Lubbock-Cooper High School
Weekly Newsletter January 29 - February 2, 2024
January Teacher of the Month
Please take a minute to nominate your favorite teacher for January's Teacher of the Month! Past winners are:
- August: Michelle R. Johnson
- September: Kasey Long
- October: Trevor Burkhead
- November: Nicole Baxter
- December: Bev Brown
Yearbook - Senior Ads
The deadline to submit your information and pay for a senior ad in this year's yearbook is fast approaching - February 1, 2024. Click the image below to reserve your special space!
Celebrating Students
You've Been Spotted!
McKenzey Roach, Jordan Smith, Ethan Mallory, Stefani Ellena, and Kelley Martinez are practicing converting grams to moles in Ms. Farnsley's Chemistry 1 class through a scavenger hunt.
State Choir
On Saturday, January 6th, the six Lubbock-Cooper students who qualified for the TMEA Choir Area Audition participated in the TMEA Choir All-State audition: Kash Kovar, BrynLeigh Childers, Alyssa Wilson, Camryn Gamblin, Bryanna Green, and Alejandro Vallejo. Alyssa Wilson was selected for the All-State Treble Choir finishing 3rd chair! Everyone sang well and we are so proud of our Pirates - way to go!
UIL Narrative Film Festival Contest
The UIL Narrative Film Festival Contest is an opportunity for students to use tools and strategies in the cinematic arts to explore filmmaking and create their own films. Student films are critiqued by UIL adjudicators who consider the film's originality, cinematic storytelling, and technical execution. There are three advancement rounds before the final state winners. LCHS has three entries for the first round of this year's Narrative division of the UIL Film Festival contest by directors Sophia Romo, Sophie Hernandez, and Bailey Carter. We're proud of our hard-working pirates!
Academic UIL Mock Trial
This week Lubbock-Cooper High School competed in the preliminary rounds of the Region 17 Mock Trial Competition at the Lubbock County Courthouse. After two rounds LCHS earned a top-four spot and will compete in the semi finals next week.
Georgia Coppola received a unanimous (three-ballot) "Outstanding Advocate" during the defense round and Mia Chacon received a unanimous "Outstanding Witness" in the same round.
Team members are:
Mia Chacon
Georgia Coppola
Matthew Cox
Greta Fankhauser
Haley Garner
Loren Macias
Sophia Romo
Please congratulate these students on their hard work, skills, and motivation presenting this year's case as we look forward to continuing the campaign on Monday, January 29th.
Community Involvement
The EMBARK program is meant to connect our high school students with professionals in the community so that students can start to consider future careers. Local professionals will work out of LCHS while also meeting with individual students and classes. Students are encouraged to use these resources to learn about potential careers and consider different fields of work before graduating.
LCHS welcomes the following professionals this month:
January 28 - February 2: Mike Moss
This week, Mike joins us from Parkhill and can meet with students about the field of construction. If you're interested in architecture, engineering, or project and client management, schedule a time with Mike. He can also help those interested in interior design.
February 5-8: Nash Crowley
Next week, those interested in civil engineering and environmental science should sign up to speak with Nash from Parkhill about solid waste management and environmental sampling of air, water and soil. Nash also brings to us his background in meterology.
February 12-16: Dustin McCorkle
Lubbock's own Matador Soccer Club General Manager and Chief Business Executive, Dustin McCorkle, will be here to discuss sales, community outreach, and leadership roles with students.
To see the other professionals scheduled in the EMBARK program, or to sign up to meet with these professionals, open the file below.
Upcoming Events
Spring Pep Rally!
LCHS will have our Spring Pep Rally this Thursday. The time has been changed to 9 a.m. so that the many teams competing in the afternoon can still attend the rally.
Parents wanting to attend should have purchased a pass and should park in the North Parking Lot off Loop 493, closest to the cemetery. Doors will open at 8:45 a.m. Please enter through the gate and door #34.
Let's go, Pirates!
Counselor's Corner
Student Scheduling for Next Year
Parents and Students,
Thank you to those of you who were able to join us on Monday evening for our parent meeting. One exciting thing we've learned since our parent meeting is that Families can have access to their child's information in Xello. This means you can create an account with Xello, attach to your child, and then view and approve their course requests. Watch for an email from Xello this week with information about family access.
If you were unable to join us or you need some additional information, we have provided important information and links below about scheduling.
Xello Course Planner is open for submission from January 23-30
All Scheduling information can be found at the LCHS Counseling Center Webpage under Course Guide
Most Used Documents
Scheduling courses for 2024-2025
Choose 8 courses/periods
Athletics, Band, Alg I Double block & some CTE courses count as two periods
Choose 3 alternates
Must be courses you would be willing to take if your top 8 choices aren’t available
Submit your schedule by January 30
Once submitted the schedule is locked and cannot be changed
Update your 4 year plan as needed
If you missed the meeting on Monday or need a refresher, you can view the recording with this link. 2023-2024 Parent Meeting Video. Counselors will be available each morning this week in the LCHS Commons to help students with scheduling.
Thank you and reach out to hscounselors@lcisd.net with any questions regarding scheduling courses for 2024-2025.
Mrs. Jimenez
December EOC Scores
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released the Fall 2023 STAAR End of Course (EOC) assessment results on January 24, 2024. To access your child’s results through the TEA Family Portal, you can use the Skyward Family Access portal.
The following links are available to assist you.
Access STAAR scores in Skyward Family Access (Video)
Access STAAR scores in Skyward Family Access (PDF)
Interpret STAAR/STAAR EOC scores (Video)
If you have any questions concerning STAAR EOC assessment results please email Pam Brown, Director of Counseling & Assessment, at pbrown@lcisd.net.
LCHS Spirit Squad Guidelines
All spirit squads at LCISD follow the following guidelines. Click on the link below to access them.
Support All Spirit Sales in the District
Each campus and organization that is selling spirit gear can be found using this link. Shop here for clothing and accessories to support our students!
2023 - 2024 Policies and Procedures
Student Lunch Delivery
Parents/Guardians may bring a lunch for their students. Lunches can be dropped off in the front office and students will be allowed to pick-up their food when they are dismissed for lunch.
Due to security concerns, no outside entity (DoorDash, Pizza delivery, etc.) will be allowed to drop off lunches for students.
How to Report a Student Absence
Turning in Doctor's Notes
When you return to school after a doctor's visit, please consider e-mailing your doctor's note to lchsattendance@lcisd.net. Paper copies can still be turned in to the front office. All doctor's notes need to be submitted within 48 hours of returning to campus.
Thanks you!
Lubbock-Cooper High School Administration
Landon Winton - Principal Lubbock-Cooper High School
Courtney Pesterfield - Associate Principal
Ashley Herrera - Assistant Principal
Kelcey Wormsbaker - Assistant Principal
Brandon Tucker - Assistant Principal
Randy Doege - Assistant Principal for Special Education
Bart McMeans - Assistant Principal
Debbie Smith - CTE Director
Website: lchs.lcisd.net
Location: 910 Woodrow Road, Lubbock, TX, USA
Phone: 806-993-2321
Twitter: @pirate_pride
The District provides space on its newsletter for organizations to post their events.
Such posting does not indicate any endorsement by the District.