June 19, 2020
- Mahatma Gandhi
Message from Superintendent Mueller
Good afternoon,
Racism and hate must never be accepted; especially in our schools where children are entitled to feel safe, valued, and respected. We have important action to take, now, in order to make CUSD a more inclusive and just community.
Last night, the Governing Board directed (agenda item 7.1) the creation of an action plan to initiate systemic change in CUSD with an acknowledgment of urgency. This Action Plan will address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusivity in Coronado Schools. A committee will be established with shareholders from within and outside of our community. The plan will be presented to the Board at our August Board meeting for immediate implementation.
The last several months have been challenging as we have had to adjust to life changes necessitated by COVID-19.
We are carefully reviewing information and consulting with San Diego County public health officials and the San Diego County Office of Education to see how newly released statewide guidance will be applied locally. The CUSD Fall Task Force (FTF) is using this guidance, as well as researching various reopening procedures/protocols/best practices in order to develop our plan. We will submit a survey to our parent community next week relative to our draft reopening plan. The FTF will use this data to refine our reopening strategy. Survey results will also be used to best prepare our campuses, adjust/update class rosters and student schedules, equip our teachers, and purchase both school and safety supplies needed for a safe return.
In summary, our work this summer will focus on:
Getting our staff and students back on campus as safely and quickly as possible, prioritizing and designing district-wide structures to foster inclusive and nondiscriminatory school communities, and strengthening systems which ensure our graduates are ready to assume the challenges and responsibilities of lifelong citizenship.
Enjoy a safe and restful summer, CUSD!
Karl J Mueller
Please check our website for the newest additions including New K-8 Enrichment Activities for English Language Arts and Mathematics!
CUSD Grab-and-Go Meal Service
Grab-and-Go Meal Service at Village Elementary and Silver Strand
When: Every Monday (except Holidays)
Location: Multi-Purpose Rooms at VES (H Street, with the line forming along Green Field on 7th Street) and Silver Strand Elementary
Distribution Time: 11:00AM - 1:00PM (while supplies last)
Our next distribution day will be Monday, 6/22 beginning at 11AM. All families with children 18 and under will be able to pick up free breakfast and lunch meals via curb-side pick-up. Each child will receive one bag that contains 7 days’ worth of meals for breakfast and lunch. Meals may consist of packaged, refrigerated, and/or frozen items (heating instructions will be provided). District and school staff will start "Grab and Go Distribution" of meal bags at 11AM, and will stop once all bags are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
All meals will be distributed curb-side to decrease the risk of exposure. Bags will be placed into automobile trunks-they will not be handed through the vehicle window for the protection of both our staff and vehicle occupants. Only those in cars will be served meals during this pick-up window, no walk-ups or bicycles are allowed in order to maintain social distancing protocols. If you are unable to pick-up meals by car or during the scheduled distribution time, please email Charity.Campbell@coronadousd.net on or before the Friday before pick-up at noon and we will schedule an alternative window to pick-up a meal.
Meals may not be distributed to students. Students who are receiving meals are encouraged to be physically present at the time of pick-up. Additionally, adults may pick up meals for students not present by printing and submitting this form at the time of pick-up. No meals will be distributed to parents/guardians without a child present or a form submitted at time of pick up due to state regulations.
Meals are available for all children aged 18 and under. Children are not required to be students of Coronado Unified School District. Our incredible Child Nutrition Service team members and volunteers have served over 81,100 meals since this program began. We are prepared to serve meals weekly to over 830 children (8,300 meals in total). As demands increase, we will continue to increase the number of meals we prepare in order to accommodate the needs of our entire school community. This is free for all children, regardless of meal status - please spread the word!
Caught Being Awesome!
As our educators, parents, and community come together to connect, challenge, and champion our students during our district closure, we are humbled by the outpouring of compliments during these trying times. What a positive testament to our CUSD family!
- Maggie Pettit was caught being awesome. “Led the Village PTO with humor, intelligence, and passion! Thank you”
- Forrest Perkins was caught being awesome by a staff member. “Forrest (school security)saw an elderly man riding his 3 wheeled bike having a hard time pedaling up the curb. He went over to help and saw the gentleman was disoriented and dehydrated. He got the man water and proceeded to push him to his apartment. The gentleman is my neighbor so I walked over to see if I could help but Forrest had done what needed to be done. Helping another human being showing compassion .”
- Karin Mellina was caught being awesome by a staff member. "Karin Mellina for going above and beyond supporting students through the end of the school year. Through a graduation ceremony, to answering questions, doing the difficult behind the scenes work to ensure all students feel connected while being apart."
- Shannon Archer was caught being awesome. "Shannon's work as an SLP completely changed as she and her students adapted to distance therapy. She used new technologies and new tools and picked up new clients in the district as well. She even hosted a session with therapy dogs to hook and motivate her students. Shannon ALWAYS faces challenges with a can-do attitude, humor, and resolve. She is an inspiration to me and her colleagues. Thank you, Shannon, for bringing spirit and commitment to your position, our students, and our school!"
- Charity Edelman was caught being awesome. "As a new CUSD parent, Charity jumped into volunteer and lead activities for the ENTIRE school community. Thank you!"
- Emily Haselbauer was caught being awesome. "Emily, and the entire Village Library team, did so much to help the library thrive last year!"
Click here to recognize an employee or volunteer who goes above and beyond to make a difference. Those who are "caught" will receive a copy of the positive words that were shared about them and a "Caught Being Awesome" decal. Please take a minute or two to brighten someone else's day!
Important Resources and Document Links
Adhere to Social Distancing
About CUSD
Email: information@coronadousd.net
Website: coronadousd.net/
Location: 201 6th Street, Coronado, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 522-8900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoronadoUSD/