Little School News
February 2023
In Celebration of Black History Month
Little School Bags
Upcoming Events
February 11th: Dad's Saturday (see below for information)
February 13th and 14th: Valentine's Day Parties
February 20th: No School
Stock the Staff Lounge
From the Little School Advisory Board:
Thank you very much,
The Little School Advisory Board.
Scholastic Book Fair!
Dad's Saturday
If your child attends school on M/W, M/W/F, or M-F you will go to your child's classroom at 9:30 to do a craft and have special time in the classroom. You can shop at the book fair before this at 9:00am or after this at 10:15am.
If your child attends school on T/Th, T/Th/F, or M-Th, you will go to your child's classroom at 10:30am to do a craft and have special time in the classroom. You may shop the book fair before this anytime after 9:00am, or after this until noon.
We cannot wait for this fun Saturday morning event!
Music Class News
The second week we will be exploring rhythm instruments and starting valentines songs and poems together. Next we will embark on a fun set of train songs and activities. We will make our way around our classroom train track and also record the children singing “Choo, Choo the Big Train.” Listening to your recorded voice is always fun!
We will also learn and sing about fire safety and find safety signs around the room. The end of February will take us through more advanced theory concepts and music dynamics.
Remember: Those who wish to sing, always find a song! Happy Valentines Day!
Ms. Laura, Ms. Sheri, Ms. Jana
St. Luke's United Methodist Church Events
St. Luke's UMC invites you to join us on Sundays for worship at 9:30am and 11am.
Sunday School for children is offered at 9:30am every Sunday.
February 18th 9:00am-12:00pm: Parent's Morning Out. RSVP to sam@stlukeshr.com. Cost is $30 per family or $25 for a single child.
February 21st: Fat Tuesday pancake dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Flier coming home soon.
February 22nd at 7:00pm: Ash Wednesday services for children and adults. Join us for a special Ash Wednesday service as we kick off Lent for a special experiential service just for kids.