SCCOE Accountability Newsletter
August 2019
LCAP Advisory Services
Visit the LCAP Advisory Services Page to access resources.
Welcome Back!
Posting the LCAP to your Website
Supporting ELs in your LCAP
A couple new resources have recently come out to guide your LEA's efforts in supporting EL students.
CA Practitioners Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities
Over the summer, the CDE released the CA Practitioners Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities. This guide stems from Assembly bill 2785 in 2016. The Students with Disabilities student group is the number one group qualifying districts in the state for Differentiated Assistance and the English Learner subset of that group has been identified as one of the neediest student groups across all indicators.
The CA Practitioners Guide is intended to support the planning and decision making of LEAs when addressing the needs of these students. The guide addresses all aspects of assessment, identification, intervention, placement, reclassification and exit criteria.
As districts look to draft a new 3 year LCAP, this guide can provide some useful information in determining the strategic actions and services for both ELs and Students with Disabilities. The guide can be found here https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/ac/documents/ab2785guide.pdf.
In addition, the Multilingual Services department, SELPA, and LCAP Advisory Services are collaborating this year to offer a Community of Practice around meeting the needs of these students. More information on the Community of Practice and to sign up can be found here. https://santaclara.k12oms.org/eventdetail.php?gid=1054&id=165852
The California English Learner Roadmap
The California English Learner Roadmap: Strengthening Comprehensive Educational Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners (CA EL Roadmap) supports local educational agencies (LEAs) as they incorporate English learner education into their local program designs. This guidance document elaborates on the SBE policy, providing research- and evidence-based examples from the field that illustrate the CA EL Roadmap principles in action. The crosswalk to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), embedded in this document, allows LEAs to bring English learners to the forefront as they consider the state priorities and work with their communities to plan their LCAPs.
You can download a copy of the CA EL Roadmap here. https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/rm/documents/caelroadmap.docx
The Multilingual Services department here at the SCCOE is offering a 2 day institute in partnership with Californians Together designed for teachers on how to implement the CA EL Roadmap. If you are interested in attending please find more information here.
Save the Dates- LCAP and Improvement Science Professional Learning Options
September 12, 2019
LCAP 101:A comprehensive overview on the critical elements of the LCAP for any new LCAP writers or those looking for a refresh.
November 6, 2019
A comprehensive overview on the critical elements of the LCAP for any new LCAP writers or those looking for a refresh.
January 7, 2019
LCAP Reboot: New Template Training: Save the Date:
Save the date of January 7th for the official training on the new LCAP Template. We will review all of the new changes to the LCAP template and discuss how to best organize your new LCAP to easily set goals, monitor metrics, and report expenditures.
Registration link coming
LCAP Writing Sessions: These sessions are intended to be working sessions where district teams can come and work on their LCAPs while receiving technical assistance from the SCCOE team.
February 26, 2020- 1:00-4:00 PM Registration link coming
March 25, 2020- 9:00 AM- Noon Registration link coming
April 27, 2020- 1:00-4:00 PM Registration link coming
May 14, 2020- 9:00 AM- Noon Registration link coming
Williams Case Visit Reminders
Find background for the Williams Case at CDE. The list of schools to be visited has not changed from last year (Williams list) --- changes to the list require changes to the identification criteria in the legislation. CDE has created a page with FAQ regarding Williams and instructional materials, please refer to it for more info.
Please contact Dawn if you have further questions.
Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
Districts/charters that will be reviewed have been notified and attended training. Training documents will be added to my shared folder called: New Info- State & Federal/Title III.
To provide additional support, I have arranged additional technical assistance from CDE for Title I and Title III. They will visit SCCOE during our September 26 Lunch & Learn meeting. You can find a link to sign up below. I would also like to gather information on the topics that you would like to know more about related to Title I and III. Please add your questions/topics to the document I created so we can build the agenda.
In addition, I can plan a day for monitored districts/charters to network and share how you are preparing for your review. Please let Dawn know if that is something you are interested in.
TITLE I, Part A Comparability of Services
This is to inform all local educational agencies (LEAs) that updated forms to be used to demonstrate Title I, Part A comparability of services are now available on the California Department of Education (CDE) Web site. In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act, LEAs are required to perform the comparability of services calculations every year to demonstrate that each and every school within the LEA has established and implemented a LEA-wide salary schedule; a policy to ensure equivalent among schools in full-time equivalent teachers; and a policy to ensure equivalent among schools in the provision of curriculum materials and instructional supplies. Each LEA shall also develop procedures for compliance; and maintain records that are updated annually documenting such agency’s compliance.
The CDE has prepared updated instructions and calculation forms to help LEAs calculate comparability of services. The forms are designed to provide each LEA with immediate feedback about whether or not all of the schools within the LEA meet the comparability requirement. If a school is not comparable, LEAs must make immediate fiscal and/or staffing adjustments and re-enter the data to demonstrate compliance.
Guidelines, technical assistance, and calculation forms and instructions are posted on the CDE Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/sw/t1/compar.asp.
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Rina DeRose, Education Programs Consultant, by e-mail at rderose@cde.ca.gov or at the Comparability e-mail at compar@cde.ca.gov. You can also email Dawn with questions.
Title III EL Annual Program Survey
The window for completing the survey is AUGUST 12 - SEPTEMBER 13. If you are part of a consortium, the lead should submit the survey for each member of the group.
The survey link is: http://www2.cde.ca.gov/title3edprogram/ellogon.aspx
Equitable Services for Private Schools
There are multiple dates for in-person workshops and webinars. The list of dates can be found on the attached flyer and below or find more info at www.capspdnow.com.
Fall 2019 Dashboard Coordinator Reset
The CDE will be requiring a new submission of the Dashboard Coordinator Application for the 2019–20 school year in order to gain access as the coordinator for your LEA. Even if the coordinator information has not changed from the previous year, the application must be submitted and approved by the LEA superintendent or charter school administrator to receive the login credentials.
The CDE will be resetting the 2018–19 Dashboard Coordinator data base at 5 p.m. on August 16, 2019. During this time, there will be no access to the Dashboard Coordinator Web site. The Web site will reopen on August 19, 2019 for LEAs to begin registering their new coordinators.
Process for Completing the Designation Application (On or after August 19, 2019)
Accessing the 2019–20 Application: Visit https://coordinator.caschooldashboard.org/#/application
Completing the Application: Complete the application, which includes providing contact information, LEA/School Name, and submit the completed application by selecting the “Submit” button. It is recommended that you provide contact information for an alternate coordinator that can be contacted in the absence of the designated coordinator.
Obtaining Approval and Password: Once the application has been submitted, the superintendent or charter school administrator will receive an e-mail from newapplicant@cedrsystems.net with a link to review and approve the designation. If the application is approved by the superintendent or charter school administrator, an e-mail including the 2019–20 password will be sent to all contacts identified on the application.
For questions about the coordinator designation process, contact the Local Agency Systems Support Office by email at LCFF@cde.ca.gov or by phone at 916-323-LCFF (5233).
Local Dashboard Indicators: Standard Met
Once the Dashboard Coordinators are approved for access, they will be able to submit the information for the LEA’s local indicators. The deadline for submission of the local indicators to the Dashboard is November 1, 2019. LEAs that do not complete and upload the local indicators by November 1 will default to Not Met (or Not Met for Two or More Years if this is the second straight year of not uploading the local indicators).
Prior to submitting the local indicators to the Dashboard LEAs must report the results at a regularly scheduled public meeting of the local governing board. As a best practice for stakeholder engagement, LEA’s are encouraged to provide the local indicator information to the governing board as an agenda item for public comment rather than as a consent item on the agenda.
The local indicators that need to be addressed are:
- Basic Services and Conditions (Appropriately Assigned Teachers, Access to Curriculum-Aligned Instructional Materials, and Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities) (Priority 1)
- Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2)
- Parent and Family Engagement (Priority 3) (Updated for 2019 Dashboard)
- School Climate (Priority 6)
- Access to a Broad Course of Study (Priority 7)
2019 Assessment Information Meeting PPT
- Director’s Message
- 2019-20 System Enhancements
- CAASPP Updates
- ELA and Math Updates
- Science Updates
- Question and Answer Panel
- CSA Updates
- ELPAC Updates
- Educators Opportunities and Training
- Question and Answer Panel
CAASPP and ELPAC 2018-19 Summary Reports Preview and Public Release Schedule
The CDE has released a schedule for the CAASPP and ELPAC embargoed previews and public releases of district and school summary reports for the 2018–19 test administrations. Because the assessments are in various stages, the CDE is providing multi-staged previews and public releases.
The first preview of summary reports include results for:
- Smarter Balanced English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics summative assessments in grades three through eight and grade eleven scored by June 12, 2019.
These results will be available only on the secure CDE Assessments Preview web page from Monday, August 19, 2019, through Wednesday, August 21, 2019. Login and password information was sent to superintendendents and LEA Testing Coordinators on August 19.
The CDE provided the following release schedule.
August 19, 2019
First Preview
CAASPP: Smarter Balanced summative assessments for ELA and mathematics scored by June 12, 2019.
August 21, 2019
By noon, report any discrepancies in district and/or school reports to the CAASPP Office by phone at 916-445-8765 or by email at caaspp@cde.ca.gov.
TBD after First Preview
Second Preview (Secure access will be provided.)
- CAASPP: all Smarter Balanced summative assessments and California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA and mathematics, including statewide reports and research files
- Initial and Summative ELPAC
TBD after Second Preview
Public Release of the CDE Public Reporting web page at https://caaspp-elpac.cde.ca.gov/. (Web link will be live upon public release.)
TBD in January 2020
Third Preview (Secure access will be provided.)
- CAASPP: California Science Test (CAST) and California Spanish Assessment (CSA).
TBD after Third Preview
Public release of the CAST and CSA on the CDE Public Reporting web page at https://caaspp-elpac.cde.ca.gov/. (Web link will be live upon public release.)
TBD in January 2020
Preliminary Indicator (PI) Preview (Secure access will be provided).
- CAA for Science research files will be made available for LEAs.
TBD after Preliminary Indicator Preview
- Public access to CAA for Science preliminary indicators research files.
January 2020 Release of 2018–19 Science Assessment Scores
The 2018–19 results for the first operational California Science Test (CAST) and California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science field test will be released to LEAs in January 2020—with the CAST scores contingent on the California State Board of Education approving the proposed CAST threshold scores in November 2019.
To prepare for the release of the CAST scores, LEAs and school sites can refer to CAST—Key Messages web page, which will be updated regularly as new information becomes available. In addition, the Reporting Science Assessments Results—2018–19 Time Line provides a tentative time line for LEAs, parents/guardians, and the public to receive the 2018–19 science assessment results. The Science Assessment—Transition Timeline provides information about reporting student results for the CAST and the CAA for Science.
Reminder: The reported 2018–19 CAA for Science field test results will be preliminary indicators (i.e., percent correct and indicator categories). Therefore, updates have been made to the Preliminary Indicator Communications Toolkit web page, which provides links to various LEA resources, such as key messages for the CAA for Science, a frequently asked questions web page, and parent/guardian letter templates.
We Asked for It: Interim Assessment Reporting System Sandbox Training Tool
To assist LEA staff with learning how to use the Interim Assessment Reporting System (IARS), Smarter Balanced has launched an exciting new resource called the “Sandbox.” This training tool, developed to help educators become familiar with the features and functions of the IARS in a nonsecure environment, features virtually the same functions as the IARS, but uses practice test items and fictitious student data. It can be used individually or in a group training environment.
Because the Sandbox does not contain any secure information, no logon credentials are needed to access it. Users simply go to the Sandbox website and select a role, such as teacher, school administrator, or district administrator, to enter the Sandbox and view it from the perspective of that role. Users also can access the tool through the CAASPP Portal Interim Assessment Administration Resources web page.
California Science Test Item Specifications
One hundred and seventy five California Science Test (CAST) item specifications (45 for grade five, 59 for grade eight, and 71 for high school) have been posted on the CAST Item Specifications web page. This web page provides background information, an introduction to the specifications, and a complete list of Science and Engineering Practices and Subpractices. In addition, the item specifications are organized by grade and science domain and can be downloaded individually or by domain.
Educators are encouraged to use these documents, along with the 2016 Science Framework, as resources for developing items for classroom assessments. The item specifications help educators gain a better understanding of the three-dimensional nature of the CAST; however, the specifications are not intended to guide instruction.
Please be sure to share this information with science educators in your LEA. A useful flyer, “Introducing the CAST Item Specification,” is located on the CDE CAST web page.
Downtime for CAASPP and ELPAC Online System Components
All components of the CAASPP and ELPAC online assessments will be unavailable from Tuesday, August 27, at 5 p.m. through Tuesday, September 3, at 8 a.m. for a scheduled downtime to transition to the 2019–20 school year.
Following this downtime, both the CAASPP and the ELPAC programs will be managed through the same Test Operations Management System. In addition, the new single sign-on feature will be implemented, which will allow users access to all components available on the CAASPP Portal or ELPAC website after entering their logon credentials a single time. These changes will impact all CAASPP and ELPAC online assessment systems, including the Digital Library.
For actions and information for LEA CAASPP Coordinators to consider before, during, and after the system downtime, refer to the information below.
Prior to Downtime on August 27
As the LEA CAASPP coordinator, you should:
- Ensure that your Superintendent has designated you as the LEA CAASPP Coordinator, so you can add users to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) when it becomes available on September 3. This is especially important if your LEA plans to administer assessments such as the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments and California Alternate Assessment for Science.
- Download the list of 2018–19 TOMS users from the current version of TOMS to save for reference. This user list will also be available for download in the new MyTOMS interface.
- Download the file of Digital Library users from Administration Registration Tools (ART) to save for reference. This user list will not be available for download after the transition.
- Inform Digital Library users that either: 1) they will need to complete the Digital Library self-registration process, or 2) you will reregister them for the Digital Library through the TOMS user registration process. For more information about Digital Library reregistration, view the Single Sign-On and Digital Library Reregistration email.
- Download the 2015–16 student data file for your LEA’s records. This file will be removed during the downtime, as TOMS maintains only three years of historical data.
- If your LEA is closing, download all available years of data and securely provide the files to the appropriate agency that will need that student data in the future. Closed LEAs will not have access to TOMS.
- Ensure that all interim assessment hand scoring is completed. All student responses will be removed from the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System during the downtime and will no longer be available for hand scoring.
During the Downtime
During the downtime, the following system activities will take place:
- All student responses will be removed from the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System.
- All user roles will be removed from TOMS.
- The current TOMS interface and ART will be retired permanently, and your data will be migrated to the new MyTOMS interface. If you have been designated by your superintendent before the downtime on August 27, you will be able to access MyTOMS when it becomes available on September 3. Upon initial login, users will review and electronically sign the Security Agreement and Security Affidavit forms in MyTOMS.
After Downtime on September 3
As the LEA CAASPP coordinator, you should:
- Download the list of 2018–19 users in MyTOMS, modify the template, and upload to update and add users for 2019–20.
- Remind Digital Library users to access the Digital Library by using the [Digital Library] button on CAASPP.org or ELPAC.org. Please note: All MyTOMS user roles will automatically include access to the Digital Library.
Questions regarding downloading files and other preparations for the upcoming system downtime should be directed to the California Technical Assistance Center by phone at 800-955-2954 or by email at caltac@ets.org.
Update Desktop Secure Browser by September 3
- Assessments will not be available to students using desktop secure browsers version 10
- Assessments will be available to students using desktop secure browsers version 12
- Assessments will be available to students using the existing mobile secure browsers
The CAASPP Secure Browsers page displays which desktop and mobile operating systems are supported for the 2019-20 school year.
There will be a Preparing Technology Webinar on September 24th from 1:00 to 2:30. It will focus on preparing technology for online interim and summative testing, including requirements for:
- Network
- Hardware
- Software
- Secure Browsers
Testing Milestones
- Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments will be available.
- Smarter Balanced practice and training tests will be updated.
- The California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science embedded performance tasks (PTs) will be available.
- The new CAA for Science practice test will be released.
- The new computer-based ELPAC training test will be released.
October 1, 2019
- The computer-based ELPAC field test will be available to participating LEAs. The testing window closes October 25, 2019.
November 4, 2019
- The California Science Test (CAST) practice and training tests will be updated to include Green Hmong.
- The braille version of the CAST practice and training tests will be released.
- The California Spanish Assessment (CSA) practice and training test will be updated to include the following student accessibility resources: braille, text-to-speech, audio transcripts, and closed captioning.
- The new computer-based ELPAC practice test will be released.
January 14, 2020
CAASPP Summative Testing Window Opens
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics will be available.
- The CAAs for ELA and mathematics will be available.
- The CAST will be available.
- The California Spanish Assessment (CSA) will be available.
CAASPP Interim Assessments and Practice Tests
- New Smarter Balanced Interim Comprehensive Assessments for grades nine and ten will be available.
- The CAAs for ELA and mathematics practice tests will be updated.
February 3, 2020
- The new computer-based Summative ELPAC will be available.
Upcoming Events
September 12. 2019
LCAP 101 - Session 1
September 26, 2019
Assessment, Accountability, State & Federal Lunch & Learn Network
October 16-18, 2019
California Assessment Conference - Oakland, CA
November 6. 2019
LCAP 101 - Session 2
December 11, 2019
New CAASPP Coordinator Training
December 17, 2019
New ELPAC Coordinator Training
LCAP Advisory Services
Email: cizor@sccoe.org
Website: www.sccoe.org
Location: Santa Clara County Office of Education, Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: (408) 453-6500