Indian Hill Jaguar News
Week of February 3rd, 2025
Popcorn Friday! February 7th
IH Families!
PLEASE ensure that the office has all up to date phone numbers on file! We need to make sure we can reach you if your child is sick or in case of emergency. Thank you!
Principal's Corner
Happy February!
We are finally back in the swing of things after many snow and cold days. We are hoping that warmer weather may greet us at the end of this new month. Please keep track of upcoming events below as they tend to ramp up in the next couple of months!
***School begins at 8:40 am everyday! If you drop your student off at 8:45 am or later you MUST walk them into the building and sign them in. You can always reach us at the office with questions at 810-591-4100.
Attendance Hotline: 810-591-4104.
Have a great week!
-Mr. Stein
IH Yearbook Cover Contest 2025!
**Digital** Parent Volunteer Form
Upcoming Indian Hill Events
- 7th: Popcorn Friday
- 10th: PTO Meeting @ 7pm
- 11th: 4th & 5th Grade Spelling Bee
- 13th - 17th President's Day Weekend (13th is a half day)
- 21st: Family Dodgeball Night @ 5:30pm
- 24th: K Information Night @ 5:30pm
Appropriate Clothing for Students
Please ensure that students have winter gear for snowy days and coats to keep them warm! Also please ensure that student's shorts are appropriate length, mid sections are not shown, and that no one is wearing spaghetti straps or tank tops. We must follow the district dress code at Indian Hill during the school year!
Thank you!
**IMPORTANT** Morning Drop Off & Arrival Time
IH Families!
Please make sure that you are not leaving your children unattended outside of IH before 8:20am. Students are not permitted to be left alone outside IH until 8:20 when breakfast starts and morning staff are outside.
Arrival time is 8:40am. ALL STUDENTS must be here before this time. IF you drop your students off past that time you must sign them in with Mrs. Tykocki. Any students arriving at or past 9am will be considered absent for a 1/2 day. This is a district policy. Absences add up quickly and can lead to truancy meetings with the county. It is imperative that have your students here on time each day!
Thank you!
The Upcoming Week!
Monday, February 3rd: FULL DAY
Tuesday, February 4th: FULL DAY
Wednesday, February 5th: FULL DAY
Thursday, February 6th: FULL DAY
Friday, February 7th: FULL DAY
Snacks and Food Allergies
Food Allergy Awareness
The holiday season from now through the new year poses additional threats to kids trying to manage food allergies. We would like to increase awareness about food allergies by reminding students and parents of the following:
- Food allergies are very serious. It is not a joking matter.
- Reactions can be life threatening.
- Preventing exposure is crucial.
- Don’t share food, forks, knives, spoons, or straws with friends
- Wash hands before and after eating. Some people with food allergies can get sick even if they are touched by something that has a tiny bit of food on it.
- If a friend with allergies is sick, tell an adult right away. This will make sure that your friend gets help and gets the medicine they need to feel better.
- Food allergies can make Halloween even scarier. Please remember not to bring anything with nuts into the classroom.
Food Allergy Awareness
Food Allergy Awareness
There are about 5.9 million kids living with food allergies, 1 in 13 kids under the age of 18, which is about 2 in every classroom. The holiday season from now through the new year poses threats to kids trying to manage food allergies. We would like to increase awareness about food allergies by reminding students and parents of the following:
- Food allergies are very serious. It is not a joking matter.
- Reactions can be life threatening
- Preventing exposure is crucial
- Don’t share food, forks, knives, spoons, or straws with friends
- Wash hands before and after eating. Some people with food allergies can get sick even if they are touched by something that has a tiny bit of food on it
- If a friend with allergies is sick, tell an adult right away. This will make sure that your friend gets help and gets the medicine they need to feel better
- Food allergies can make Halloween even scarier. Please remember not to bring anything with nuts into the classroom
Smart Snacks
See Research proves that healthy, growing, learning brains require healthy snacks!
The following snacks are suggested for daily snacks:
Teddy Grahams/Graham Crackers
Fruit (apples, grapes, oranges, etc.)
Cheez-its/Goldfish Crackers
Cheese crackers filled with cheese
Rice Cakes
Fruit Cups
Granola Bars (make sure they are nut free)
Baked Lays products
Fruit Snacks
Important School Flyers!
Other IH Information
Thank you!
Arriving to School
- Breakfast starts at 8:20am. Only students getting breakfast are allowed in the building.
- The doors open for all other students at 8:35am. We cannot have students standing unattended near the front of the building before this time due to safety reasons. Please hold them in your vehicle until 8:30am at the earliest if you dropping off.
Volunteering for IH Events
- You MUST have a district volunteer form on file with the office. This form has to have a copy of your ID attached as well. A new form must be filled out each year.
- Once the form and ID copy are received Mr. Stein will sign them and send them to CO for approval.
- Please make sure you get your forms turned in at least a week before our 1st event on October 6th.
Breakfast Served Daily!
Attention Students…
School Breakfast… We encourage all students to eat a nutritious breakfast which will prepare them for their school day. Research shows that students who eat breakfast:
*Score better on standardized tests.
*Improve academic achievement
*Have fewer health issues
*Behave better in class.
ALL STUDENTS are eligible to participate in the school breakfast program.
If you walk, take a bus or come to school by car, you may still have breakfast at school.
Breakfast is served in the Indian Hill Cafeteria.
Breakfast is served from 8:20am to 8:45am.
Box Tops!
Download the App here!
Grading Scale for 3rd-5th Grade (District Wide)
Thank you!
Communication with Teachers
If your issue is not resolved, please reach out to the office staff and Mr. Stein. Our teachers at Indian Hill will always be your best resource in regards to classroom information or grade level events.
Thank you!
Transportation Information
School Lunch Money Link
Sick Students & Illnesses
Sick Students
- If your student attends school before that 24 hour period has ended we must send them home immediately.
Contagious Illnesses
Thank you!
Student Medications
-Medication forms must be filled out in the main office for us to keep them on hand.
-All over the counter medicine must be sealed .
-Prescription medications must ALSO have a signed doctors note included.
Kroger Rewards
Kroger Rewards
The Kroger Family of Companies is committed to community engagement, positive social impact and charitable giving at the national and local levels. Every community is unique, but our common goal is to partner with the neighborhoods we serve and help the people there live healthier lives.
One of the ways in which we do this is through our Kroger Community Rewards program. This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card.
Set up your Kroger card to support Indian Hill at https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
School Hours 2024-2025
Breakfast: 8:20 am
Doors open: 8:35 am
If you arrive after 8:45 please walk your child into the school to sign them in.