Weekly Newsletter
Week of September 3
Creative Core
Week of September 2
Monday and Tuesday: PE
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: music
Next Week: Monday and Tuesday: Spanish
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: STEM
Classroom news
In the Classroom this week
Reading-What fun week we have had this week. We were learning how to watch for cues to see how characters feel. We learned that we can tell from their face expressions and even body language to determine how they feel. We look at the illustration in many ways even the background to understand better what the character may be feeling. We also learned to listen to how the words are read and what is being said. We watch to see how the character acts and what they say to understand how they may be feeling on the inside. We read a few books which helped the students see how the characters feels but also how they change throughout the book. They learned to find what makes them change and what situation taught them this. They need to be able to go back to the story to explain in detail what happened and the why's. While reading with your child at home ask them questions, such as how do you think the character is feeling? Why do you think that, what gives you that thought? Ask them if they notice anything going on around the character to help make these assumptions.
Phonics- . I am so proud of the hard work you kiddos are doing in phonics. They are so involved in our lesson and it makes it so much fun! We went over the floss rule this week and we had our quiz on this rule. Next week we will continue our review on what we have learned so far and add the -all, -oll, -ull words. Please continue to use the sheets coming home to help enforce the lessons. They also get the irregular words or we also call them the heart words. Please continue to work with them on spelling those. We have a quiz at the end of every week for that concept.
Math- We are working on skip counting. This is a little more difficult than expected. When we start going into 3 digit numbers they tend to get confused when going over the decade. Please work with your child in counting by 5's and 10's. Next week we are working on ways to make 100. We work on grouping 10's to make 100, we have worked on grouping 1's to make 10 now we are moving to 100.
Social Studies- We finished our unit on government and the constitution, we had our quiz today. We learned all about voting and what is involved with going out to vote. We are going to start learning some of our state symbols next week.
Writing- We worked on expanding our sentences. We introduced adding adjectives and adverbs to our sentences to make them more interesting and add more detail. We will move into paragraphs next week. This is hard for them and it is a lot of writing, but we are working hard.
Character- We finished our month of empathy! They learned a lot about how to treat others and how to help. We talked about how one little act of kindness can go a long way. We have a great class and they all get along! They are so kind and sweet and they all show kindness. I am so grateful for this class. Congratulations to our compassion winner EMMA!!!!!
Counselor corners:https://secure.smore.com/n/zrhgm-counselor-s-corner?ref=email
Lunch week 8/18
We will not have ice cream on Wednesday
News and reminders
We have our first field trip Friday. Please make sure your child brings a bagged lunch, no lunchboxes! Everything needs to be disposable, we throw everything out after lunch, it does not come back to school with us. Please put your child's lunch in either a brown bag or a large Ziploc and put their names on it. We are leaving first thing in the morning so please make sure you are on time, we are loading the busses at 8:15. Your child MUST be in uniform, I know it is a Friday but for the field trip they must be in uniform. We should be returning around 3:15, I will dojo when we leave the city. I would greatly appreciate it if you would have a conversation with your child on the importance of listening to their chaperone and following directions. Discovery Place is HUGE and it is hard to keep track of everyone if they are not staying with their group. I will have this conversation with them but it helps when it is discussed at home as well. We have so much fun when we are there, we have a class that we take as well and they always LOVE it!
**PLEASE make sure you are paying your dollar on Friday's if you have not paid for the year!
A few reminders:
Upcoming dates
9/3 - 9/27 conference's
9/13- Discovery Place field trip
9/16- 1/2 day Character Day
9/20- Career on Wheels
9/30- Fall break
10/11- Payment due for Polar Express
10/24- Payment due for Hunter Farm
10/29- Autumn Care