The Weekly Roar
October 8, 2022
Diversity Makes the Difference
One of my favorite slogans on a La Ballona shirt that I have seen is the one that states "Diversity Makes the Difference". We love our school community that is religiously, socio-economically, linguistically, racially, and culturally diverse. Did you know that there are 16 different languages spoken at La Ballona? We have families that speak English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Portuguese, Chinese, Khmer, Burmese, Farsi, Hindi, Russian and more.
As we journey through October with our focus on Bullying Prevention, Disability Awareness, and Hispanic Heritage Celebration, may we remember how our identities provide one another with new perspectives and innovation.
In this newsletter:
- Around the School
- Counselor Corner
- Handbook Hightlight
- School Meal Information
- Community & Afterschool Opportunities
- Our Calendar
Stay PAWSitive!
Dr. Becky Godbey & Ms. Brenda Selva
Our PTA website
Our facebook:
1. Around the School
Firefighters visit La Ballona 2nd Grade
Our Weekly Wednesday Principal Video Assembly
Halloween Event at La Ballona Oct. 31, 2022
Halloween Parade 9:00
We will be holding our annual costume parade on Monday, October 31st, at 9 a.m. Students will walk a large loop around our playground. Students are invited to wear a costume, but if they choose not to, they will still be able to participate in the parade. Any student not wishing to wear a costume and not wishing to participate in the parade will have the opportunity to listen to a story in the library for a special story time. Parents are allowed on campus (Parent directions below).
Costume guidelines:
Amended: No Costume masks may be worn to and during school. If your child can see out of it, they can wear it during the parade only.
No face make-up
Students must show respect for other students by not choosing costumes that are insensitive and/or offensive to the diverse background represented by La Ballona students and families.
Students must show respect to other students by not touching, defacing or insulting other students' costumes.
No weapons of any kind. (No fake guns, swords, knives, etc.)
No fake blood or other substances allowed.
Students will be allowed to wear wigs, hats and accessories during the parade, but must be removed if causing a distraction during class time.
After the parade, it will be a regular instructional day. Your child may stay in their costume IF the costume is easy to sit and learn in. If the costume impedes school learning, please bring a change of clothes for the school day.
Directions for Parents
Families are welcome to come to watch our parade on campus.
We will section off areas for parents to stand.
All parents may enter through the Back Gate 1.
Symphonic Jazz Orchestra's "Music of America" in 5th Grade.
October - Disability Awareness Month
October is Disability Awareness Month! La Ballona will be celebrating diversity and differences all month long while raising disability awareness! Please take some time to speak to your students on the importance of this month and we’ll be sharing more opportunities for awareness in the coming weeks.
2. Counselor's Corner
October Parent Newsletter
3. Handbook Highlight
Civility Policy
It's important for all us to remember the policies and procedures of our school and CCUSD district. Each week, I will try to highlight a policy so that we are all aware and can move forward together. Here is the Student Handbook in its entirety. (It's on our website
This week we will highlight our Civility Policy which can be found on page 31 in the handbook. We are starting with this policy because it sets the expectation that we all want. We want our children to learn and grow in a physically and emotionally safe environment. This includes maintaining a safe, healthy working environment for our staff. It is all of our jobs to ensure that we are the role models for our children. One of my favorite quotes is "the parent is the child's first teacher". Our children are sponges, collecting new information from every source. For example, If they see us yelling at a cashier at Ralph's, they will learn that it is okay to yell at service workers. We want our children to be better than us, and this means using self-control in moments of frustration. Imagine the world we could leave to our children if we practice civility at every turn.
Civility Policy
The Civility Policy for our district can be found on page 31 of our Student Handbook and also here: CCUSD Civility Policy. The key points for us all to remember are:
"Members of CCUSD will treat parents and other members of the public with respect and expect the same in return. "
"The policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression, but only to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-free workplace for our students and staff."
"Any individual who disrupts or threatens to disrupt school/office operations; threatens the health and safety of students or staff; willfully causes property damage; uses loud and/or offensive language which could provoke a violent reaction; or who has otherwise established a continued patter of unauthorized entry on school district property,, will be directed to leave school or school district property promptly by the Superintendent or designee."
Should someone abuse this policy, "the administrator or employee to whom the remarks are directed will calmly and politely admonish the speaker to communicate civilly".
There are progressive steps taken if the abusing party continues to not communicate civilly.
4. School Meal Information
What's for Breakfast and/or Lunch?
5. Community & Afterschool Opportunities
LA County Library Bookmark Contest 2022
Culver City Julian Dixon Library would like to invite La Ballona students to participate in LA County Library’s 43rd Annual Bookmark Contest, an annual program that encourages a love of books and reading while also promoting creativity, artistic expression, and community engagement. Students will have the chance to see their bookmark designs featured at their local library and throughout Los Angeles County. Participants compete in the following age categories:
• Kindergarten – Grade 2
• Grade 3 – Grade 5
• Grade 6 – Grade 8
• Grade 9 – Grade 12
Completed entry forms can be dropped off at individual library locations, sent in by mail, or submitted digitally via a link on the Library’s website. The deadline for entry is October 29, 2022.
The winning bookmarks from each library will be shared with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, who will select winners that reside in their District from each category. Winners selected by the Board of Supervisors will be recognized by the Board in the spring of 2023.
The pdf Entry form is below
Book Fair Coming soon - flyer attached
The Book Fair is coming to La Ballona October 31 through November 5. Books will be available to buy on campus during that time, but you can start looking through the catalog now and even start placing orders online. Anything ordered through the online book fair will be shipped to the school and arrive when the book fair ends. You can even purchase digital gift cards so your student can purchase books without having to carry cash. Here is a direct link to our book fair website: or you can visit and search for La Ballona.
This event can't happen without volunteers! We will share a sign up sheet soon, but please email Christine if you are interested in volunteering or have questions.
The theme for this year's Reflections Art contest is SHOW YOUR VOICE! Consider submitting an original work of art by October 14, 2022 in the following categories:
- Dance Choreography
- Literature
- Photography
- Film Production
- Music Composition
- Visual Arts
La Ballona families can submit their art either to their teacher or digitally to For more information, see the Reflections entry form (also attached here) and make sure to fill out all categories correctly. This form will also be sent home in your child's backpack in the next couple of weeks.
Join the PTA!
School has now started and so does our PTA membership drive! Joining the PTA is a great way to get involved and show your support for La Ballona students. Membership dues are just $8 per person and all dues-paying members can vote at PTA meetings, which are held the first Thursday of each month. Member dues are used for programs, resources, and activities that benefit our students. Click below on the link to pay your membership today, thank you so much for your support
Sign up with TOTEM:
Sign up with Squareup:
6. Our Calendar
This Week at La Ballona
Monday, October 10
PTA Enrichment Tennis, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Restaurant Fundraiser, at Wise Sons (flyer above)
Tuesday, October 11
PTA Enrichment Class Chess, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Restaurant Fundraiser, at Wise Sons (flyer above)
Wednesday, October 12
Hispanic Heritage Assembly (Sorry, no parents. We will film it!)
Early Dismissal Every Wednesday at 1:45
PTA Enrichment Class Tennis, Group A 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm and Group B 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
PTA Enrichment Class Garden Club 1:45pm - 2:45 pm
PTA Enrichment Class 24th Street Theater 1:45-3:15
Thursday, October 13
Vocal Music Classes K-2
Choir, 8:00
Young Storytellers, 5th Grade
Friday, October 14
Symphonic Jazz Orchestra Lessons, 5th Grade
Upcoming Dates (New Dates in Bold)
October 15- PTA Beach Clean-Up & Family Day
October 15- Reflections Art Contest Deadline
October 19- ELAC Meeting (English Learner Advisory Committee), 9am
October 20- Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill
October 21- How to Help My Child With Math for K-2 families (4-part series). Info Coming.
October 21- Bidding for Good Online Auction Begins
October 25- Picture Make-Up Day
October 25- School Site Council Meeting, 3:30p
October 28- Tea with the Counselor, 9am "Bullying Prevention" in English
28 de Octubre- Té con la Consejera, 10am "Prevención del Acoso Escolar" en Español
October 31- La Ballona Costume Parade, 9am (Parents welcome on campus)
November 5- Fall Festival
La Ballona Elementary School
Culver City, CA 90232
Location: La Ballona Elementary School, Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA, USA
Phone: 3108424334
Twitter: @LaBallona