NHS Counseling Newsletter
Summer 2023
Happy Summer!
Summer is here! We hope you and your family have a restful, productive and enjoyable summer. Your rest is well deserved. Please be sure to read the entire newsletter. It contains updates regarding grading, summer school and information about transition dates.
2023 Graduates final reminders from the counseling department-Transcripts and Technology
Transcripts and Parchment-
Send your final transcript to the college or university that you plan to attend, and select “hold for grades” when completing the Parchment Transaction. This will have Parchment send your transcript, once grades are finalized. Colleges and universities require final HS transcripts from all students attending their institutions in the fall.
Update your email address in Parchment to be a personal email address since your NHS school email will go away.
If you need to send or resend your transcript in the summer, Parchment orders are processed by the main office 1-2 times per week.
Your NHS email and google account will be deleted soon after graduation. Please take the necessary steps to save wanted files from your NHS google drive/email.
If you are interested in Summer Step, you can find more information here
Congratulations and best of luck!
Summer School Registration is Open!
The counseling department recommends summer school for students who need credit recovery.
Registration Deadline: June 21, 2023
Required Summer Work
Please note that most classes do NOT require summer work, however, some do. Please note that students MUST use their school emails to access this information.
In addition to checking this list, some teachers may choose to connect with students directly through email. Students should continue to monitor their emails periodically throughout the summer.
If you are unsure if you have required summer work, check the link below:
NHS Transition Days:
Monday, August 21: SENIORS from 8-10 a.m.
Tuesday, August 22: JUNIORS from 8-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 23: SOPHOMORES from 8-10:30 a.m.
Thursday, August 24: FRESHMEN & New Students from 8 a.m.- NOON
Monday, August 28: Make up Day for all students from 8-10 a.m.
Special Schedule Start Dates:
VHS AP Courses: Students who are taking online AP courses through Michigan Virtual will start on 8/25
Ford Tech: Ford Tech courses start on Monday, 8/28.
LCTC: LCTC courses start on Monday, 8/28.
SC Edge: Schoolcraft courses will start on 8/28. For new students to the program, please make sure you are in attendance for the SC Edge Orientation on 8/16.
Dual Enrollment: Schoolcraft start dates vary. Please double check your course in your Ocelot Access to see your start date. Some courses will start on 8/28, some 9/19 and some 10/24.Parchment Transcripts
Students and families can use Parchment to manage their high school transcript and where it's sent.
Parchment will be updated over the summer.
Class of 2024 may begin requesting transcripts once the school year starts in September. Please wait until September to request transcripts so that they accurately reflect any summer courses.
Visit the link below on the NHS Counseling website for more information on Parchment
Class of 2024- Planning for Senior Year:
Senior Planning Guide: NHS Counseling has created a senior year planning guide and handbook for our students. This document is full of resources for students and families to help them navigate post secondary planning process
Junior College Planning Meetings: Presentation Links with resources
Letters of Recommendation Brag Sheets: Make sure to ask teachers now (before the end of school year) so that they can work on them over the summer if they want. Be sure to get your Brag Sheet completed and send it to your teachers as soon as possible.
Parchment Link: As a part of your 4th quarter Seminar Module, you created your Parchment account so that you can review your transcript before the fall. If there are issues, please plan to connect with your counselor in the fall to have it fixed.
Are you working this summer?
Your employer must fill out the form before it can be signed by a school official.
Summer Office Hours
7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Counselor Designations
We are excited to welcome you to NHS! Students are assigned to counselor by their last name.
A-EL: Ms. Kemp
Em-La- Ms. Schultz
Lb-Q: Ms. Babinski
R-Z: Ms. Manoogian
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 24, 2023 (Transition Day).
Important Notes from our Office
The counseling office will be closed: June 17th- Aug 21st
Student schedules will be available in late August during fall Transition Days (see dates above)
2022-23 school year begins on Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Hello Xello! Xello will continue to be available for students to explore careers and more over the summer.
Check out this Newsletter from Wayne County with Summer Programs for high school students
Check out this Newsletter from Wayne County outlining Career Counseling Resources