Bellevue Public Schools, Bellevue, NE
Ring the Belle
Ring the Belle, Bellevue Public Schools first un-conference, was a success. Educators, including K-12 teachers and administrators, met at the Welcome Center at 8:30 am to kick off an enjoyable morning of learning and sharing. This unique type of professional development did not provide an agenda ahead of time. The sessions and topics were created by educators in attendance based on what they wanted to discuss and learn.
Kim Bodensteiner started the day off with a brief overview of how an un-conference works. Then, attendees were given time to write their topics on the boards. After topics were shared, everyone moved to the room of their choice. Instead of one person standing and delivering a session, there was collaboration among all participants. Educators were heard asking for help, sharing their own strategies, and planning for activities to use in their classroom right away. There were nine total topics for the morning split into three short sessions. Some of topics that morning were Bringing Back the Fun in the Classroom, Hour of Code, Global Classroom, Twitter and the Connected Educator, and Using Video in the Classroom. At the end of the sessions, participants did a quick sharing activity to discuss their ah-ha moments from the morning. Overall, the morning provided educators the opportunity to create their own agenda, guide their own learning, and collaborate with fellow BPS educators.
The Tech Trio on the Road
iPad Academy Adds Three Members
Appy Time / Websites
Looking for a way to bring images alive? ThingLink is the answer! ThingLink allows students to import any image and then make it interactive by adding text, video, and even music. The best part of ThingLink is that it is FREE and has a web version.
Code.Org Workshop
Tweet Time--Tweets From Those You Know
Upcoming #edcamps
EdCamp Kansas City on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at Truman High School. Register HERE. Not able to atttend? Follow along via Twitter at #edcampKC.
EdCamp Kearney will be Saturday, November 14, 2015 from 8:00-2:30 PM at Kearny High School. Register online at: www.goo.gl/Zaq3dF . Twitter @edcampKearney
STEM Open House
PKI (Peter Kiewit Institute) will be hosting an open house for high school students, parents, and teachers on October 25th from 12-3 pm.
There will be sessions to learn about various degree programs. Information Science & Technology and Engineering colleges will be present and tours of the research labs will be available to let prospective students see an inside view. It’s a great opportunity for high school seniors considering majors and/or schools, but it’s also open to younger students.
New this year, we are inviting local companies with high school internship programs in CS/IT to run an informational booth. Share the details with your students or bring yourself and your families.
District Technology Trainers
Twitter: @mrsjcarlson
Ann Feldmann
Twitter: @annfeldmann1
Jeffrey Bernadt
Twitter: @jeffreybernadt
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