Principal's Report 1-20-25
News for the Fox Family
Message From the Principal
Wishing you and yours a very wonderful weekend!
- Mon., January 20th- MLK Jr. Day- No School for Students
Remember to check out our Fox Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for the weekly fun we had!
Mr. Bellomo
Each year our school goes through a School Improvement process. Part of this process is submitting a family engagement survey. The results are used by our school for various purposes. If you would be so kind as to help us by completing this short survey we would really appreciate it. Survey:
Thanks for all you do for our school.
Mr. Bellomo
Kids Heart Challenge at Fox
Heart Challenge Schedule
Hello, Heart Heroes! Are you ready? The Kids Heart Challenge is coming to our school soon! We have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, help others, and have a lot of fun! Get a head start by signing up today and helping your student choose a daily health challenge. Visit our school’s website by clicking the link below or download the AHA Schools app!
Promoting Strong Families
The District and Coalition are launching a series of brief (1 to 1.5 minute) videos for parents of elementary-age children entitled Promoting Strong Families.
These videos, intended to provide parenting tips on a range of issues, many identified in an on-line survey of 1,440 elementary parents last school year, will be sent to parents every 10 days to 2 weeks via district school messenger.
The series of videos will soon be housed on the District and Coalition websites.
A link to the introductory video with Superintendent Ron Roberts is provided below. It was recently sent to parents via school messenger.
Kindergarten Registration
January 27, 2025, Kindergarten registration opens for the 2025-2026 school year. Use this link to get the registration process started
Quickly Upcoming Dates
A more detailed schedule is listed farther below in this newsletter.
- Mon., January 20th- MLK Jr. Day- No School for Students
- Wed., February 12th- COUNT DAY- Important day for attendance
- Fri., February 14th- HALF DAY with dismissal at 11:50AM and Valentine's Day
- Mon.-Fri., February 17th-21st- MID WINTER BREAK- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Mon., February 24th- Students return to school
The Health Department would like to conduct Vision Screening for 1st, 3rd & 5th grade on the following dates:
March 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, & 11th
- Students who wear glasses/contacts must wear them to the screening.
- Contact the Fox Office if anyone wishes to NOT have their child screened.
Literacy Update For Parents
Please check out this literacy update from our district. It discusses our district's commitment to continuous growth in literacy for ALL students.
Schedule Update
- Mon., January 20th- MLK Jr. Day- No School for Students
- Wed., February 12th- COUNT DAY- Important day for attendance
- Fri., February 14th- HALF DAY with dismissal at 11:50AM and Valentine's Day
- Mon.-Fri., February 17th-21st- MID WINTER BREAK- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Mon., February 24th- Students return to school
- Tues., May 20th- Music Concert for4th and 5th
- Tues., May 27th- KDG Kickoff
- Thurs., June 5th- Fox Field Day
- Mon., June 9th- Fox 5th Grade Completion Ceremony at 6:00PM
- Fri., June 6th- Fox KDG Completion at 9:15AM
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see the festivities going on each week.
Instagram: foxelementarycvs
Mr. Bellomo
Parent Lot Map and Procedures
It's one thing to have a seat on the bus but how would you like to drive the bus?
CVS is hiring bus drivers.
Mr. B Read Alouds
We have tons of these on our Fox YouTube page that can keep your kids entertained!
SACC Childcare Update Reminder
Important Notice for Elementary Parents Using School-Aged Child Care (SACC)
Weekly Schedule Submission:
To ensure smooth programming and staff scheduling, please submit your childcare schedules on Wednesday by midnight for the following week—no exceptions.
This deadline is crucial to ensure we can accommodate the needs of our working parents. Families with varying work schedules should communicate their childcare requirements to their program directors by Wednesday prior.
Important Changes for the 2024-2025 School Year
At Chippewa Valley Schools, our priority is to provide families with exceptional educational programs and childcare services. Recent challenges in the labor market and diverse family schedules make it increasingly difficult to maintain our School-Aged Childcare (SACC) program across all twelve elementary schools.
To ensure we can continue offering a high-quality, dependable SACC program, we implemented changes to our fees. Additionally, to maintain the program's stability, we ask parents to commit to a weekly schedule for their child.
Please refer to the attached document for detailed information on the updated fees for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your school.
SACC Fee Schedule/Program Changes
Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we strive to provide these vital services for our families.
Please see the district policies on SACC scheduling: CLICK HERE
SACC Parent Handbook: CLICK HERE
District Website SACC Page: CLICK HERE
Student Arrival and Student Dismissal
Parents, please remember that students should not arrive to school too early waiting outside by themselves. Breakfast begins at 8:40AM. Only the main doors will be open at 8:40AM for students who would like to pick up a breakfast. Breakfast is available in the main hallway through 9:15AM.
The bell to go to classes rings at 8:50AM. Students arriving too early presents a situation where they are not supervised on the playground and other areas outside the school. Please remind the children that arriving to school too early is not a safe option. We appreciate your help with this.
Parents and Guardians, we ask you kindly to be sure that all students are picked up from both school and the bus stop on time every day. Students should not be left in the office after school as we can not provide child care services in the office. Students who need after school childcare should use our Fox SACC program that is available to Kindergarten-5th grade students and not ECSE. Students must be registered for our Fox SACC program. The office staff does not work after normal school hours.
If you know you are going to be late due to last minute emergencies, please contact our office to let us know. Students left in the office after school and not picked up get very anxious especially when parents and guardians can not be reached. Please also be sure to have friends or family listed on your emergency card which can be updated in the Parent Portal. The people you list can pick up your children from school should you need them to.
Additionally, all Kindergarten , 1st grade and ECSE students will not be left at the bus stop by the bus drivers if there is no adult waiting there to pick them up. In these situations when nobody is present for Kindergarten, 1st grade, or ECSE children, the bus will bring them back to school. This is difficult because you now have busses coming back to school when office staff has left for the day.
Please help our team by making sure all students are picked up on time each day and that a parent or guardian is always waiting at the bus stop on time for young children.
*Our school dismissal is 3:39PM on full days and 11:50AM on half days.
SACC Registration- Only for Kdg-5th grade students and not ECSE
Please update your contact information, update addresses and sign permissions & agreements on Parent Portal.
Parent Communication- Email and Phone Messages
Please be sure you are signed up to receive School Messenger communications from Chippewa Valley Schools and Shawnee with a valid and accurate email address. This is our main communication tool to get information out to our families. The links and information below can assist you in this process.
Class Link for Parents
Have you signed up for ClassLink for Parents? Logging in on any of your devices gives you easy access to all the school websites you need. That means you can quickly check things like your child's grades on the PowerSchool Parent Portal, manage payments on PaySchools Central, and more! Check out the video for more information!
Click here for full directions to sign up!
Crossing Guards Needed
Fox is in need of Crossing Guards! The hours are very short and who knows you just might have a ton of fun!
If you are unable to work both AM and PM shifts perhaps something can be worked out.
Click the link below for more details!
A Look Ahead
Tues., November 12th- Kdg-2nd Grade PEN Night
- Fri., November 15th- Diabetes Awareness- wear blue to support those with Diabetes
- Tues., November 19th- Picture Re-Take Day
- Tues., November 19th- Lunch with Principal- PTO Fox Trot Winners (K-2nd)
- Thur., November 21st- Lunch with Principal- PTO Fox Trot Winners (3rd-5th)
- Thurs., November 21st- 3rd-5th Grade PEN Night
- Fri., November 22nd- Cyber Awareness and Safety Assembly for 2nd-5th
- Tues., November 26th- PAWS Assemblies
- Wed., November 27th-Friday., November 29th- No School- Thanksgiving Break
- Mon., December 2nd- Report Cards in Parent Portal
- Mon., December 9th-Fri., December 13th- PTO Santa Shop
- Fri., December 13th- PTO Movie Night- The Grinch
- Tues., December 17th- 2nd-3rd grade Music Concert
- Fri., December 20th- Half Day and PAWS Assembly and Christmas/Holiday Sing-a-Long
- Mon., December 23-Wed., January 1st- Christmas and Holiday Break
- Thurs., January 2nd- Students Return from Break
- Thurs., March 6th- CVS Literacy Night at Clinton Macomb Public Library at 6PM- MR. Bellomo is a guest reader!
- Fri., March 7th- District Lego Robotics Competition
- Wed., March 12th- Report Cards available i Parent Portal
- Wed., March 12th- Parent Teacher Conferences- By Appointment Only in evening
- Thurs., March 13th- Parent Teacher Conferences- By Appointment Only in evening
- Fri., March 14th- HALF DAY of SCHOOL with dismissal at 11:50AM
- Tues., May 20th- Music Concert for4th and 5th
- Fri., March 21st- HALF DAY of SCHOOL with dismissal at 11:50AM
- Mon., March 24th-Fri., March 28th- SPRING BREAK- NO SCHOOL
- Mon., March 31st- Students return from Spring Break
- Wed., April 2nd- Wear Blue for Autism Awareness Day
- Fri., April 25th- PTO Fox Fair
- Thurs., May 1st- May is Williams Syndrome Awareness Month
- Mon., May 5th- Progress Reports Go Home
- Tues., May 20th- 4th and 5th grade concert
- Fri., May 23rd- No School (Memorial Weekend Break)
- Mon., May 26th- No School- Memorial Day
- Tues., May 27th- KDG Kickoff at 6PM
- Thurs., June 5th- Fox Field Day
- Mon., June 9th- Fox 5th Grade Completion Ceremony at 6:00PM
- Fri., June 6th- Fox KDG Completion at 9:15AM
- Wed., June 11th- Half Day of School and Last Day of School=- Dismissal at 11:50AM
Half Days
Dismissal at 11:50AM
- September 3 (T)
- October 23 (W)
- October 24 (TH)
- October 25 (F)
- October 31 (TH)
- December 20 (F)
- February 14 (F)
- March 14 (F)
- March 21 (F)
- June 11 (W)
Continuously Late to School
Families, getting to school in the morning can be a hectic time. Please remember though that tardies can negatively impact the learning of your child. They are also disruptive when many students consistently continue to trickle into the classroom throughout the morning. Please remember that our first bell rings at 8:50 AM and class begins at 8:55AM.
Our school is working very hard to improve literacy and reading skills in all of our students and beginning on our daily lessons right away in the morning is very important. When students are continuously tardy, they miss a considerable amount of crucial instruction time.
Here is something that we may not always think about:
If a child is tardy every day by 10 minutes, that is 50 minutes of lost instruction per week.
This is 200 minutes a month of instruction time that is lost. Adding up these minutes over the course of a school year can truly have a negative impact on learning.
Absences are another concern when they become chronic. Macomb County has a truancy department that keeps track of tardies and absences for school age children. Chronic absences are a big deal and it is against the law to have a child not attending school on a regular basis.
The loss of instruction time that takes place resulting from chronic absences can result in learning gaps over the years. We fully understand that children will get sick, go on vacation, or have other places that they need to go and will have to miss school at various times during the year. The main concern is chronic absences that continue to occur throughout the year. Unfortunately, if the pattern of continued absences is the same for the child the following year, the loss of learning continues to increase.
Again, we know that students will arrive late to school from time to time. Of course, children will also need to miss school from time to time. Please do your best to make sure the students are at school on time and in school as much as possible. It truly does have an impact on their learning.
Parking Lot Reminders
Parking Lot Etiquette and Procedures
Drop Off Lanes
Please remember, there is no parking in the drop off lane, so please pull all the way up to the front of the drop off lane (by the front of the school), drop your child off (parents/drivers need stay in the car) and then you may keep moving. The curbside lane is only for quick drop offs and not parking. You also cannot leave cars unattended in these lanes while you wait outside classroom doors.
**Students must exit the vehicles on the curb side as it is dangerous to exit the vehicle in any other lane.
If you arrive early and don't want to let your child out yet, please park in a parking spot in the parent lot until ready to drop off. Remember, all students need to use a cross walk with a crossing guard before and after school.
During dismissal we also ask you to please pull all the way up in the drop off/pick up lane and do not park in the middle or in front of classrooms to wait for your child unless you are pulled all the way up in the drop off/pickup line.
Driving in our Parking Lot
Please remember to drive with caution as you enter and exit our school parking lots. The traffic flow at all schools is slow and that is the safest for our kids.
We have many children and families crossing the streets from Camelot Village and our surrounding Fox Run neighborhoods. Please try not to be in a hurry when dropping off and picking up your children. We have noticed some drivers who have not been driving cautiously and we need to be safe with our children, families, and staff all around.
*You must slow down and drive with caution.
Crosswalks and Sidewalks
Please also remember to always use the crosswalks and sidewalks. It becomes unsafe when children and parents walk in and out of cars in the parking lots or when children run through the lot unattended. The crosswalks and sidewalks are the safest areas to use when walking in the parking lots.
Respecting Crossing Guards and Student Safeties
Please respect the staff crossing guards and our young student crossing guards. There job is to keep everyone safe. At times they may ask you to follow certain rules you may not agree with. Please do not take it personal. They are doing their jobs. The goal is to keep you, your children, and everyone safe. Thank you for understanding.
Respecting Each Other, School Safeties, and School Staff
Parents, we know that families are in a hurry but the safety of our students, community, and staff is most important. Please be cautious and also be respectful to each other as parents, our student safeties and our staff. We ask that you refrain from confronting each other with issues. Please do your best to respect each other as parents and as a Fox community. If you have any questions or concerns you may reach out to our administrative team.
*Additionally, when communicating with all school staff and families, we ask for all parents and or guardians to conduct themselves in a calm and patient manner.
*As a school we will continue to keep in close contact with our Macomb County Sheriff's Department in order to be a presence in and out of our building for arrival, dismissal, and other times of the day.
PTO Updates
PTO Members
JoAnne Sloat -President
Francesca Bommarito-VP
Concetta Maniaci-Secetary
Janis Meyerhoff-Treasurer
PTO Events
- Fri., Oct., 25th- Halloween Trunk or Treat from 6:00-8:00PM
- Wed., Nov. 6th at at 3:40PM- PTO Meeting
- December 9th-13th- Santa Shop
- Thurs., December 13th- The Grinch Movie Night
- Wed., Jan. 8th at at 3:40PM- PTO Meeting
- Wed., March 5th at at 3:40PM- PTO Meeting
- Wed., April. 9th at at 3:40PM- PTO Meeting
- Fri., April 25th- PTO Fox Fair
- Wed., May 7th at at 3:40PM- PTO Meeting
- Wed., June 4th at at 3:40PM- PTO Meeting
Upcoming PTO Meeting
Tuesday, September 19th at 7PM at Fox
Schedule Hours
Schedule Information
New School Start and Dismissal Time for All CVS Elementary Schools
All Elementary Schools – 8:55 am – 3:39 pm
*The first bell to let kids into the building is at 8:50AM
*The school day begins at 8:55Am when students are in the classroom.
New SACC (Childcare) Hours
SACC (School Age Child Care) is available before school starts from 6:45AM and after school until 6:00 PM each day that school is in session.
You may contact them directly at (586) 723-5684.
*6:45 am - 8:55 am
*School dismissal whether full or half day until– 6:00 pm
*Parents must re-register each year in order for children to use the SACC program: CLICK HERE
*SACC Beginning of Year Newsletter
GSRP Hours
ECSE Hours
8:55 am-11:30 am
1:04 pm-3:39 pm
Half Day Schedule for Kdg-5th grade
8:55 am-11:50 am
Half Days
- September 5 (1st day of school)
- October 18, 19, 20, and 31
- December 22
- February 16
- March 13, 15, and 28
- June 11
Picking Up From School On Time
Student Pick Up
Parents and Guardians, we ask you kindly to be sure that all students are picked up from both school and the bus stop on time every day. Students should not be left in the office after school as we can not provide child care services in the office. Students who need after school childcare should use our Fox SACC program that is available to Kindergarten-5th grade students and not ECSE. Students must be registered for our Fox SACC program. The office staff does not work after normal school hours.
If you know you are going to be late due to last minute emergencies, please contact our office to let us know. Students left in the office after school and not picked up get very anxious especially when parents and guardians can not be reached. Please also be sure to have friends or family listed on your emergency card which can be updated in the Parent Portal. The people you list can pick up your children from school should you need them to.
Additionally, all Kindergarten , 1st grade and ECSE students will not be left at the bus stop by the bus drivers if there is no adult waiting there to pick them up. In these situations when nobody is present for Kindergarten, 1st grade, or ECSE children, the bus will bring them back to school. This is difficult because you now have busses coming back to school when office staff has left for the day.
Please help our team by making sure all students are picked up on time each day and that a parent or guardian is always waiting at the bus stop on time for young children.
*Our school dismissal is 3:39PM on full days and 11:50AM on half days.
SACC Registration- Only for Kdg-5th grade students and not ECSE
Connect with us on Remind 101
Join Remind 101 if you are a new family!
If you are a new family, sign up for REMIND 101 to get text messaging from Mr. Bellomo.
Type the following message: @newfoxfam
Mr. Bellomo will send many updates and all newsletters using Remind 101 in addition to school messenger email.
Lunch and Breakfast Information
Lunch and Breakfast
Lunch and breakfast is free for all students in the state this year.
Even though meals will be provided for free, it is important for families to continue sharing household income information in order for our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to.
We are asking all families to fill out the free and reduced lunch application to see if you qualify and so that the state can have accurate information regarding our free and reduced lunch numbers so we can be funded correctly. If families do not fill out the free and reduced lunch applications, our school and district will lose out on important state funding that our school and students benefit from.
All families can complete this application: school meal application.
Even though meals will be provided for free, it is important for families to continue sharing household income information in order for our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to.
We are asking all families to fill out the free and reduced lunch application to see if you qualify and so that the state can have accurate information regarding our free and reduced lunch numbers so we can be funded correctly. If families do not fill out the free and reduced lunch applications, our school and district will lose out on important state funding that our school and students benefit from.
All families can complete this application: school meal application.
- Students will pick up breakfast from the cafeteria before the school day begins.
- Breakfast Information
More Information and Resources
Transportation and Bussing
CVS Transportation
With the start of school just a few weeks away, the transportation department is hard at work making bus routes more efficient. Route numbers may change, and some bus stops have been moved. Please know that while stops may be different, safety is our first priority. It was necessary to adjust these routes for efficiency to make sure we could get students to school on time and safely.
We encourage you to visit the district transportation web page which will have a link to InfoFinder. This new program will show you where your stop is located and the stop time estimate. In the first few weeks of school, as drivers navigate construction and as traffic patterns change in and around the schools, bus stop times may need to be adjusted.
Soon you will be receiving an invitation link through email to download the StopFinder app. Please make sure your email is correct with your student’s school. Stopfinder will provide busing information and allow you to track the bus.
This is the platform that will be used for all transportation notifications for late arrivals or delays. There are links posted on the transportation page to help parents utilize the StopFinder app to its full potential. If you have any routing questions, please email the department at and we will answer you as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Chippewa Valley Schools
Transportation Department
InfoFinder Introduction
Arrival and Dismissal Doors
Arrival and Dismissal Doors
**Students will be entering through the following designated doors upon arrival each morning unless they are enrolled in AM SACC.
**Students will dismiss from the following locations as well unless they are enrolled in SACC.
**Students arriving late or leaving with an early dismissal will use the main entrance.
**Please do not have students arrive too early because the doors do not open until 8:50AM and there is no supervision before that. the school day begins at 8:55AM.
- Buckley- classroom door #43
- Mlynarek- classroom door #44
- Hart- front of building side door #45
1st grade
- Wasmund- classroom door #3
- Marola- classroom door #6
- Sarvello- classroom door #4
2nd grade
- Braun- classroom door #10
- Theeck- classroom door #
- May- classroom door #7
3rd grade
- Bochenek- classroom door #21
- Kahnt- classroom door #19
- O'Gorman- classroom door#7
4th grade
- Koulouberis (4-5 Blend)- 4th grade hall entrance (west red wing door #14)
- Noel- 4th grade hall entrance (west red wing door #14)
- Skorupski- 4th grade hall entrance (west red wing door #14)
5th grade
- Koulouberis (4-5 Blend)- 4th grade hall entrance (west red wing door #14)
- Patton- use door #15 (far west red wing door #15)
- Nicholoy- use door #15 (far west red wing door #15)
- ECSE- use classroom door #2
- GSRP- use classroom door #46
The Science of Reading at Fox
At Fox we are ALL IN on improving reading/literacy instruction for ALL of our students. We are looking at every aspect of our teaching, our schedule, and how kids learn to read. In our classrooms, all of our teachers and grade levels use strategies and practices supported by the Science of Reading.
When you hear a school talk about the Science of Reading, what does it even mean? Well, first, it is important to know that kids don’t just learn to read by being given books. Kids don’t learn to read by guessing or looking at the pictures on a page. In fact, guessing and relying on photos on a page are not good habits at all because they don’t put any emphasis on sounding out or other research based strategies.
Although some children catch on quicker than others with reading, ALL children need specific instruction each day focusing on the five components of reading.
1. Phonemic Awareness
2. Phonics
3. Fluency
4. Vocabulary
5. Comprehension
Below is a good article on the Science of Reading and some things you can do at home to support your child with reading and learning to read.
Fox PTO and Events
THANK YOU PARENTS and Fox Families FOR Supporting our School
Throughout the year our wonderful PTO organizes fundraisers that you as parents and Fox Family members contribute money towards to help support programs and purchases for our school. In the past, your money has supported Fox with basketball poles on our playground, various playground equipment, painted murals inside the school, computer programs for reading and math interventions for students, leveled library books, and many other items that directly benefit our school.
PTO Updates
New 2023-2024 Fox PTO
- JoAnne Sloat -President
Francesca Bommarito-VP
- Concetta Maniaci-Secetary
- Janis Meyerhoff-Treasurer
Our Fox PTO is also in need of help for many different activities and functions. We would love any time you can offer our Fox PTO and students. Please contact our Fox PTO office if you are able to help out in any way at all.
586-723-5643 or email at
PTO Facebook Page:
Upcoming Events
*Get involved to help plan the next event!
PTO Events- Subject to Change
Coming Soon!
KDG Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Click here for all of the details on registering your soon to be kindergartner: Click Here
Remind 101
Remind 101 Messages from Mr. B
Parents we have too many families to have only one Remind 101 group to send mass school messages so we had to split it up into five separate groups depending on your last name and if you are a new Fox family. If you would like Remind 101 updates from Mr. Bellomo, please follow the directions below. You only need to sign up one time in your specific group depending on your last name or if you are new.
You DO NOT need to re-sign up if you already signed up last school year or this year.
Directions for NEW FAMILIES ONLY for Remind 101
- All NEW FAMILIES that were not signed up last school year
Enter this Number (Send a Text to this number)
Text this message:
All families who were here last year please follow the directions below ONLY if you don't already get Remind 101 messages:
**Type the exact words you see in the text message area. Please don't be confused and type your last name because that wont work.
- All families with last names beginning with letters A-G
Enter this Number (Send a Text to this number)
Text this message:
- All families with last names beginning with letters H-M
Enter this Number (Send a Text to this number)
Text this message:
- All families with last names beginning with letters N-T
Enter this Number (Send a Text to this number)
Text this message:
- All families with last names beginning with letters U-Z
Enter this Number (Send a Text to this number)
Text this message:
SACC-Child Care
School Age Child Care (SACC)
SACC (School Age Child Care)
- Parents must re-register each year in order for children to use the SACC program: CLICK HERE
SACC at Fox isn't just a child care program before and after school, it is a really FUN program for kids. Whether it is before or after school, kids are able to play and socialize with friends in both a safe and clean environment. All Covid-19 restrictions and protocol are followed to keep kids healthy.
At SACC, kids can get homework help, socialize with other students, engage in fun crafts, play learning games, and get involved in many other fun activities.
For more information please contact our SACC room and speak with Mrs. Kohl: 586-723-5684
- SACC runs Monday-Friday
SACC (School Age Child Care) Help Needed
Fox Families, it is exciting to know that our SACC program continues to grow. The students and families truly enjoy the program and what Mrs. Kohl has to offer our kids.
Please reach out to anyone you know who might be interested in joining our team as a SACC aide. We have AM and PM hours available.
Please refer potential candidates to our SACC line at 586-723-5684 for further details on how to apply.
Child Care Help Needed
Fox is in need of child care help in our SACC program. Would you like to be a SACC aide and work with children?
Click here for posting link*Due to our district's staff shortage in our SACC programs, many of the child care programs including Fox will have to put new students on a wait list for our child care services. This is because we need a specific number of adults per student in accordance with state child care rules.
- AM help needed (6:45-8:50AM with flexibility)
- PM help needed (3:39-6:00PM with flexibility and also able to leave earlier once all children have been picked up.
- Effective immediately
- Days: Monday - Friday
- Must be 16 years or older
- Child care fee waived for any worker who is working as a SACC aide during the time the eligible student is in SACC
- Welcome newsletter 23-24.docx
Picture Days
School Lunch Program
School Lunch Changes
There are changes to the school lunch program for the district and all schools in Michigan. Please see the details below.
Click Here for the latest details on our school lunch program in the district.Emergency Drills
Emergency Drills
Drills and Emergencies
Please know that our Fox team works tirelessly each day to provide a safe environment for our students. We have several safety protocols, procedures and precautions in place at our school to help ensure student safety.
At Fox, our students regularly have various types of emergency drills including fire, severe weather, and Avoid, Deny, Defend aka as Lockdown and Lockout Drills. In these types of drills the focus is on threats that may Internal or External. The Avoid, Deny, Defend (Lockdown or Lockout) drills focus on the various things our students and staff may need to do in emergency situations should an intruder ever be present either indoors or outside our building. During these drills we focus on key terms or actions known as Avoid, Deny, and Defend). Please know take these drills quite seriously but we also ensure our students are not emotionally upset because of them. We explain to our students why we practice the drills and we do so in a fashion that is appropriate for each grade.
Please know, we do not share details of when our school will be having drills with the community because we want to ensure the safety of our students. Additionally, we often do not give specific times of drills to our staff so that we can have the element of surprise to truly identify areas we need to correct in whatever drill we are practicing.
Immediately before and after the drills, we ensure students know that they are only drills and that they are safe.
The safety of your children and our Fox family is our number one concern.
Completed Emergency Drills at Fox Thus Far
Severe Weather
Avoid, Deny, Defend aka (Lock Down/Lock Out- threats may be internal or external)
Cardiac Drill
DreamBox Math
Dream Box Math Program
Students are encouraged to use DreamBox over the summer. Completing 5 lessons per week is best for optimal progress. Here are some helpful resources and information about Dreambox.
Dreambox Summer Suggestions (download document for easier to read version)
It is important that students complete 5 lessons per week for best progress.
Dreambox Home Learning Guide (download document & attach to the message you send)
Links for help & tips for successful usage at home. Remember students use the single sign on through ClassLink to log in.DreamBox_Home_Learning_Guide.pdf
Learning Guardian Video “What is DreamBox?”:
Learning Guardian Video “Supporting your child and Tips for engagement”:
The above information on DreamBox and other summer learning opportunities can be found here.
Tech Issues and Concerns
Joining a TEAMS Meeting (New directions and way to join)
- How to Join a Microsoft TEAMS Meeting (VIDEO)
- Joining a TEAMS meeting (PDF)
- Troubleshooting guide for TEAMS meeting
TEAMS Sign-In Trouble
*Students must use their username to log in to TEAMS and NOT sign in as Guest. They are no longer to sign in without their Office 365 login.
*Please find the area at the bottom of the login area that says, Sign In For A Better Experience. Then use your 10 digit username followed by
Laptop Camera Issues
- Go to
- When you log in you can click on the link Web Camera not working.
Schoology Information
Accessing Schoology
(When Necessary)
· Students will log in to their Schoology account. Once your child accesses their Schoology account, your child’s teacher will have directions posted to guide your family through the process.
· To learn more about Schoology including how to access the site and review/learn Schoology basics, visit: Schoology Overview or click to watch the Schoology Video with directions on how to log in.
· To directly access your child’s Schoology account:
o Visit
o Login:
o Password: 78glh
Schoology Tech Tip
Your child has a ten digit username. Your child also has a password containing five characters.
- First you will go to
- Next you will be asked for an email: User your child's ten digit username followed by
- Finally, it will ask you for a password.
Watch the quick video to see how to use your child’s ten digit username as the email needed followed by
Next, you enter your child’s password when you are prompted to.
If you have questions regarding Schoology, please email your child's teacher. You may also email CVS tech support at
Social Media for Fox
Connect With Us
Connecting with us on Social Media
Each day at Fox we share our story with you. Connect with us on various platforms so you can know about important updates and most importantly see some of the great things taking place every day.
Follow us on Facebook at Fox Elementary School.
Our Facebook account is a great way to follow us! We post things daily!
Fox on YouTube
Check out our awesome videos that we make on a regular basis!
(Please know we use Facebook much more than Twitter)
Fox Website
Our Fox website has tons of resources related to our school. Forget your math homework or book? No worries, check out the website to get your book or resources online.
Character Education and the Whole Child
Developing the Whole Child
At Fox, we recognize that it is important not only to support each child academically but to meet the needs of the “whole child.” Each child is valued as a unique learner with individual cognitive, physical, behavior and social emotional needs. It is our belief that the Fox staff members can best support the needs of each child by working in partnership with families and the community. We know that together we can help children achieve a higher level of excellence through greater motivation and engagement by meeting their basic needs: to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.
One of the ways that we support the needs of the “whole child” is through our schoolwide Culture and Climate goal. A key component of this goal is our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) system. Throughout the year all Fox students will be learning about ways to demonstrate positive behavior and character in our school. Each month our school holds a Fox PAWS assembly and all positive behaviors are celebrated along with various students receiving Growth Mindset and Character Matters awards.
Additionally, our school staff has been working hard to perform skits to model the Positivity Project character traits that we learn about in all classrooms each week. Click on the link below to learn more about the Positivity Project.
The Positivity Project focuses on Relationships.
From the Positivity Project:
Why Relationships?
The Positivity Project's mission is to empower America’s youth to build positive relationships.
"Why relationships? Because they are the cornerstone of health, happiness, and resilience…and (according to experts) many jobs of the future. That is why we developed a strategy that schools use to inspire positive relationships (student-to-student and student-to-teacher) and cultivate a school-wide #OtherPeopleMatter Mindset." ~Positivity Project
The Positivity Project at Fox is going wonderfully! I just love hearing the conversations and Positivity when I go into the classrooms. Our kids are truly wonderful and POSITIVE thigs are happening.
This year our students will be discussing character traits such as CURIOSITY, TEAMWORK, OPEN-MINDEDNESS, INTEGRITY, PERSPECTIVE, CREATIVITY, BRAVERY, COURAGE, CHARACTER, and GRATITUDE, Knowing Our Words and Actions Affect Others, Kindness, Humility, Self Control, Perseverance, Hope, Optimism, Prudence, Supporting Others When They Struggle, Love, Enthusiasm, Social Intelligence, Cheering Others' Success, the Love of Learning, Forgiveness, Humor, How Other People Matter, Beauty and Excellence, Purpose, Leadership, and more...…
Resources for Families
Parent Portal and School Messenger
Parent Portal
Parents, please update your Parent Portal settings so that you can receive emails and text messages from School Messenger. Important info is frequently sent out on School Messenger and we do not have enough parents with an email address provided. Please us the links below for help in Parent Portal.
Sign In for Parent Portal
User Guide for Parent Portal
Parent Portal Directions
Technology Support for Families
This page can be used for help with PaySchools, Parent Portal, Class Link and district technology programs.
SACC (School Age Child Care)
*Please note that your child must be pre-registered before using the SACC program. Please notice the new registration fee as well.
Pay Schools Online Payments
Chippewa Valley Schools has adopted PaySchools Central as an online payment resource for the parents in our district. Use Google Chrome
Parent Volunteer and Background Check
Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families
The Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families joins School, Family, and Community in a partnership to prevent and reduce youth substance use and its negative consequences.
*Additional parenting info is also available on this district site.
Connect With Us
Additionally, here are some resources you can use to get to know our school.
Follow us on Facebook: Click Here
Follow us on TWITTER @ @foxelemCVS
Follow us on YOUTUBE @
Here is a link to our Weekly Principal’s Update:
Our Fox Website:
Here is our Remind 101: text the number: 81010 and type in the message: @foxfamily2