Slice of Summer
June 9, 2023

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
We are only 4 weeks from the first day of school! I don't know if that makes you excited or a little sad, but I cannot wait. The building is quiet without students and staff. Mr. Sal has been busy making sure everything is perfect for the first day of school. We have a nice shine on things from top to bottom. We still have a lot to do in order to be ready for the first day of school. There is plenty of volunteer opportunities still available over the summer. We have painting, first day folder prep, bulletin boards, and much more than you can help with. Please reach out to Ashley Russ for more details. Her email address is: ashleyruss88@gmail.com. She is looking to find volunteers to help finish the work in preparation for the best year yet!
Thank you for all that have offered to help with a club. Please share the interest form with anyone in the community. We would love to offer a club for every day of the week.
Enjoy your weekend!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Important Dates
8/3/23: Open House Pre-K at 5pm
8/4/23: Open House K-5 throughout the day
*Please see schedule below.
8/7/23: First Day of School
Open House Information
Hembree Springs wants to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! Come join us to meet your child's teacher, curriculum and school information, transportation information, and more!
Please arrive 10-15 minutes early.
Class visitation ONLY at scheduled times.
Kindergarten: 8-9am
First Grade: 9-10am
Second Grade: 10-11am
Third Grade: 12-1pm
Fourth Grade: 1-2pm
Fifth Grade: 2-3pm
Afterschool Clubs for 2023-2024
Parents and Community,
We need you to help get our Hawks engaged in activities outside of school. We are hoping to offer lots of FREE opportunities for our students to engage after school in their interests with their peers, staff, and community.
Here is the ask: If you are available from 2:45-3:45pm for one day a week for at least 8 consecutive weeks AND you would like to host a club for students, please complete the interest form below.
We hope to have at least 5 different clubs each week, but would love to host even more. If you are interested in supporting/hosting a club, please complete the interest form. There would be a staff sponsor assigned to your club to support you.
Here are club ideas:
Board Games/Cards
Girls on the Run (Running Club)
Sports (Teaching Basics)
Book Club
Culture Corner
Badminton/Yard Games
Animal Care
Get creative! We want to connect your interests to our students' interests!
Parent and Family Handbook Corner
Dress Code
Students are expected to dress and groom themselves in such a way as to reflect neatness, cleanliness and safety. All students shall dress appropriately so as to not interfere with the educational program or the orderly operation of the school as stated in the Fulton County Policy Manual. Examples of inappropriate dress and grooming include: no shoes, skirts/dresses exposing more than the leg, bare midriffs, tank tops, see-through clothing/apparel, clothing that contains images of drug paraphernalia and/or indicate gang affiliation, and any dress that is disruptive to the educational process.
We align to the practices of Elkins Pointe Middle School. Please use the graphic to determine what students are expected to cover while on campus.
Personal Communication Devices
Personal Communication Devices (PCDs)
The use of Personal Communication Devices (PCDs) during the school day is not allowed in grades Pre-K through 5. If students choose to wear a smart watch it is not allowed to be used as a PCD, but only to tell time.
If a student violates this rule which leads to the student’s personal communication device being confiscated by school personnel, it will only be released to the parent who must come to the school to personally retrieve the device.
If students use a PCD during school hours, school personnel will follow the given:
· 1st Offense: Reminder of expectation; parent communication
· 2nd Offense: School personnel will confiscate PCD and send home with student at dismissal; parent communication
· 3rd Offense: School personnel will confiscate PCD and require device pick up from school by parent
· 4th Offense: Admin will complete Discipline Referral
Toys and Non-School Related Items
Toys and Non-School Related Items
Students should not bring toys, games, playing card, or other non-instructional related items to school. They cause distractions and upset classroom routine and order. Such items may be collected by the teacher or administration and returned to the parent upon request.
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902