Belmont Superintendent's Blog
Dr. Geiser's BPS Updates
Belmont Superintendent's Blog 9.15.2023
Hello Belmont Families!
We opened the school year last week with our Opening Day for staff on September 5 and for students starting September 6. Thank you to families and staff for helping to make those first days go as smoothly as possible. It was great to see students return to school buildings filling the hallways and classrooms with the sounds of learning.
One important event marking the beginning of 2023-2024 was the opening of our new BMHS campus. September 6 brought not only the first day of school but a fabulous ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the building project after seven+ years since the project was first approved by the MSBA. This campus is a symbol of the value Belmont places on the education of our students and reflects the collaboration of and commitment to the Belmont community.
Here are a couple of places you can read and/or view news about the opening of the new BMHS Campus. Much appreciation goes out to everyone who participated and helped with organizing the event.
Belmont Journal: News Now (Video)
Belmontonian (Article and Video)
Belmont Voice (Article and Video)
Save the date! On October 21, 2023, we will be hosting a dedication ceremony as well as tours of the BMHS campus for members of the Belmont community. Please keep an eye out for details about the tours in the next couple of weeks.
Finally, a note about budget season, which is upon us for the FY25. Over the coming months, there will be meetings and sessions to provide information about the budget and opportunity for community members to ask questions and give input. The first of these opportunities is coming up on September 28, 2023, 7:00 pm. The Select Board invites Belmont residents to this meeting focused on the short and long-term forecast for the budget. Community members will hear information about the town’s revenue and expenses and have the opportunity to ask questions, provide input, and share thoughts and ideas. Please see this flyer for information.