District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
In this issue…
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Board of Education
- Important Dates
- Saliva Collection Reminder
- Summer Acceleration Program
- BPAC Event May 26
Teacher Appreciation Week!
Thank you to all teachers and staff for your dedication to Glen Ellyn School District 41 this week and every week! The PTA, parents and students have a lot planned for this special week. Hope you are feeling the love in all of the buildings!
Share your appreciation for District 41 teachers and staff by posting thanks on social media using #TeacherAppreciationWeek #ThankATeacher!
Board of Education Welcomes New and Re-Elected Board Members
The Board of Education seated the new and re-elected Board members, took the oath of office and selected officers at the special reorganization meeting on Monday, May 3.
The elected officers are:
President - Dr. Robert Bruno
Vice President - Jason Loebach
Secretary - Jess Buttimer
A welcome reception was also held the evening of the Reorganization Meeting for new and departing Board members. See photos below.
Important Dates
Wednesday, May 26 will be the last day of student attendance. It will be a full day of school following the model that began on April 19. May 27 will be a .5 School Improvement and .5 Remote Planning Day staff work day where staff and administration will continue to work on the articulation process for advancing students to the next grade level and meeting their needs for the 2021-2022 school year.
Wednesday, May 26
Last Day of Student Attendance
Thursday, May 27
Remote Planning Day AM/SIP Day PM - No Student Attendance
Saliva Collection Reminder
Each week, students who are learning in person must submit a saliva sample at their home school on Monday morning (Tuesday and Wednesdays are back up days for collection). Please submit one sample per student, per week. Each student must use their designated saliva tube with barcode. Please make sure your child brings their sample to their homeschool and turns it into their classroom teacher. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Please remember that each student has been provided with labeled test tubes that have a unique barcode on them. If you have multiple children, please make sure that you use the correct tubes for returning the sample.
- Make certain that your child produces about 1/4 of an inch of saliva. If the saliva gets stuck in the straw, gently blowing on the straw will help move the saliva into the test tube. The lab cannot process the sample if there is not enough saliva.
- If your child is new to saliva screening, please click here for more information on how to collect and submit the sample. If your child experiences difficulty in producing a saliva sample, please contact Katie Adduci to participate in BinaxNOW rapid antigen testing as an alternative at kadduci@d41.org.
Click here for the COVID-19 and saliva testing dashboard to monitor the data from week to week. The dashboard data is updated on Mondays.
Summer Acceleration Program
Over 275 students across the district will be invited to participate in a summer acceleration program being held at both Benjamin Franklin School and Hadley Junior High. The program is designed to help students master essential skills in preparation for the 2021-2022 school year.
This FREE summer acceleration program, offered in cooperation with District 41 and the DuPage Regional Office of Education, is offered to a limited number of students who would most benefit from these lessons. Areas of focus will include math, literacy, and social-emotional learning. The program will run from Monday—Thursday and last for three weeks, June 7-June 25, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
District 41 will be contacting families directly who have children who qualify for this program. Registration is required.
BPAC To Host Virtual Event MAY 26
The Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (BPAC) is proud to announce that attorney Rocio Becerril will be hosting a live online session about the newly updated Public Charge laws for immigrant families. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, May 26, at 4 p.m. Para obtener más detalles sobre el evento, por favor dele clic aquí.
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Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41