KPHS ALE's Information
January 17 through January 20th
Dear Warrior Families,
Historically, students took mid-year examinations in January. The first day would be a full day of school with an exam in the morning, a class during the lunch block and a second exam in the afternoon. This year we decided to offer a block of time for our students to improve their overall grades and make the day a half day. By requiring all students to attend this preparation block the day counts towards the 180 days.
Exam Prep & Make Up Period
Tuesday, January 17th will start with a preparation period for all students. Our teachers will provide opportunities for all students to improve their quarter 2 grades. In addition, students can meet with teachers and make up missing work or they will be working on preparing for the ALE's.
If a student has a study they may be dismissed with a written note from their parent/guardian.
If a student starts the day with a study they may arrive fifteen minutes before their ALE with a note from their parent/guardian.
Academic Support, Applied Strategies, VHS courses are not study hall and require attendance.