Irish Gifted Academy
Week of September 11th, 2022
From the Desk of Dr. Norfleet
Happy Weekend to our IGA family!
We had a rich and productive week and, on Friday, we sent home our 4.5-week progress
reports along with Beacon reports. I hope that all parents have had an opportunity to review them. We are really getting moving in our curriculum now, so the grades are starting to reflect the learning, and that is important!
This week I wanted to highlight Ms. Mulkey’s 7th grade ELA class. I had an opportunity to visit
and see the class working through the novel Divergent. I was so glad to see our students
actively engaged and discussing the material so enthusiastically. Shout out to 7th Grade!
Picture day on Friday was a big success and congratulations to our Football team for the big win this week against our nearby rivals! Great job guys! Our Lady Irish Softball team continues to make progress and become better each week. Tal Duke also recently ran in the GMC Cross Country Invitational placing 19th out of 251 runners! We are so proud of our student athletes who are shining inside and outside of the classroom.
We look forward to another big week coming up. Go Fighting Irish!
From the Desk of Mrs. Methvin
Even though it was a short week, there was a great amount of learning and growing
within the four days. We began our week on Tuesday getting back into our daily
routines. We celebrated the August Students of the Month during lunchtime on
Wednesday. Friday ended the week with Picture Day and Progress Reports sent
home to parents.
This week, I would like to highlight Mr. Hinz’s second grade class. During their
ELA time, the students learned about nouns, pronouns, and story structure. Our
second grade mathematicians explored bar graphs and pictographs. The Scientific
Method was the weekly focus for science, with students researching science fair
topics. The scientific curiosity peaked with an exciting M&M experiment.
Our Character for the month of September is Cooperative. Please remember that students in kindergarten through eighth grades are to adhere to the IGA dress code that is outlined in the IGA Student Handbook. Also, remember that regular attendance is very important. Students are tardy after 8:00 a.m. each morning. Every minute really counts. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 478-353-8450.
Coming Up Next...
September 12th-16th: Book Fair
September 12th and 13th: Grandparents Read Along
September 12th-16th: National Art Week
September 15th: National Dot Day -- Wear something with dots!
September 30th: First House Day
"Four Houses....One IGA #Family" -- House Background and Information
Isibindi — House of Courage — Language (Zulu) — Country (South Africa) — Animal (Lion)
Altruismo — House of Givers — Language (Portuguese) — Country (Brazil) — Animal (Snake)
Amistad — House of Friendship — Language (Spanish) — Country (Mexico) — Animal (Peacock)
Reveur — House of Dreamers — Language (French) — Country (France) — Animal (Wolf)
Tal Duke at the GMC Cross Country Invitational (19th out of 251 Runners!)
Mrs. Spink came to sing and read to Mrs. McDaniel and Mrs. Saxena's Class
Mrs. Woodard's 4th Grade making colors separate and applying the scientific method
Mr. Hinz's 2nd Grade making colors separate and applying the scientific method
Bowtie Twins on Picture Day
Mr. Hinz's 2nd Grade making colors separate and applying the scientific method
Altruismo -- House of Givers
Four Houses....
Isibindi -- House of Courage
Reveur -- House of Dreamers
One IGA #Family
Amistad -- House of Friendship
About Us
Website: https://iga.dcs.irish/en-US
Location: 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: 478-353-8450
Facebook: facebook.com/irishgiftedacademy