Tiger News
News & Information for Tiger Families
Letter from the Principal
It was so wonderful seeing so many students wearing crazy socks today! Thank you to everyone who has sold Auction Tickets already! You are making a huge difference at St. Teresa School!
It is a close race, but after the 1st week here are the results so far...
2nd grade is in the lead for the Dilly Bar Party
4th and 5th are in a close race for the class Pizza Party
Week 2 Goal is to sell 4 tickets by Wednesday, January 24th to be able to wear a hat on Friday, January 26th!
Keep up the hard work, and continue to sell those tickets!
The auction is 2 WEEKS AWAY!!! Don't delay get your tickets today!
THE DINNER AUCTION is a HUGE FUNDRAISER for the SCHOOL and a GREAT TIME! We hope to make this years auction a success and can't do it without you!
Thank you for supporting St. Teresa School and Dinner Auction!
Need to clean out your closet or make a little room? St. Teresa Teachers are hosting an EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN SALE on Saturday, January 27th. Donations can be dropped off January 25th and 26th from 7:30am - 6pm. All proceeds directly benefit teacher projects that enhance St. Teresa School, students, and staff. Volunteers are desperately needed.
Please click below to sign up.
CALLING ALL POTIENTAL NEW FAMILIES! Come join us January 28th from 1pm - 3pm for St. Teresa's OPEN HOUSE and beginning enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year. Come take a tour and see all the great things St. Teresa School has to offer. Enter as a stranger, leave as family!
Need more details, please contact our wonderful secretary, Ms. Tewell, at 618-235-4066
As always, we thank you for sharing your student with us. We appreciate your trust, support, and partnership.
Nicole Green
If you haven't already purchased your tickets, NOW is a great time to get them!
Registration closes next Friday, January 26.
We still need gift cards, alcohol, and basket donations! All donations can be dropped off at the school office no later than Friday, January 26.
Bakery booth donations can be dropped off to school or Gateway Classic Cars on Friday, February 2, or to Gateway Classic Cars Saturday, February 3 from 10am-noon.
If you would like to help with auction set up/ clean up/ or night of the event, please volunteer using the SignUp Genius link below:
Thank you for your support of the St. Teresa Dinner Auction!
Please contact stteresadinnerauction@gmail.com with any questions.
Want to stay up-to-date on what is happening at St. Teresa but not sure how.
Check out the St. Teresa School Parent Calendar. Click on the link below to check it out!
St. Teresa Catholic School Google Calendar
January 25th - January 26th ~ Drop off for EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN SALE
January 28th ~ Children's Mass, St. Teresa School OPEN HOUSE
January 29th - February 2nd ~ Catholic Schools Week
February 3rd ~ Dinner Auction (Gateway Classic Cars) 4pm MASS
February 7th ~ 2nd Grade 1st Reconciliation (Church 6:30)
February 9th ~Early Dismissal 11:30 Dismissal NO LUNCH/ NO EXTENDED CARE
- 3rd Quarter Progress Report
February 10th ~ Daddy/Daughter Dance 6pm - 9pm in GYM
February 13th ~ Valentine's Day Parties 2pm
February 19th ~ NO SCHOOL
February 24th ~ Speech Meet at St. Teresa
Everything Under the Sun Sale
St. Teresa School
“Everything Under the Sun Sale”
Saturday, January 27, 2024
8:00 a.m. – 1:00pm
$1.00 Bag Sale at Noon
Do some Winter cleaning and bring your treasures to us!
Drop-off will be in the School Gym-
Thursday, January 25 - 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
Friday, January 26 - 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
Please NO mattresses, TVs, car seats, computers
All proceeds will go to St. Teresa student activities. We need your
support to have a great sale. We are in great need of volunteers during the day on Friday and Cashiers/Baggers on Saturday. Adults are needed for Cashiers and students can help as Baggers or to carry items to shoppers' cars. This is a great opportunity to earn service hours.
Thanks for your support!
St. Teresa Teachers
Questions - Nilufer.Fries@stteresatigers.org
Chess Club
Please pick up in the Parish Center Parking Lot.
JSVDP Meeting Dates
All JSVDP Meetings are from 3:00 - 3:30pm
Meeting Dates and Grade Levels attending:
Jan. 23rd 6th/8th
Feb. 27th 5th/7th
March 26th 6th/8th
April 23rd 5th/7th
Please pick up in the Parish Center Parking Lot by the doors labeled PSR.
STUCO Meeting Dates
Do you have something to share?
We love to show all the great things St. Teresa Tigers do at school and in the community!
Lunch/Recess Volunteers Needed for the 2023-2024 School Year
Lunch / Recess Volunteers Needed – Must be current on ALL child protection requirements. If any questions, please contact Jackie Tewell at jackie.tewell@stteresatigers.org.
We thank everyone for the their willingness to help! Please note, that only parents who have signed up on the Signup Genius attached above will be permitted to help out in the cafeteria.
Children and Youth Ministry
Once a month at 11am Mass at St. Teresa Church, we have our "Children and Youth Mass" where our children/youth serve in the different ministries during Mass (altar server, greeter, usher, readers, gift bearers, choir). Please mark your calendars as the dates for the next Children and Youth Masses are as follows: January 28th, February 25th, April 28th, May 19th
January 28th Children's Mass Signup
St. Teresa PTO Happenings!
“Important Upcoming Dates:”
Contact us:
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StTeresaPTO
Email: PTO@StTeresaTigers.org
BoxTops for Education – Did you know our school has earned over $23,000 from BoxTops?!?!
Whether you're ordering groceries for delivery or pickup–or if you requested an email receipt at checkout–you can still submit any digital receipt containing participating products and earn Box Tops for your school.
St. Teresa PTO meets the SECOND Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is welcome!
PTO meeting dates 2023-2024:
Tuesday, February 13th at 6:30pm – St. Teresa Parish Center
Tuesday, March 12th at 6:30pm – St. Teresa Parish Center
Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30pm – St. Teresa Parish Center
Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30pm – St. Teresa Parish Center
TBD – Summer Planning Meeting – Location is TBD
Contact us:
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StTeresaPTO
Email: PTO@StTeresaTigers.org
St. Teresa Ladies of Perpetual Help ~ Happenings
*We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the St. Teresa Parish Center. All ladies of St. Teresa School/Church are welcome to attend!
Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stteresaperpetualhelp
Child Care is available.
Althoff Catholic High School
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
- 7th & 8th graders- Schedule a Crusader for a Day Shadow visit. Call us at (618) 235 1100 ext. 115
- Mark your calendars! 3/21 Spring Musical Matinee for Grade Schools - We hope you'll be able to join us again this year for the performance.
Upcoming events, more information at https://www.althoffcatholic.org/admissions/visit.cfm
St. Teresa Spotlight
Congratulations to our very own Elsa B. who won this years Belleville Park and Rec winter art contest. Way to go!!
Know of a St. Teresa Alumni to Spotlight email nicole.green@stteresatigers.org
Boy walks 7 miles on muddy roads to receive confirmation, gets blessing from the pope
Possible reflection questions:
- Would I do this to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation? Why or why not?
- What does this act say about the young man who performed it?
- What obstacles can and do get in the way of me preparing for full initiation into the Church? What am I going to do about them?
- To what lengths should a person go to receive a sacrament?
Inclement Weather Plan
Closure of St. Teresa School will be shared FIRST on the St. Teresa School website and on official St. Teresa social media within minutes of the decision.
St. Teresa School will be following District 118 closure policy.
If District 118 is closed due to inclement weather, St. Teresa's will also be closed.
For the 2023-2024 school year there will be no "remote learning" days.
As children we all looked forward to the fun of a "snow day."
All "snow days" will be made up at the end of the school year.
Doors will open at 7:30am in the front. There will be no before school extended care for the 2023-2024 school year. Please plan accordingly.
Dismissal Times:
PreK 3 & 4 - 2:50 pm
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade - 2:55 pm
4th - 8th Grade - 3:00 pm
Do to safety reasons, all parents/guardians who are picking up students PreK - 3rd grade must walk up to get their student. We thank you for your understanding and support.
Students who are not picked up by 3:10 pm will be walked down to Extended Care. Extended Care costs $10 per day, per child from 3:10pm - 5:30 pm
Extended Care Handbook 2023-2024
School lunches will cost $3.50 per lunch with milk costing $0.75.
Lunches must be paid for through the prepay option of each students FACTS account. Parents/Guardians can deposit money for meals into their FACTS Management Account
Faith's Law Resource Guide
About us
Website: https://www.stteresatigers.org/
Location: 1108 Lebanon Avenue, Belleville, IL, USA
Phone: (618) 235-4066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stteresacatholicschoolbelleville