Superintendent Neal's
June 2022 Newsletter
Happy June!
Dear Families, Staff and Community Members,
We did it! We have navigated a very challenging school year and have had many accomplishments to be proud of throughout the school district. It takes a team of teachers, classroom support staff, office staff, administrators, grounds and facilities crew, bus drivers, nurses, paraprofessionals, food service staff and board members, working with parents to get the job done. Our students deserve nothing but the best and you deliver that every day.
As we enter the last three weeks of school there are many events happening throughout the district. We will be celebrating our graduating senior class on Saturday, June 11th. Graduation is slated to be at 5:00pm at St. Martin’s University in Lacey. All are welcome to attend, no tickets needed. A few other events to note include:
6/6: Senior Grad Walk at EES, EMS, WES, CCA at 9:30am
6/7: Future Warrior Parent Night, EMS, 6:30pm
6/8: Moving Up Assembly, 8th Grade to EHS, 10am-12pm
6/8: Preschool to Yelm City Park for Graduation Celebration
6/13: Field Day, CCA
6/15: Field Day, EES
6/15: Field Day, WES
The last day of school for Preschool - Eleventh grades will be on Friday, June 17th. There will be early dismissal on the last two days of school. Please find the dismissal times within this newsletter.
Please review the 22-23 school year calendar that is posted on our website. We eagerly await the first day of school on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 for 1st - 12th grade students. Preschool and Kindergarten students will have their first day of school on Monday, September 12th, 2022. We will be working on our back-to-school plans and Open House for next school year and will communicate with all families when we have the details ironed out.
I wish each student and family an enjoyable and relaxing summer. The summers always go by fast, enjoy every minute of it that you can.
With kind regards and deep admiration,
Gary Neal
Summer Camp
Date and Time: Monday, August 15th and Tuesday, August 16th from 9:00am-1:00pm.
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/ESDsummercamp
The camp provides students the opportunity to become familiar with their new campus, meet staff, make new friends and extend their learning. While enjoying a mix of hands-on, outdoor activities students will feel part of a team and will leave excited for the 22-23 school year at their new school.
Food service will provide sack lunches both days.
Learning in Action
Finished State in 3rd Place
GRITS Farmers
Bus Route Changes
1. Ride360 is the best way to learn about bus information that is specific to your child’s route. Please click here to register if you have not done so already.
2. Current information regarding impacted routes is live on our website. Please click here to view the website.
Senior Graduation, June 11th
June Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this matter.
Upcoming Half Days
Summer Office Hours
Retirement Reception
Summer Break
Summer Skills Center Classes
The application went live on Monday, May 2nd at 5pm on the PCSC website: https://www.bethelsd.org/pcsc
See the attached flyers for details and a list of classes per Session and Location on our website by clicking this link.
Bus Schedule
Starting Monday June 27th through Friday July 15th, 2022
No Class July 4th
Depart EHS (out front) 06:40am Students should be there no later than 06:35am
Pick up at 304th and Meridian (Gravel lot behind the Shell gas station) 6:56am departure
Morning drop off at PCSC 7:35am
Afternoon pick up at PCSC departing 2:50pm
Drop off at 304th & Meridian (Gravel lot behind the Shell gas station) 3:15pm
Drop off at EHS 3:30pm
**This is contingent on driver availability.
***If you are unable to attend your scheduled session, it is very important that you contact the Skills Center to let them know you will not be attending. (253-800-4800). Failure to do so may result in an F grade on your high school transcript.
Mrs. Kerr, EHS
Father's Day, June 19th
Teacher of the Year Nominations Due June 15th
Nominations should be turned into the school office where the student attends. The Grange Committee always enjoys reading the many ideas that students express in the nominations.
The form is attached to this email. The form will also be available at each school, or you may print from this link and turn in at your student's school.
Eatonville Special Olympics CRUISERS GOING TO STATE!
The following students are going to WA STATE SPECIAL OLYMPICS SPRING GAMES
TRACK AND FIELD from June 17-19th at the PLU Campus
Qualifying Events for State Competition:
CC Student
- Ayden Hildebrand
200 m Run 4th PLACE
100 m Dash SILVER
Mini Javelin GOLD
EHS students:
- Leah Smiley
200 m Walk SILVER
50 m Dash SILVER
Softball Throw BRONZE
- Maya Frink
200 m Run 5th PLACE
100 m Dash 6th PLACE
Standing Long Jump GOLD
- Aaron Schmidt
200 m Walk SILVER
100 m Dash 4th PLACE
Shot Put 5th PLACE
Summer Activity
Check Out Washington allows library card holders to borrow a special Discover Pass and visit state lands free of charge. The program allows holders to borrow the pass can be checked out for a week at a time and users can visit lands managed by Washington State Parks, Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Here’s a link to the website with more information: https://www.discoverpass.wa.gov/148/Check-Out-Washington
Preschool Enrollment Open for 22-23
Kindergarten Enrollment Open for 22-23
Beep Beep! Get ready to roll into Kindergarten Registration.
When you register online or at your child's school office, you will need your student's:
- Medically Verified Immunization Records
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residency
Eatonville School District is HIRING for 22-23
To review all employment opportunities with our district:
- Visit EdJobsNW.org
- Choose the appropriate JOB CATEGORY (Administrator, Certificated, Classified, Coaching, Substitute) from the menu on the right-hand side of the page
- Type "Eatonville" in the filter box to narrow your search results*
*If the posting you are looking for does not show up on the first page of results, scroll to the bottom of the page and filter the next page of job posting results
Highly Capable Program Highlight
May Highlight
In May, we completed our last highly capable sessions. Our first session of the month for the elementary group was spent hiking back to the Mt. Rainier National Park Headquarters at Tahoma Woods. There we got to meet with park botanists and tour the greenhouses. After the tour, we volunteered and planted seeds of native plants that will later be transplanted into the park. After returning to school, we researched native amphibian species and began working on contest posters for the Nisqually River Education Project. Our last elementary session was spent creating keepsakes, reminiscing on memories from the year, and enjoying the friendships that have been created. Per students’ request, we did a lego engineering project. We were able to watch the Columbia Crest band concert. We finished our research and contest posters and enjoyed an ice cream sundae party to celebrate our year and brainstorm plans for next year’s Highly Capable Program.
One of the best parts of middle school highly capable is taking each session’s schedule and changing it throughout the day to meet student’s interests and needs for the day. In the first session, we spent time in deep socratic discussions about student mindset, where happiness comes from, and even what motivates us to be kind. The last part of our discussion was about what students don’t learn in school and how we can use those ideas to create plans for next year’s activities and learning goals. I am always deeply impressed by middle school hi cap students’ ability to articulate themselves and have meaningful and respectful conversations. We had time to work on our passion projects and create plans for the summer and next year. Students presented their ideas to one another. For our final session, we focused on having fun together and sending off 8th graders to high school on a high note. Students participated in a number of challenges including a scavenger hunt that led to a wordle puzzle. This helped them earn perks in their top chef challenge. Students wrapped up their ideas for their passion projects and gathered what they needed for summer work on them. We ended the day with an extra recess to celebrate “E- Extra Recess Day” with Columbia Crest students and made homemade ice cream in a bag for one last hoorah!
~Mrs. Dattilo
Highly Capable Teacher
Highly Capable Learning in Action
22-23 Enrollment Forms
Do you have something positive to share?
Child Find Notice
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org
Important Information
Superintendent: Mr. Gary Neal
Executive Assistant: Ms. Amanda Smith
District Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Superintendent Neal
Email: communications@eatonvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu
Location: 200 Lynch Street West, Eatonville, WA, USA
Phone: 360-879-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/eatonville.school.district
Twitter: @EatonvilleSD