Claymont City Schools
IDEA Part B Special Education Funds: Public Meeting
November 15, 2021
Thank you,
Heather O'Connor
IDEI Funding for 2021-2022
Amount Budgeted for Special Education Staff:
Intervention Specialists - 4
Paraprofessionals - 3
Salaries - $303,143.70
Fringe Benefits - $164,198.42
Supplies - $16, 500.00
Purchased Services - $5,492.30
The district spends an excess of $3,600,000.00 on special education services.
IDEA Part B ARP Funding 2021-2022
Capital Outlay - $54,200.00
Supplies - $30, 928.51
Purchased Services - $13,349.49
We have already purchased many needed classroom supplies, provided evaluation services, purchased evacuation chairs for our students in wheel chairs for our multi-floor buildings, LAMP licenses (assistive technology) , and non-public funds required to go to St.Marys.
The capital outlay funds have been set aside to provide age appropriate and handicap accessible playground equipment for our primary students. This building has smaller and often high need students.
Disproportionality - IDEA and ARP Funds
15% of the IDEA funding is $73, 400.16
15% of the IDEA ARP funding is $14, 902.42
Our plan to correct this disproportionality is to facilitate the MTSS/IAT process consistently in order to provide interventions in the general education classroom. We have hired a Tier One/Two Teacher who works very closely with our Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP) in order to provide whole class and small group language interventions. We have also purchased several iPads to for our SLPs to utilize in the classroom language centers for sustainability.
From our 15% we have purchased:
Tier One/Two teacher ($59,160.32 salary and benefits)
iPads (24)
iPad speech apps
Mac Book
Heggerty Training for our SLPs and Tier One/Two Teacher
OG Training for our Tier One/Two Teacher
ASHA conference (PD) for SLPs and Tier One/Two Teacher
Purchased Services/Supplies
Special Education Support Personnel
We employ:
Intervention Specialists: 20
Tier One & Tier Two Teacher: 1
School Psychologists: 1.5 (.5 contracted through purchased services - Kali Fronzcek)
Speech and Language Pathologists: 3
Occupational Therapist: 1 (contracted through the ESC)
Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant: 1
Physical Therapist: 1 (contracted through the ESC)
Certified Physical Therapist Assistant: 1 (contracted through the ESC)
Paraprofessionals: 37 (to include: classroom aides, ISS aides, bus aides, library aides)