Dicken Family Newsletter
Principal's Corner
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, February 27 - No School - Election Day
Wednesday, March 6 - Early Release, 1:00 Dismissal
Monday, March 25 - Friday, March 29 - No School - Spring Break
Noon Hour Volunteers
We are in need of noon hour volunteers on Thursdays and Fridays. If you are able to help out once or twice a week, we would be most appreciative! Those interested, please contact noon hour coordinator Jean Kim at kimhy@aaps.k12.mi.us. Thank you!
The Character Effect
This week, students learned about the character strength of "prudence". Here is what was shared by our SLT members on the announcements this week: "Prudence is defined as I carefully consider all of my options when making a decision. When faced with a decision, stop and think. How will this choice impact you not only today, but down the road in a week or a year from now? How will it impact your relationships? Your academics? Think things through before proceeding."
Reminder: Slauson Middle School 6th Grade Parent Information Night
Calling future middle school families: Slauson Middle School 6th Grade Parent Information Night. Current 5th graders will receive a more comprehensive letter with more details in February.
Thursday, February 29th
6:00 - 7:30 pm
1019 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
All the Best,
PTO News
Message from the PTO President
Happy Friday Dolphins,
It was great to see all the families (returning and new) who came last night for Y5/Kindergarten round up! I'd also like to give a huge thanks to the Lighthouse team members who came and welcomed families and helped show new students around. It's very special to see the leadership and kindness of our Dicken Dolphins!
Next Friday is March 1st, which means the beginning of March is Reading Month! Please be on the lookout for all the fun and enriching things that we have planned to celebrate our Dolphins and encourage our community to jump into books during March! March 1-22 will also be our Read-a-thon fundraiser and the last time that the PTO will ask you to help raise money for our school this year!
Here are a few ways that the Dicken PTO has used the funds we've raised this year to help our school this week:
- 408 books were ordered from local bookstore Schuler's: 48 books will go to the Dicken library to enhance the diversity and selection of books; 45 books (3 per classroom) will go to the classroom teachers and most excitingly, each Dicken Dolphin student will receive a new book that their teacher selected to kick off March is Reading Month that they will get to keep!
- The PTO purchased healthy snacks this week for the office for students who get hungry throughout the day. We also got healthy snacks for the staff lounge to make sure that our wonderful Dicken staff stay caffeinated and energized at school!
- The PTO also restocked the teacher supply closet this week with Kleenex and other classroom necessities.
If you have any questions about these initiatives or have ideas for other funding opportunities please do not hesitate to reach out!
Have a great weekend,
—Hallie Jewell, Dicken PTO President
Want to connect with other parents and caregivers outside of school?
Click here for the Dicken Elementary Parents Facebook group.
Find information about events, meeting minutes, and more on the PTO website at www.dickenpto.com
Upcoming PTO Meeting Dates
All PTO Meetings take place on the third Thursday of each month from 7 - 8:30 pm via Zoom.
All Dicken community members are welcome to attend PTO meetings.
Click here for the Zoom link.
Thursday, March 21
Thursday, April 18
Thursday, May 16
Thursday, June 20
More Helpful Links:
Dicken Brownie & Junior Girl Scout Troop Selling Cookies Tomorrow
Still looking for Girl Scout cookies? The Dicken Brownie and Junior Girl Scout Troop will be selling cookies tomorrow at the Kerrytown market (outside of Sweetwaters Coffee).
Saturday, February 24
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Kerrytown Market & Shops
407 N. 5th Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI.
Coming Soon: March is Reading Month!
Once again this year, we are hosting a fundraiser with Schuler’s Book Store in the Westgate shopping center. Starting on Sunday, March 3rd through Saturday, March 9th, when community members shop at Schuler’s and mention Dicken at checkout, 20% of all designated purchases will go directly to our school. Teacher & staff read-a-loud at Schuler’s on Saturday, March 9th, and spirit week information will be shared soon!
Upcoming Community Night Out Event - Friday, March 8
Taco King - Friday, March 8
2231 W Liberty Rd, Ann Arbor
Grab dinner at Taco King on Friday, March 8, and 20 percent of sales will be donated back to our school!
Dicken's USED BOOK FESTIVAL is Happening! Mark your Calendars: April 3-6
Full details to be released on March 1st including where to drop off books, how students can select books, volunteer sign up, and most importantly (for us book nerds!) when do parents and caregivers get to shop! We are thrilled to have this event close March is Reading Month and celebrate Earth Day!
Want to get involved ahead of time? Please feel free to email erin7register@gmail.com .
Practice Your Capoeira Skills at the Arts of Brazil Summer Camp
Your children will likely remember learning a bit of Capoeira with Mestre Lobinho at last year's PTO sponsored Spring Festival Day. We are happy to share that Mestre Lobinho is offering a youth Arts of Brazil Summer Camp at the Brazilian Michigan Cultural Center.
Click on the link for more information and registration options. Bora!
Mabel's Labels Fundraiser!
Support our Fundraiser - Dicken Elementary PTO
Buy Mabel's Labels waterproof, durable labels to help reduce classroom mix-ups and keep your items coming home!
Use code: BTS10 for 10% off your purchase
Search Dicken Elementary PTO (Ann Arbor) on the Mabel's Labels website for a portion of your purchase to go directly toward our school!