Cole Miners' Dig
January 5, 2024
Principal's Notes
Happy New Year! I'm happy to share with you that the return to school after winter break has been pretty smooth. Students were happy to return and share their highlights from the vacation week but then quickly got back into the classroom routines.
As a reminder, we go out for a 30 minute recess each day. Please be sure that your child has appropriate outdoor gear - hats, gloves/mittens and boots/snowpants for snowy days.
The School Committee recently reviewed the policy on visitors to the school buildings. One of the steps we take to ensure student confidentiality is to ask parents to sign off on the confidentiality statement in Aspen each fall, but not every visitor to our building signs off. Therefore, we have posted the confidentiality statement at the office window. Mrs. Higgins and/or Mrs. Tracey will ask you to read that before signing in as a volunteer. Signing in will mean that you agree to abide by the confidentiality statement. I'm including the statement here so that you can read it before visiting as well.
Federal and state laws protect the privacy rights of students, families, and staff. In a school
situation, there are many instances in which confidential information is discussed to better
understand students and how we can help them. When working in the schools as a volunteer,
there may be times when this information is overheard. Our staff will make every effort to prevent
this from happening; however, as a volunteer, you must agree that if you do hear information
about a student or family, you will not repeat this outside of the school. This ensures the
protection of our students’ interest and their families, thus creating a better environment for all.
● Each student with whom you work has the right to expect that nothing that happens to or
about him or her will be repeated to anyone other than authorized school department
employees, as designated by the administrators at your school. Even when discussing a
student with those who are directly involved in a student’s education, such as a teacher,
principal, or guidance counselor, you may not share otherwise confidential information with
them unless it is relevant to the student’s educational growth, safety, or well-being.
● You may not share information about a student even with others who are genuinely
interested in the student’s welfare, such as social workers, scout leaders, clergy, or
nurses/physicians (a grave medical emergency, in which confidential information may be
necessary for a student’s care, is the only exception). Thus, you must refer all such
questions to the school employees so authorized and indicated to you, typically the
student’s teacher or principal.
● Parents, friends, or community members may, in good faith, ask you questions about a
student’s problems or progress. Again, you must refer all such questions to the authorized
school employees. You may not share information about a student even with members of
your own family or the student’s family.
Several families have recently asked about the school's vacation policy. We don't have a vacation policy, but we do have a statement on attendance in the Parent/Student Handbook:
Vacations that necessitate a student to be absent from school are considered unexcused. Teachers are not required to provide schoolwork in advance of such absences. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work upon returning to school.
Upcoming Dates and Events
January 6 - Cole/Vinal PTO Dad's Hockey Game (see information below)
January 10 - Early Release Day - 12:20pm dismissal for all students
January 15 - No School - MLK Day
week of February 5-9 - National School Counselor Appreciation Week
February 5 - Connections Meeting
February 7 - Early Release Day - 12:20 dismissal for all students
February 12 - Community Meeting - Grade 3 Students Hosting/Families Welcome 9am
February 14 - School Council Meeting 3:30-4:30pm
February 15 - School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 19-23 - February Vacation Week
February 26 - Sheryl Faye presents Queen Elizabeth - PTO Sponsored Enrichment for all grades
Mark Your Calendar
March 7 - Literacy Night 5:30-6:30pm
June 7 - Field Day
June 13 - Grade 5 Celebration 6-8pm (Grade 5 Students and Parents only)
June 14 - Tentative Last Day of School
School Counseling Corner
Happy New Year! I have been asking kids all week to name one highlight from break, and I have heard about some great adventures, gifts, family traditions, and activities. We will resume SEL lessons on Monday, with a new unit on Inclusiveness. Here is a great kindness calendar for 2024, from the curriculum we're using.
My current small, social-emotional skill groups will continue through January, and then I will be reassessing with teachers to see who needs extra support in this area. You can also reach out to me with any concerns at
Nurse's Nook
Happy New Year! We have officially entered into the respiratory illness season. There are many cases of flu, RSV, and covid going around the community. The CDC is reporting an increase in pediatric pneumonia cases this year. That certainly aligns with what we are seeing here just based on the number of cases reported from parents so far this year compared to previous years.
For those unfamiliar, pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Symptoms in children can include fast or trouble breathing, fever, a cough, which may be dry or produce mucus, loss of appetite, chills and fatigue. A provider may diagnose pneumonia by doing a physical exam, including listening to your lungs, checking for any abnormal lung sounds, using a pulse oximeter to check oxygen levels, and/or a chest x-ray to see the extent or location of the pneumonia. Treatment includes curing the infection and preventing complications. Antibiotics will likely be prescribed. To prevent pneumonia make sure your child is up to date on all of their vaccinations, practice good hand hygiene, and limit/ prevent contact with respiratory secretions (easier said than done with young kids!). As always, please feel free to reach out to the health office with any concerns.
Specialists' Scoop
We started the new year off in PE/Gym Class with different challenging, cooperative, team building games. Kindergarteners and first graders played a game called Red Lion, Red Lion. Second graders worked with bean bags playing Frozen Bean Bag and a new tag game called Sliders. Third graders were challenged with passing a “Noodle” creatively in a small group. Fourth graders played a game called Frogger and Crow & Cranes. Fifth graders strategized as class in a fun game called Popcorn.
Cole School PTO News
- Jan 3rd - PTO Meeting @ 7 pm in Library and Zoom
- Jan 4th - Variety Show Informational Meeting 7:30 via Zoom
- Jan 6th @ 1pm - Cole / Vinal Dads Exhibition Hockey Game
- Jan 10th - Early Release Day (12:20)
- Jan 15th - Martin Luther King Day - No School
Kicking off the New Year on the Ice!
We have a special treat for the entire Norwell community this weekend! This Saturday is the Cole / Vinal Dads Exhibition Hockey Game at 1pm at the Lovell Arena in Rockland. Check out the impressive list of raffle items below and come join in the fun!
Saturday | Jan 6th | puck drop at 1pm
Free to attend, bring signs + cheer, with the option to buy raffle tickets to support the Vinal and Cole PTOs!
BONUS: The bowling alley and golf simulator will be open for a half-hour during our game! There will also be kids hockey sauce games.
Join the Facebook Event to get updates on new raffle items!
See you there and thank you to all of the volunteers who took the initiative to plan this fun community event to support Cole and Vinal!
Cole School PTO
The role of the PTO is to support the teachers and students of the Cole Elementary School. Support shall be provided by (but not limited to) encouraging volunteerism, fund of teacher grants and stipends, funding cultural programs and field trips and otherwise enriching the elementary school experience.
All parents and guardians of students attending the Cole School will be considered members of the Cole School PTO. All part-time and full-time teachers will be considered members as well.
Steering Committee
The governing body of the Cole School PTO, known as the Steering Committee, will include up to 12 members (one of whom will be Treasurer). All members will participate in a Steering Committee meeting prior to general PTO meetings. Each Steering Committee member will have the opportunity to lead one or more monthly general PTO meetings during the school year.
Each member of the Steering Committee will chair or co-chair one of five Main PTO committees: Public Relations, Fundraising, Library Enhancement, Hospitality & Enrichment. Also, one member shall be designated as Treasurer.
2023 Cole School Directories Available for Purchase
2023 Cole School Directories are available for purchase!: Please fill out the google form
Payment can be made:
- Via Venmo @coleschool-pto (please note directory / child's name/ teachers name on the "what's this for?" line)
- Via check sent into school or dropped off at the front desk (please note directory / child's name/ teachers name on the memo line)
Please complete by the 15th - purchased directories will be sent home in your child's backpacks shortly after!
PTO Dues Reminder
We're super excited that we were able to take advantage of the full anonymous $2500 PTO match! Thank you to everyone that got their dues paid during our October drive - If you haven't already, please consider paying your dues so we can be sure to invest in enrichment activities for the kids during the 2023 - 2024 school year!
Community News
Norwell's Recycling and Sustainability Committee will continue with its crayon collection. In addition, they will also be collecting used pens, markers, and mechanical pencils to recycle. There will be collection bins in the main entrance at Cole School.