Carman Paw Print
August 30, 2020
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Thank you Carman Trails for your continued support!! The first week of school always throws us curve balls, but together, we have completed a successful week! Thank you for sharing all of your clarifying questions in addition to the encouraging messages you have sent our staff. You wouldn't believe how many of these messages our staff members have also shared with me. Your words matter. Thank you for uplifting our staff in the midst of so many unknowns.
Please remember the school day is from 8:30 - 3:30 each day. Please encourage your child to log in a few minutes before. Attendance will be taken each day.
VIRTUAL Curriculum Night
Please mark your calendars for VIRTUAL Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 1 from 6:30 - 7:40 pm. The focus of this night is to discuss the grade level curriculum as well as procedures and routines of the day.
Click here to access the links for Curriculum Night. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qptDGHWrY26vn-cwJmtPhbZ2opT15Zbm/view?usp=sharing
There will be two parent sessions offered. The first session is from 6:30-7:00pm. The second session is from 7:10-7:40pm. The night is designed with a presentation by the grade level team followed by a short Q&A session. Please look for a form from your child’s teacher to submit any questions you have. We ask that you submit your questions prior to the event so teams are able to customize the presentation as much as possible. If you have more global questions about the Ready to Learn Plan and decisions that are made for the district level, please use our school's question link below and Dr. Villigram and I will update the FAQ document. We would like to keep the focus of Curriculum Night on classroom learning and procedures due to the limited amount of time.
We want to thank our families for your ongoing support. Our staff has worked and prepared so much for this school year. Thank you for always being our biggest supporters!
District Distance Learning Resource for Parents
Distance Learning Parent Resources
We have created a new parent video series on distance learning including some helpful tips on helping your child manage the school day and managing expectations and emotions.
We will have much more to come throughout the school year. Please visit our Distance Learning Parent Resource webpage and we thank you for your support as we work together in the weeks ahead.
Carman Trails Distance Learning Schedule
Parkway 2020-2021 Academic Calendar Update
Parkway’s Board of Education voted to revise the calendar for the 2020-21 school year as a result of Distance Learning for the first quarter of this school year. This shift requires us to adjust our calendar with new dates that align with the end of each quarter grading term.
These updates include the removal of all 2-Hour Early Release Days to maximize instructional time as well as other changes.
Learn more.
Tech Support
During the school year, Parkway’s Technology Help Desk will be available to support students, parents, and teachers from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday-Friday. The Help Desk can be contacted at helpdesk@parkwayschools.net or (314) 415-8181.
You can also find answers to common questions at the Technology Help Desk self-help webpage. You'll find help with Chromebook troubleshooting, Infinite Campus, Google sign-in, Schoology, blocked websites or videos, WeVideo, accessing Schoology as a parent and more.
How do I set up a Schoology account?
Parents will receive an email with directions for accessing Schoology to support their students in accessing instructional resources.
How do students log into Google?
Parents of students entering Kindergarten will receive an email with the student's login information. Parents of students in grades 1 - 12 will use the same login information they used in the spring. Any parent who needs assistance logging into a Chromebook can contact our Technology Help Desk, 314-415-8181, or helpdesk@parkwayschools.net.
Chromebook Information
If you still need to pick up a Chromebook, please reach out to your grade level counselor and they will help set an appointment for you. Mrs. Tracy Kiso works with students in grades K, 1, 2, and 3. She can be reached at tkiso@parkwayschools.net . Mr. Grant Steward works with students in grades 4 and 5. He can be reached at gsteward@parkwayschools.net .
If you are experiencing connectivity issues, please reach out to your grade level counselor and they will be happy to assist you.
As a reminder, the Chromebook insurance is only needed for students in grades 3-11.
Here is information provided from the district on how to get started with your child's Chromebook. https://www.facebook.com/parkwayschooldistrict/videos/1184525588592053/?vh=e&extid=8VLGSs8ZCDoj3K8l
Chromebook Insurance Document
Zoom Instructions in Spanish
IMPORTANT - Update Your IC Family Profile
You can now update your family profile on the go with the Infinite Campus Parent app. Learn more here.
If you have any questions or need an Infinite Campus portal account, please email ic-parenthelp@parkwayschools.net.
Curbside Library Pick Up with Ms. Plumley
Requesting a Book for Cougar Curbside (2nd-5th)
Here is the Google Form for Kindergarten-2nd grade to request book bundles
Cougar Curbside Request Form for Kindergarten-2nd grade
Curbside Pick-Up Dates Have Changed!
Here is the curbside flier for you to check out!
Meals for Children
Parkway will provide "grab and go" meal boxes for children ages 18 and under at Parkway Central High School. The meal boxes will be available for curbside pickup every Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 pm at the front entrance of Parkway Central High School at 369 N. Woods Mill Rd., Chesterfield, MO 63017.
A box includes five lunches and five breakfast meals for the week. Under the guidelines from the USDA, meals will be provided to Parkway families based on their meal program status.
To request meals, click here.
Parkway Playgrounds
FAQs for Distance Learning
Letter From Mrs. Kiso
Letter From Mr. Grant Steward
I would like to share the link to my virtual office where students/families will be able to access everything counseling related so that it can be in the newsletter as well. Through my virtual office they can click to enter my calming room, resources room, lesson classroom and my counselor's cafe. Below is the link to my office. Thank you!
-Grant Steward, Counselor
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AKXkg6Sxa4Drrauym6L-MqpcU3cUNT1FI9-ngnrsjQo/edit?usp=sharingCub Scouts
List of Cub Scout Events
Please be aware that you only need to choose one event that is most convenient for you to get all the information on being a Cub Scout.
- Cub Scout Pack 787 New Family Q&A - Thursday, September 3, 7pm –via Zoom (email join@pack787.org to receive a link)
- In-Person School Night to Join Scouting Thursday, September 17, 6-8pm –– Carman Trails Parking Lot
- Virtual School Night to Join Scouting hosted by the BSA District- Tuesday, September 22, 7pm –– Register at bit.ly/NH-SNJS Contact us at join@pack787.org or look for Pack 787 on www.beascout.org to join anytime.
Nurse's Notes
Exciting news free eyeglasses!
Parkway School District has worked with Eye Thrive (formerly Eye Charities of America) for years to help provide free eye exams and glasses for student's in need. Due to the recent pandemic, Eye Thrive has stepped up and eliminated their qualifications for free glasses. They are currently offering free glasses to ANY child ages 4-18 with a valid prescription that is living in St. Louis and surrounding areas. Parents can also go to one of the six St. Louis County Libraries at the dates listed in the flyer to obtain a free eye exam and glasses. Please review the attached documents for details on how to receive free glasses for your children!
Eye Thrive Forms
Stay Connected with These Updates!
September 1: Curriculum Night 6:30 - 7:45 (log on a few minutes early)
September 3: Online Cub Scout Event
September 7: No School - Labor Day
September 14: Cougar Library Curbside Pick-Up 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
September 15: General PTO Meeting
September 17: Cub Scout Event At Carman Trails Parking Lot 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
September 22: Virtual Cub Scout Event 7:00 pm
September 28: Cougar Library Curbside Pick-Up 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm
Connect with Us!
Email: alove@parkwayschools.net
Website: parkwayschools.net/carmantrails
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Facebook: http://facebook.com/CarmanTrails
Twitter: @trailscarman