Hornet Herald
October 8, 2023
Hello Hornet Families!!!
I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the cooler weather this weekend. My family and I took advantage of the brisk morning air by walking the trails and visiting the local Farmer's Market. We have our favorite vendors we typically buy fruit, vegetables, and empanadas from, but this week I tried out David Doughie's for the first time. Needless to say, I have another vendor to visit each week. I am not sure I have ever eaten a bagel that quickly. We spent the afternoons doing yard work, hanging fall decorations, and watching football and baseball However, you and your family decided to spend the weekend, I hope it was enjoyable.
This week will be busy again for Kealing students and staff. We will wrap up grade level assemblies where we celebrate student successes over the first month and revisit building expectations. 8th grade students will take the PSAT and we will also have our October PTA meeting. However, the most important event taking place this week is the end of the grading cycle. We encourage you to engage in conversation with your student around finishing strong by checking their grades, submitting all assignments, studying for any upcoming exams, and visiting their teachers during Office Hours. Your support and encouragement play an important role in their success.
Have a great week!
Mr. Estes
Campus Information
Upcoming Dates
- October 10 - Football vs. O'Henry @ House Park
- October 11 - PSAT (8th grade students only)
- October 11 - Volleyball @ Kealing
- October 12 - PTA Meeting
- October 12 - Fall Picture Retakes
- October 12 - Hallway Dance Party
- October 12 - Guitar Concert @ Kealing
- October 13 - End of the 1st Grading Period
- October 16 -19 - Girl's Basketball Tryouts
- October 23 - NJHS Student Forms Due Date
From Ms. Randolph: Kieran Moore always gives 100% effort in all of his classes. He is focused, hard-working, and is able to think critically in the Social Studies classroom. Kieran always strives to be better!
From Ms. Randolph: Samarth Subramanya comes to class every day ready to learn and contribute to class discussions. Samarth does an excellent job of engaging in the lesson and giving interesting and humorous insight and commentary to the content.
From Ms. Ingram: Eden Poon Always engaged, interested and passionate about topics in class. Eagerly participates and has a great sense of humor!
From Ms. Tasneem: Colton Krosta has been thriving in our imagineering hive by showing kindness to his group especially when disagreements arise. He often facilitates restorative conversations within his group and praises his peers for their contributions. Thank you for keeping the peace in the chaos of building time :)
From Coach Brynie: Layla Ruiz shows Loyalty in PE by being helpful and kind to all her peers and teachers. She is a joy to have in class and always brings a smile to class.
From Ms. Morgan: Aaiden Vergis has shown loyalty to his education by bringing his grade up and improving by leaps in bounds in ELA class.
From Ms. Morgan: Nayeli Borja has shown dedication and loyalty to her education by working so hard, being a supportive team member, and always being kind.
From Ms. Morgan: Sophia Banda is a dedicated, hard-working, and loyal Hornet who tries her best at all times.
From Ms. Minkoff: Christopher Leon has been doing a great job in ELA demonstrating leadership by staying focused and helping his table members complete class work tasks. Great work!
CONGRATULATIONS to this week's Stinger Salute recipients!!!
Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 - October 15. We observe National Hispanic Heritage month by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
Each week, AISD will focus on specific themes. This week's theme is Comida, Familia, y Fiesta! - Food, Family, and Fiesta!
AISD will conduct a monthlong profile series spotlighting Hispanic heroes and path breakers who have influenced Austin ISD in some way. Here is this week's spotlight.
Kealing needs volunteers to help chaperone an "Afternoon Dance Party" in the halls on Thursday, October 12 from 2:00-3:00. If you're able to help, please fill out the Volunteer Sign up.
Students earned this schoolwide celebration by collectively earning more than 500 Hornet Tokens for demonstrating our school values and meeting and exceeding our behavioral expectations during this first grading cycle. Next 9 weeks there will be a new schoolwide goal and a new schoolwide celebration.
See the sign up for more details about volunteer roles. They are also happily accepting any donations of streamers, crepe paper, decorative signage, battery-powered disco balls and lights, etc.
Please reach out to Mr. Kent, Humanities Instructional Coach, with any questions or concerns! zachary.kent@austinisd.org
8th grade Kealing students will take the PSAT 8/9 exam Wednesday, October 11th. This week in their advisory classes:
Students completed a digital readiness check. This allowed students to make sure their devices had the Bluebook app and to make sure their devices passed the digital check needed to take the exam. Directions on how to complete the Readiness Check
Some students have their tickets and others can get their ticket information from their advisory teachers.
Students completed personal information that they had the option to share such as phone numbers and email addresses.
Students received a STUDY GUIDE, important pages listed below:
Testing Devices, page 6
What the Digital sections are like, page 10-11
Testing Guidelines, page 12
How the PSAT is scored, page 14
Students have been encouraged to bring their devices fully charged. Those students who bring their devices fully charged will be placed in a raffle to receive prizes.
For questions and concerns please contact RoLanda Hood Williams, rolanda.williams@austinisd.org
Thank you for the GT nomination that you have requested for your student. This calendar will provide information for the nomination process. Please review the calendar and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
RoLanda Hood Williams, rolanda.williams@austinisd.org
There are 6 AISD middle schools that have been presenting to 5th graders each week about our respected campus. So far we have presented to over 30 elementary schools and we have about 40 more to go. The students are joining Zoom in a webinar fashion so they are able to see the presentation and ask questions.
The feedback from the 5th grade teachers and counselors have been positive as we bring forth energy when presenting to the students. In the presentations, we cover what makes our schools unique, sports, clubs, homework, uniforms, our Showcase night dates (Kealing: November 9th from 5:30-7:30 PM), and the application process. The schools that are on the roadshows are Kealing, Lively, Sadler Means, Gus Garcia, Ann Richards, and Martin (only presenting to their feeder elementary schools).
It’s been a fun opportunity to talk about our schools to the incoming 6th graders. Seeing their questions in the Q&A makes me excited to have them here next year.
The Kealing Middle School Guitar Program's Fall Concert will be happening in the evening of Thursday, October 12, starting at 6pm in the Kealing Theater. Ms. Riley will be conducting the Beginning Guitar Ensemble and Mr. Gmitter will be leading the Advanced Guitar Ensemble through their three-piece program. The concert will end within the hour and all are welcome. Please come support our Kealing guitar students on Thursday evening!
This week, both the 7th & 8th grade Kealing Volleyball teams will be in action as they go for third place in the AISD North Zone Tournament. Our 7th grade team will take on Bailey Middle School at 6:00 and 8th grade will face Lamar Middle School at 7:30 on Thursday, October 11th. Both matches will take place at Kealing.
Come out and cheer on our student-athletes.
- Coach Brynie
Another strong week for Kealing football. Although they did not come out on top, both the 7th grade and 8th grade played hard to the very end.
This week our football teams will be in action against O'Henry Middle School at House Park.
Must have a completed AISD physical packet, dated after April 15th 2023.
Late activity busses will run this week.
Please wear athletic attire, sneakers and bring a water bottle.
Parents, please make sure you can pick up your daughter promptly at 5pm if they are not riding the late activity bus.
If you have questions, please email jaime.brynie@austinisd.org.
To be eligible to join NJHS, students need a grade average of 85 or higher in all core classes and world language (if applicable) for the previous semester. Once the course invite is accepted, students can access all parts of the candidate form on blend. Candidate forms must be fully completed and turned in by October 23rd. Please encourage your student to complete all parts by the deadline if they are interested in NJHS; extensions are limited to individuals with multiple absences between 10/9-10/23.
If your student accidentally declines the course, or was not added to the blend course but are eligible, please email Chambers at rhiannon.chambers@austinisd.org. In order to add your students to the course, I'll need your student's name, ID #, and a screenshot of their grades from last year (the screenshot will need to include the class subjects along with the grades).
We celebrated Custodian Appreciation Week with our students, staff, administrators, and PTA expressing our appreciation with thank-you notes, providing meals throughout the week, and gifts.
You can check out our videos on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube by using the QR codes below.
- Mental health support and resources;
- Preventing and responding to critical incidents; and
- How we’re investing in school safety and mental health.
Events will take place at the following locations:
- Tuesday, Oct. 3, 6–7:30 p.m., Travis ECHS
- Tuesday, Oct. 10, 6–7:30 p.m., Eastside ECHS
- Wednesday, Oct. 11, 6–7:30 p.m., LBJ ECHS
- Tuesday, Oct. 17, 6–7:30 p.m., Anderson HS
- Wednesday, Oct. 18, 6–7 p.m., Join via Zoom (English)
- Wednesday, Oct. 18, 7–8 p.m., Join via Zoom (Spanish)
All events will have ASL interpretation, and in-person events will have small groups facilitated in English and Spanish.
World of Engineering is a free, open house-style outreach event for K-12 students and their families. Attendees can participate in engineering-based activities led by current UT Engineering students.
To find out more information and RSVP for the event, click here.
Hornets, it’s time for the Kealing No Hassle Fundraiser! Over the next month, the PTA aims to raise $75,000 to support teachers, purchase equipment and supplies, and fund educational experiences for our students that our district budget does not cover. If you are able, please donate! Every dollar improves our school community and supports our teachers in countless ways. Thanks for your support!
Donate today: PTA No-Fuss Fundraiser & Membership Form (jotform.com)
Questions? Reach out to vpfundraising@kealingpta.org
Some of the ways the PTA has helped Kealing students, staff, and administration get the year started include:
- Partnered with Kealing administration to support New Student Orientation.
- Purchased “Thrive in the Hive” staff shirts.
- Hosted two Teacher Appreciation luncheons.
- Hosted Welcome Back Sunset Cruise for teachers.
- Partnered with administration to support Back to School Night.
- Kicked off the Secret Pals Program
- Purchased Spanish software subscriptions.
- Purchased classroom supplies for teachers.
- Purchased tools and novels for ELA classrooms
Your membership empowers us to continue these efforts. Join us today and help make a difference in your child's education.
We are excited to extend a special invitation! The African American Youth Harvest Foundation’s Youth Summit, featuring special guest speaker Martin Luther King III, is coming to the Austin ISD Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Oct. 28, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Your students and staff will have the incredible opportunity to hear Martin Luther King III share his insights and experiences on youth empowerment, social justice, and leadership. The summit aims to inspire and motivate young people to make a positive impact in their community.
FREE tickets may be secured through Eventbrite. Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable experience at the AAYHF - Statewide Youth Summit. Registration is free, but space is limited.
The event includes panel discussions and networking opportunities. Participants will have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from Black leaders, and gain valuable skills to create change.
MLK Oratory Contest
The Austin Area Heritage Council invites student to participate in the 19th Annual MLK Oratory Competition! We would be so very delighted to offer this opportunity to continue the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and most importantly, for the students who are the future of this country.
The competition is opened to individual 4th, 5th and 6th grade students on your school campus. (Unfortunately, previous winners of this competition are not allowed to participate in this year's event).
Any student who is interested in participating should notify Mr. Estes. The deadline for your school to accept the invitation will be on Thursday, November 2, 2023.