty of transitioning and staffing adequate support for students.
Thank you for your continued patience with the parking and, as always, thanks for allowing us to serve your children.
Arthur Barker
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Wednesday and Friday
7:50 am
11:45 am
Kindergarten Readiness and Literacy Event
Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 05:00 PM
Dodge City Civic Center, 1st Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
- Bright Beginnings Child Care Parent Handbook
- Bright Beginnings Child Care Staff Handbook
The next Policy Council meeting will be May 16th at 11:30am. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher or advocate. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
Wow! Your kiddo has almost completed this school year! Way to go families for gifting your child with so many wonderful opportunities to grow and learn.
As we wrap up this year, your classroom families/teachers will be sharing what your child has been learning and what their next step are. Be thinking of ways to keep your kiddo learning at home and in the community. Visiting the Literacy Bus, attending Learn and Play, going to the Dodge City Public Library, the parks, the swimming pool, as well as the many events happening in Dodge City and the surrounding area.
Most importantly, YOU are your child's best teacher. Keeping up those daily routines, reading and exploring books with your child, as well as playing with them can keep them learning and growing!
Best wishes to you as your kiddos go into and enjoy the summer months.
Continue doing the "good stuff" with your kiddos and I hope these little tidbits allow us to shift a bit and add in a different way to learn with children.
Grab your opening/seat today! An online course called the Powers of Resilience: Social Emotional Learning for Adults through Conscious Discipline, which is the foundation of social emotional learning here at Bright Beginnings. Please see more information below if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity.
Well wishes to you all this April!
Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Wishing you Well! ~Miss Melyssa
Click on the link below or scan the QR code to let Melyssa Walker know you are interested. There is no cost to complete this course.
You may have received notification of health documents that are needed in order for your child to be in our program. The deadline for you to turn in the needed health documents on your child is Monday, May 1st 2023. You may drop off a copy at the front office.
Call or stop by your child’s doctor office and ask for a copy of the needed health documents, if they are already done. If they need to be completed, make an appointment with your child’s primary care provider for physicals and take your child to the health department for immunizations.
Physicals –
- Pediatrician/primary care dr.
- Genesis Family Health
Immunizations –
- Health Department, bring insurance and immunization record along with immunization notice
Open Monday through Friday
8 am - 5 pm
Closed for Lunch from 12-1pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Preschool Education Specialist Update
Collection time for Ages and Stages Questionnaires, ASQ:3 and ASQ:SE-2.
It is time to collect the Ages and Stages Questionnaires, better known to you as the ASQs.
You might be asking yourself what's all the fuss?
Well, these are required for our grant funding, meeting assurances that we are providing your child with high-quality early childhood education and meeting their individualized needs in the classroom setting to promote growth in areas of need.
What is the ASQ:3?
The ASQ:3 is a developmental screener that gives us information on how your child's development of age-appropriate skills is progressing in the areas of communication, fine motor, gross motor, personal-social, and problem-solving.
What is the ASQ: SE-2?
The ASQ:2 is a social-emotional screener that gives us information on how your child's development of age-appropriate skills is progressing in social-emotional behaviors.
Why do parents complete the ASQs?
You are your child's first teacher. Who knows your child and their skill level, better than you?
The ASQ:3 concurrent validity rate is 74% for the 42-month ASQ:3, 100% for the 54-month ASQ:3, and an overall agreement of 86%. The sensitivity rate is 100% for 54-month and 60-month questionnaires, with an overall agreement of 86%. The specificity rate is 100% for 54 months and an overall agreement of 85%.
The ASQ: SE-2 had a concurrent rating of 84% overall. The sensitivity rating was 81% overall. The specificity rating was 98% at 60 months, with an overall rating of 83%.
What does concurrent validity even mean?
This is measured by comparing the percentage of agreement between the results of the parent-completed ASQ:3 questionnaires with the results of professionally administered standardized assessments.
What does the sensitivity rating mean?
The sensitivity of the ASQ:3 to correctly identify children with delays.
What does the specificity rating mean?
It is the specificity of the ASQ:3 to correctly identify typically developing children.
*Given the complexity of measuring child development, the American Academy of Pediatrics considers high-quality developmental screening tests to have sensitivities and specificities of 70% to 80%.
All Bright Beginnings Preschool students will need to complete the ASQ:3 and The ASQ: SE-2.
Please use the QR code in the document below to complete both the ASQ:3 and ASQ: SE-2.
Live link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Spanish link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Arabic link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Vietnamese link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
French link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Thank you for your time in completing these for the well-being of your child.
Sheila Bertelsen
Education Specialist