Knighthawk Family News
Pleasant Knoll Middle School
Message from Mr. Young
Happy fall to all of our Knighthawk families!!! As the first quarter of the 2018-19 school year comes to a close, I would like to thank all of our students, staff, and parents for a wonderful start to the school year. Our students have already accomplished so much this year and we are looking forward to the goals we accomplish before June.
As we move forward this year, this is a perfect time to sit down with your child and review the first quarter with them. We encourage you to look at Parent Portal and review their grades. Please contact your child's teachers if you have any questions or concerns. We also encourage talking with them about their social/emotional health as well. We have school counselors and administrators to help with any issues.
Thanks again for your continued support of Pleasant Knoll Middle School. Please continue to stay involved and let us know of any questions, concerns, or ideas to help us continue to improve.
Grey Young, Principal
Harper Young, Isabella Scott, April Garcia, Logan Smith, Isabel Perez, Dylan Abramo, Sydney Musgraves, Jaisha Weeks, Jackson McKinney, Samantha Zermeno, Kat Hoover
One School, One Book
Students, faculty and staff are continuing to read together our One School One Book, Refugee by Alan Gratz, during our DEAR period. Through our reading and discussions, we are discovering the stories of three different children and their families in distinctive settings in search of a safe home. Their stories are teaching us the importance of courage, perseverance, empathy and the hope for tomorrow.
7th Grade Volleyball
8th Grade Volleyball
7th and 8th Grade Football
Nov. 20th = Job Shadow Day for 8th graders!
Tuesday, November 20 is Job Shadow Day for 8th grade students! Job Shadow Day is an amazing opportunity for students to explore careers and learn about themselves. It is especially important for 8th graders to be thinking about their interests as they prepare to choose their high school classes. Students received information about Job Shadow in homeroom and it is also available on the PKMS website. Please review the paperwork for more information about what Job Shadow Day is, where students can shadow, how to set up a Job Shadow and the paperwork that needs to be completed. The online Job Shadow form listing where/who the student is shadowing and giving parent permission to shadow is due on Friday, November 9. The Job Shadow Observation Report will be returned to school after Job Shadow Day and is necessary for November 20 to be recorded as an excused absence. Our Career Development Facilitator, Kati McFadden, is available to help students find a Job Shadow. She can be reached at mcfaddenk@fortmillschools.org. We are so excited for our students to have this opportunity! Thank you for your support of Job Shadow Day!
PKMS Science Olympiad team!
NFL Heart of the Hall of Famer
DONUT Forget To Submit Your Box Tops: PKMS Needs Them!
October 26th is the deadline for the first Box Tops collection contest of the school year. Please submit them NOW! The homeroom class in each grade who brings in the most Box Tops by October 26th will win Dunkin Donuts for the entire class--AND the teachers of those classes will receive Dunkin Donuts gift cards!
**NOTE: Many Box Tops have a 11/1/18 expiration date; if we don’t submit them before that date, we will get no money for them!
DONUT forget to purchase your yearbook!
Do you want a yearbook?
Back to School Yearbook Offer-Limited Time
There's nothing like getting your yearbook. It's the limited edition collection of our school's stories of the year. Let your student share and relive the big events that will make this year special.
Yearbooks are now on sale for the lowest price of the year, $35.00. ORDER NOW AND SAVE $5.00!! For a limited time add Personalization for $7.00 and get up to 4 FREE ICONS.
Hurry! This Back to School Offer only lasts until October 31, 2018.
Ordering Instructions: Click here to go to the PKMS Jostens Yearbook site. Please enter your student's legal first and last name and what grade they are in. Please email Mrs. Munn (munns@fortmillschools.org) if you have any questions.
ThinkGive Challenge!
During our SOAR Enrichment Period, one of our classes has been participating in the ThinkGive Challenge. The ThinkGive Challenge is a series of classroom discussions and “gifts of kindness”--for example writing a thank you note, helping a friend or family member with a task, or going out of their way to say something kind. This encourages the students to explore their identity and recognize and confront bullying, bias, and discrimination. It promotes their development of empathy, tolerance, inclusion, and acceptance.
Pleasant Knoll was awarded a grant from the Looking Towards Tomorrow Initiative of Gilana’s Fund - a non-profit organization that celebrates and encourages educational programming promoting acceptance and understanding of our communities, each other, and ourselves. This SOAR group was spotlighted in NYC at the 11th Annual Living for Today Concert for Gilana’s Fund. Check out the video here!
PKMS Veterans Day Ceremony
- Email a picture of your family member by 11/2 in uniform to Ms. Gordon. (Be sure to include their name, rank, branch, and years of service)
- Invite your veteran to our ceremony in the PKMS gym & breakfast following in Learning Commons.
Monday, Nov 12, 2018, 08:15 AM
Pleasant Knoll Middle School, Pleasant Road, Fort Mill, SC, USA
Join the PKMS PTO for their general meeting on Fri. Oct. 26th @ 8:15am!
Meetings will be held the last Friday of each month @ 8:15am in the Learning Commons:
November 30
December 14
January 25
February 22
March 22
April 26
May 31
Click the link below for more information on our PTO!
See anything familiar? If so, please contact the front office by Nov. 1st!
Parent Communication
We would like to keep all of our parents informed of upcoming events, classroom news, and school news. Please use the PKMS website, http://pkms.fortmillschools.org/. It should be a primary source of communication for our families and Mrs. Munn does an outstanding job of updating it on a regular basis. Please also use our Twitter and Facebook pages for information as well.
Twitter - @PK_Knighthawks
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PKMSKnighthawks/
Pleasant Knoll Middle School
Email: zeppelink@fortmillschools.org
Website: http://pkms.fortmillschools.org/
Location: 2320 Pleasant Road, Fort Mill, SC, United States
Phone: 803-835-3770
Facebook: facebook.com/PKMSKnighthawks/
Twitter: @PK_Knighthawks