Mayo News
November 5, 2023
Kasper's Notes
So......a Choose To Be Nice Celebration, Halloween, a half day, and the first snow - Another week at Mayo!
This week started off with our Monthly CTBN Celebration! The word for October was RESPECT. We had 62 recipients of the Respect recognition certificates. I was so excited to see the classmates cheering each other on! The month of November will focus on Kindness! We can't wait to see the acts of kindness throughout the building!
We are finishing up our K-2 conferences this week, and Quarter Two starts Monday 11/6. Report cards will be available on Power School on November 13th.
Three things I learned this week: Our staff is always willing to do whatever is needed for the school, students love to see Officer Ray Sherborne visit, and Mrs. Hovan's science students are quite the engineers creating door locks that open with magnets.
Reminder: There is no school on Friday, 11/10/23, to honor our country's veterans.
Carolan Kasper
Mrs. O'Connell & Mrs. V
HPD Officer Sherburne
Mrs. Hovan's Engineers
Nurse's Office
When your child is sick...
Learning Time Lost
Our goal is for kids to be in the classroom learning! Thank you for your support!
Choose to be Nice
Lost & Found: End of the Month Clear out
11/6 - Grade 5 Yearbook Art entries due
11/6 - Gr 2 Conferences
11/6 - Start of Quarter 2
11/7 - Election Day
11/7 - Charcuterie Night to benefit Gr5 Committee
11/7-11/9 - Hearing and Vision Testing
11/9 - Mexicali Restaurant Night 5-10pm
11/10 - No School
11/13 - World Kindness Day
11/13 - Grades 3-5 Report Cards Issued
11/13 - Dairy Queen restaurant night 5-8pm
11/14 - PTA Meeting
11/15 - PTA Square One Art Orders due
11/15 - SIMCO meeting 4:30-5:30
11/22-11/24 - Thanksgiving Break
11/27 - PTA Bemis Wreath Making 7:00 PM
11/28 - CTBN KINDNESS Celebration; Kick-off - ACCEPTANCE
12/1 - Picture Retakes
12/13 - PTA Meeting
12/19 - CTBN ACCEPTANCE Celebration; Kick-off TEAMWORK
12/21 - Winter Concert (Snow date 12/20)
12/22-1/1 - Winter Break
1/2/2024 - Return to School
PTA Info
* Grade 5 Yearbook Artwork entries due 11/6
* 5th Grade Parents - Please send pictures from the Literacy Parade for the yearbook
Send pictures with the Subject Line: "Literacy Parade" at "mayo2024yearbook@gmail.com
Be sure to include all student first and last names
* Grade 5 Sock and Croc Fundraisers info below