Pirates Post
Week of January 23rd
Message from Principal Drew...
Seniors don't forget the Senior class photo scheduled for the Wednesday during WIN time at the football field, weather permitting. Please remind your friends as well so that they don't forget to arrive on time for the photo at 11:15 that day.
Students, WIN time is a scheduled part of each day at school. ALL students should report to their assigned classroom and get permission to attend other activities during this time. Clubs, athletic treatments, or working in another classroom should always be approved by your WIN period teacher before you go to another location in the building. E-hall pass should be used to document your location if you are not in your WIN period class.
This week at PCHS:
Tuesday - JV, Varsity Girls and Boys will host Washington County in basketball starting at 4:30 PM
Wednesday - Swim will compete at the Elizabeth City YMCA starting at 4:00 PM
Thursday - The ASVAB will be given at 8:30 AM
Parents and students are reminded of our attendance policy and tardy policy. Students should be in class before the tardy bell rings for each class period. Three tardies equals one absence. Students should also be in school each day for the entire day to be able to learn what is being taught in class and get any needed help. Any student that misses more than 10 unexcused days in a class will fail that class due to a lack of attendance. Being in attendance and being on time are not just rules at school but rather habits of successful individuals in all walks of life. Learning and mastering those skills now will benefit students throughout the rest of their lives.
We look forward to a great week in Pirate Country.
PCHS Highlights...
Mrs. Baker - Taylor Phelps - Math 2 Honors
Mrs. Riddick - Xavier Spellman - Math 1
Mr. Spruill - Bladen Balance - Math 1
Social Studies Department> Students of the Week...
Mr. Castle/American History -- Lilly Winslow
Mrs. Jackson/World History -- Elizabeth Stottlemeyer
Mr. Kajca/Civics -- Melanie Kelley
Class of 2023 Photo
"PQ Champions"...#BeTheOne
Ms. Chiquita Sutton is a champion in our school community. She consistently shows persistent and hardworking efforts in any task that she undertakes. Her efforts to build community partnerships for PCHS are second to none. Not only does she seeks opportunities to provide engaging and real-world learning experiences for the students that she serves, but she also collaborates with other staff members to bring these valuable lessons to their students as well. As a leader in our school, Ms. Sutton is always willing to give a helping hand as well as plan notable events for our staff. Hats Off to this PQ Champion! She does an awesome job displaying individualized learning targets on the table for students to read and understand what their goals are for each day.
Mrs. Jones provides ALL students with a safe and positive learning environment. During a lesson on "Why is theatre important?", she allowed students to share out in various ways which made them feel comfortable and everyone was fully engaged in the activity. Students researched the origin of theatre then volunteered to read and explain the notes that were posted. Mrs. Jones is high energy and makes learning fun, which her students feed off of in a respectful manner. The literacy skills she is teaching benefit our students in and out of the classroom. Mrs. Jones is ready to go every day no matter if it is on the stage, in the cafeteria, or in the Media Center...she gives her students 100%!
Blood Drive: February 10th
What's the Word??? (Common mistakes)
There versus Their versus They're...
What are the meanings of there, their, and they’re?
As homonyms, the words there, their, and they’re are all pronounced exactly the same but have different and distinct meanings. There means “at that place” and is used to talk about a specific location. Their indicates ownership and is the possessive form of they. Finally, they’re means they are and is a contraction similar to you’re for you are.
Another great way to distinguish there, their, and they’re is to look over the following examples, which use all three words in a similar context while emphasizing their distinct meanings:
There isn’t enough time.
Their group doesn’t have enough time.
They’re running out of time.
There is a problem with the car.
Their car has a problem.
They’re having a problem with the car.
In both of these examples, you can clearly see the different usages and how one word reflects location, one denotes possession, and one is a contraction.
Spanish Club Invites You...Carnaval de Barranquilla
Order Your Yearbook Now!
Yearbooks can be purchased online at jostensyearbooks.com.
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
Mrs. Thomas = Last names A-K
Mrs. Stallings = Last names L-Z
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) will be offered on the following dates during the 2022-2023 school year for 10th through 12th grade students:
January 26, 2023
March 28, 2023
Please see Mrs. Thomas to sign up for one of these sessions.
Reasons to take the ASVAB:
- It is FREE!
- You need it for military entrance (although you do not have to enter the military if you take the test)
- It is a career assessment tool which helps identify which careers are best for you
- After taking the test, you will have access to a variety of excellent career and college search tools that are not available to other people
College Center with Ms. Gray...
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application opened Oct 1st. If you intend to attend college or think you might attend college after high school, and are looking for money to help pay for school, you will need to complete the 23-24 FAFSA Application.
It is never too early to start thinking about funding college and start the scholarship application process. Please check out the Student Scholarship Spreadsheet for a list of current and active scholarships.
The 22-23 SECU Scholarship "People Helping People" has opened! The scholarship is valued at $10,000 over four years. Someone from the school will receive the scholarship! So APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!!!! It is free money, take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miss Gray (morgangray@pqschools.org).
Golden Leaf Scholarship:
The 22-23 Golden Leaf Scholarship has opened! The scholarship is valued at $14,000 over four years. So APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!!!! It is free money, take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miss Gray (morgangray@pqschools.org).
It is post graduation planning season! Ms.Gray, the College and Career Advisor, will continue to meet with juniors 1:1 to discuss their post graduation plans.
College Exploration Opportunity:
HBCU Showcase Event:
BULL CITY IN BLACK: HBCU Showcase & Community Resource Fair celebrates the history and enduring legacy of historically black colleges and universities from across the state and region. The Emily K Center will host representatives and student organizations from HBCUs and community organizations with a particular focus on mental health and wellness. Students and families from across Durham are invited to join us at the Center to learn more about HBCUs and admissions opportunities, and gain access to health and wellness services unique to the Bull City. This event is FREE and open to all — high school students and their families are strongly encouraged to attend. Registration is strongly encouraged. However, walk-ins are welcome.
The Agricultural Institute:
The Agricultural Institute is an educational opportunity open to high school and transfer students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at NC State. For students who are interested in the program and who are interested in hearing more info and seeing our campus face-to-face, the Ag. Institute is currently offering Spend-A-Day-At-State visits (the Spring 2023 dates will go live later this month) where they can sign up for a chance to bring parents and ask questions, tour the campus, drop-in a class, and get to spend some time with current AGI Ambassadors.
NC State's Wilson College of Textiles: It is that time of year again when the application for our annual summer program, the Summer Textile Exploration Program (STEP), opens up. STEP is a chance for rising high school seniors to experience the best of what the Wilson College of Textiles and NC State have to offer. The STEP application opened on January 1 and will close on April 1. If you are interested, please apply here. Scholarship opportunities are available for those with financial need. The program runs the following weeks: Week 1: June 11 – 16 Week 2: June 18 – 23 Week 3: June 25 – 30 Week 4: July 9 – 14 Textile Pioneer Week: July 16 – 21 Elon University Journalism Program: Meredith College: Meredith College is pleased to bring back our on-campus leadership conference for high school juniors who are interested in developing and sharpening their leadership skills. The Meredith College Office of Student Leadership and Service, in conjunction with the Office of Admissions, will host this free conference on Saturday, February 11, 2023. The schedule for the day is as follows: 9:15 - 9:45 a.m.Check-in and Breakfast 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Opening Session; Welcome 10:40 – 11:30 a.m.Leadership Session, Topic 1 11:40 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.Lunch & Leadership 1:50 – 2:40 p.m.Leadership Session, Topic 2 2:50 – 3:15 p.m. Closing Session 3:15 – 4:00 p.m.Campus Tour (optional) Registration is now open. If you have students who may benefit from this event, please encourage registration by Sunday, February 5, 2023. The University of Toledo: The University of Toledo’s Beauty of Science Virtual Cosmetic Science and Formulation Design Summer Camp is now open! The camp will take place 100% online from June 21 – June 23, 2023. Cost is $100 for all 3 days (scholarships are available). Campers will discover the science behind cosmetic products and take part in some hands-on fun! They will receive a camp kit with over $200 of giveaways, products, experiments, and more! Students can register here > https://www.utoledo.edu/pharmacy/camp/coscicamp/. Registration deadline is Friday, May 12. Please feel free to share in your high school newsletters!
We are excited to announce the second year of the Emerging Journalists Program at Elon University, which is an opportunity for high school students to explore what it means to be a journalist, to report and to produce news that informs communities. We hope you’ll let your students know about this free opportunity. Students may apply to attend the virtual sessions only or for both the virtual component and the on-campus summer experience, scheduled for June 19-30, 2023, at Elon. This on-campus residential learning workshop to is open to students from diverse socio-economic, racial and ethnic backgrounds. Again, it’s completely free. EJP pays for students’ travel, lodging, meals and instructional materials.
Early College Programs at Montclair State University:
Early College Programs at Montclair State University. We have a variety of exciting opportunities this summer for your high school students to:
Experience campus life
Explore their interests
Discover their passion
Learn in our small class sizes alongside undergraduate students
Receive support from our dedicated success coach
Transform their learning experience
Find success both inside and outside of the classroom
Some of our upcoming programs include:
Hispanic Student College Institute: This program provides a unique and highly interactive opportunity for students of Hispanic/Latinx descent to strengthen their knowledge on issues related to transitioning to college, future academic success, and applying to college.
Italian Immersion Summer Program: Taught fully in Italian, this 3-credit program immerses students in Italian culture and prepares students to move with confidence from Italian 3 to an AP or advanced Italian class.
Model United Nations Summer Academy: Taught by a former UN diplomat, students can spend a week living on campus this summer, earn 3 college credits, and learn how diplomats conduct research, deliver statements, draft resolutions, and negotiate.
Early College Scholars: High achieving students have the opportunity to gain a competitive edge and begin earning degree credits before committing to a college or university. This program is offered during the summer, fall, and spring semesters.
Pre-Law Summer Academy: Through this ten-day residential experience, students will receive coaching from attorneys and law students to prepare for the mock trial competition, academic lectures on legal issues, as well as information about the law school admission process and law career opportunities.