This Is How We Lakeview
July 2023 Edition: Volume 4
Latest Updates
We hope all of our students and families have a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving Break!
A few upcoming dates to keep in mind:
Monday, November 27th - iReady Reading Winter Diagnostic begins (please remind your student to charge their Chromebook Sunday night!)
Wednesday, November 29th - 8th Grade Career Center Field Trip (more information can be found below)
Monday, December 4th - iReady Math Winter Diagnostic begins
Friday, December 15th - End of Quarter 2 AND Staff/Student Dodgeball Tournament (Quarter 2 incentive)
Again, please enjoy this Thanksgiving Break, and we will see our students next Monday!
Ben Baptist
This Week in our Classrooms
To lead us into Thanksgiving Break, we held our November Club Day today. Check out the pictures below from our various club sessions!
November Students of the Month
Congratulations to Everett Adams, Anna Greer, Molly Hawk, Cash McMichael, Jonathen Megert, and Benny Oteng for being recognized by their teachers as Students of the Month!
Lakeview Values Recipients
Congratulations to the following students for being recognized by their teachers this week for upholding our Lakeview Values: Respect Self, Others, School, and Learning.
Lost & Found is Filling Up
If your child has lost an item during the year, please make sure they have checked the Lost & Found, which is located at the entrance to the Cafeteria, off the main hallway. Even if they have checked the Lost & Found already, it might be good to check again. Sometimes, items stay in classrooms for long periods of time before being moved to the Lost & Found.
Any items not claimed before Winter Break starts (end of day December 15th) will be donated.
Reminder of 8th Grade Career Center Trip
To attend the Career Center field trip on November 29th, students must have the Blanket Field Trip Approval on file. This blanket approval is part of the Annual Update in Infinite Campus, so if families have not completed the Annual Update, those students will not be able to attend the trip. If you still need to complete the Annual Update, please see the instructions below. Families who have not completed the Annual Update should have received two separate text messages through TalkingPoints within the past 10 days.
Students will need to pack a lunch for this trip. If your student needs the school to provide a lunch, you must fill out this form and your student will need to pick up a sack lunch provided by our cafeteria before they leave for the field trip. Students will be charged for the sack lunch (like a normal school lunch) should they choose to use this service.
8th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip
Please see the attached flyer for information on this spring's Washington, D.C. trip for 8th-graders.
School-Based Health Clinic at Tussing Elementary
This is a reminder to all families of a health resource available to you. New this school year, the school-based health clinic is housed at Tussing Elementary and is designed to support our community and our families.
Holiday Toy Drive
Upcoming Parent Education Courses
Please check out the flyers below for more information on the various upcoming parent education courses, put together by Fairfield County.
The athletic website for both PHSN & LJH is now live. Use the to watch for announcements! All coaches will be using this website for updates and announcements, so please check here if you have any questions. When you go to you will need to click on "more" and then Final Forms is under "Athletic Registration".
Baseball's Winter "Camp of Champs"
Please see the flyer below for information on the Diamond Club's Camp of Champs, December 18th-20th. Please open the attached PDF to access the link to register for the camp.
The Community Corner
Recent Feedback
- One comment asked for the school to do more to offer restorative justice as an option or pathway for behavior consequences. Over the past few years, we have slowly tried to build in opportunities to have these restorative conversations with our students to help them process and own their decision-making while also making amends with the other person involved. Administration will reach out to this family to collaborate on what other ideas they have that we could add in.
- Another comment came in asking for workshops on diversity and cultural awareness. This is a great idea. We will start by including our building diversity liaisons, Kyle James and Ryan Max, in the conversation and reach out to the district's diversity and engagement coordinators to talk about the best path forward.
- A final comment came in specific to athletics, asking for us to respect and effectively support our youth in sports. If the family who submitted this could reach out to Ben Baptist or Kelly Winter (athletic director), please do so that we can continue this conversation and understand how we can offer our support.
The Lakeview Family Feedback Form
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Lakeview Junior High Important Links
Office Hours 6:45 am - 3:15 pm
Location: 12445 Ault Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 830-2200
Facebook: Lakeview_JH_PLSD
Twitter: @lakeview_jh