Across the Board in D303
Notes from the District 303 School Board Meeting
December 11, 2023
Meeting memos, presentations and other documents in BoardDocs
School Board
Ed McNally, Vice President
Joe Lackner, Secretary
Kate Bell
Matthew Kuschert
Thomas Lentz
Becky McCabe
For Action
Individual items up for approval by the Board, generally introduced in prior committee meetings.
Resolution to Adopt the 2023 Aggregate Tax Levy
Motion Passed 5 yes, 2 no
This vote was preceded earlier in the meeting by a public hearing, which was published in advance and conducted in accordance with the Truth in Taxation Act.
Each year, the District sets a tax levy that is used by the county to establish the tax rate. The aggregate levy was officially estimated on November 13, adopted on December 11 and will be filed with the Kane County Clerk on December 26.
Exclusive of debt service, public building commission leases and election costs, the estimate necessary to be raised by taxation for the year 2023 upon the taxable property in the District is $188,700,000. This represents a 6.76% increase over the previous year; however, DuPage and Kane Counties will reduce this request to the allowable level, as defined in Illinois statute, prior to extending the property taxes to the community.
Tax Levy Frequently Asked Questions
- Will my taxes increase by 6.76%? No, there is not a one-to-one correlation between the requested tax levy increase and the increase to property tax bills.
- What is a tax levy? A tax levy is a request made by a taxing body.
- Does the school district set the tax rate? No, the school district’s tax levy is submitted to and calculated by the county to determine the tax rate.
- Have more questions? Visit the tax levy FAQ web page
High School Course Recommendations for the 2024-2025 School Year
Motion Passed 7-0
Based on the findings of a recently completed internal audit of the District's course enrollment over the past three years and of the Advanced Placement (AP) program, additional AP courses were recommended and other courses were recommended for removal.
Administration recommended the addition of AP Computer Science Principles, AP Precalculus and College Preparatory English to high school course offerings for the 2024-2025 school year; the elimination of Speech (HE3023), English 12: British Literature Honors (HE5641, HE5642), Advanced Application of Technology (MB3823); and the reduction of Art History (HA0821, HA0822), which will remain in the course offering book.
Action on Uniform Grievance Complaint
Motion to Deny Complaint Passed 7-0
A motion was made to deny the uniform grievance complaint and direct the Board president to issue a written decision pursuant to Board Policy 2:260 reflecting the Board’s vote, discussion in closed session and investigation reporting.
Superintendent's Report
Dr. Paul Gordon shares updates on District initiatives as well as school, staff and student activities.
Update on Boundary Process and Meeting Timeline
On November 28 and 29, community information sessions were led by demographer RSP & Associates, where two boundary concepts for the elementary, middle and high schools were unveiled. A survey was also launched at that time, and closed on December 10. Results from the survey will be discussed at the December 21 Business Services Committee meeting.
Additional boundary meetings have been scheduled for January, including a community webinar as well as regular and committee meetings that will include updates on the boundary process. During the January 11 community webinar, RSP will discuss the survey results and share updated scenarios to the Board. The Board will determine what scenarios to move forward at committee meetings later in the month, and is expected to take action on new boundary maps for elementary, middle, and high school on February 12, 2024. These maps will go into effect for the 2024-2025 school year.
December 21 | Business Services Committee
January 11 | Community Webinar
January 16 | Learning and Teaching Committee
January 29 | Business Services Committee
February 12 | Board takes action on new boundaries
Draft boundary maps for Concept 1 and Concept 2 can be viewed on the District's boundary updates website. You can also view detailed summaries on discussions, actions and communications, and a frequently asked questions section. This page will be routinely updated throughout the boundary process.
Professional Learning Communities
Science Department Chairs Dr. Natalie Rosin (North High School) and Matt Bulman (East High School), were invited to share insights into their practices and work leading Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). PLCs focus on instructional strategies that support student learning in specific content areas and are woven into District 303's Strategic Plan, specifically the priorities of Effective Collaboration and Instructional Coherence.
Rosin and Bulman have a combined 40-plus years of experience in District 303. During school improvement days (SIP) this year, they are leading educators in biology, chemistry and earth and space science on practices to ensure seamless student instruction across both schools. Teachers are discussing how to implement priority standards developed for their students at the same level of rigor while celebrating the creativity and autonomy of each classroom.
This work, according to Rosin, is bringing PLCs closer together "in order to reach that culture of dignity where all people feel comfortable walking into a science classroom," she said. "It is a huge shift in the way that we actually do business within this District."
Bulman added that the focus on PLCs has led to daily collaboration that is having a lasting impact on the science departments and programs across the District. The two credit administrative leadership for their support and empowerment of teachers, including through the Curriculum Assessment and Instruction (CAI) process, which is building teacher engagement.
"We are truly a part of a much larger picture with the fostering of this leadership, this idea that working with L&T, working with District, working with building administration so that there truly is teacher autonomy, teacher voice, all with the same lens because we all want the same thing - we want students to be successful," said Bulman.
In September, consultant Dr. Janel Keating presented to the Board an overview of the PLC being conducted in District 303 and the role of educators moving forward. Keating is a retired superintendent and PLC expert who has been assisting District 303 administrators and teachers since January.
Reports to the Board
The following updates were provided by Board chairs on the following committees, which took
place in November. Additional information reports may be provided, as requested by the Board.
Learning and Teaching
The committee received the Student Achievement Report (SAR). The report analyzes student achievement for the 2022-2023 school year, highlights curriculum and instruction work occurring this school year, tracks the District's progress toward the 2025 goals and interim benchmarks, and outlines recommendations for continuous improvement.
The next Learning and Teaching Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 18 at 5:30 p.m.
Business Services
The committee received an updated enrollment analysis from RSP & Associates, the results of its Fiscal Year 2023 Audit, notice of the 2023 aggregate tax levy and public hearing date, and the latest on the District's analysis of program costs. The committee also heard updates on construction projects regarding the repurposing of the Haines Center, and projects at Norton Creek Elementary and Wredling Middle schools.
The next Business Services Committee Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 21 at 5:30 PM.
Consent Agenda
Grouped agenda items up for approval in one action.
The consent agenda was approved by a vote of 6 yes, 1 abstain.
The consent agenda included items such as:
- Minutes from previous committee meetings
- Personnel reports
- List of bills, treasurer's report, and payroll
- Pepper Construction contract
- Fiscal Year 2023 audit
- Norton Creek playground equipment
- Wredling Faculty Lounge furniture
- Haines Univent replacement
- Gifts and donations
For Information
Informational reports are typically provided monthly to the Board. There is no action taken.
District 303 Financial Report
Mid Valley Financial Report
FOIA Requests
District Enrollment
New Business
Board Members May Introduce New Items for Discussion/Action at Future Meetings
- Implementation plan for Richmond and Davis configuration to K-5
- Updates on the Student Achievement Report