Haverhill Headlines
May 2021
SACS Elementary Mile Race Tonight
Race is on Friday, May 14th, 2021
Summit Middle School - Track and Field stadium and field north of stadium
Girls may arrive at 5:00, race at 5:30 with awards to follow.
Boys may arrive at 6:15, race at 6:30 with awards to follow.
Race day shirts will not be ordered this year – Plan to wear Haverhill spirit wear, a previous year Running Club shirt, or a green shirt.
End of the Year Important Dates
Friday, May 14: All Library Books are Due
Monday, May 17: Spring Picture orders due
Monday, May 17 - Friday, May 21: 5th Grade send off activities
Monday, May 17: All K-5 technology equipment (see below) brought to school for inventory
Thursday, May 20: K-5 Field Day Outside (pending weather)
Friday, May 21: Beach Day Cookout (Students bring a towel)/Yearbook Delivery
Tuesday, May 25: Last Student Day
Wednesday, May 26: IREAD-3 Retake 9:30am (3rd grade only)
Spring Picture Orders Due
Technology collection
All SACS issued devices for K-5 (iPad, case, power adapters, cord, and Logitech crayon) need to be returned to school on Monday, May 17 and will stay in the classroom for the reminder of the school year. Students will continue to use their iPads in class until the end of the school year. Invoices will be sent home beginning Wednesday, May 19 for any item(s) not returned. It is very important that all devices are returned so we can have them ready for students next year. Virtual students need to bring all items to their virtual teacher’s building on Wednesday, May 26. Virtual teachers will be sending home information for collection. Please reference the flier with items to be returned and replacement costs. Any questions? Contact April Hargan (Computer Specialist) ahargan@sacs.k12.in.us or Theresa Chase (Treasurer) tchase@sacs.k12.in.us
Medicine Pick-Up
If your student has medication in the clinic, a notice will be sent home in their backpack today.
Field Day
Field Day will take place Thursday, May 20. These activities will take place outside so please be sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather. Thank you Mrs. Stout for all your hard work!