All Saints Academy Update
September 16, 2022
Virtual Mini-Conferences next week! Early Dismissal Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12pm
Join us at St. Edwards Parish for Children's Mass on September, 18, 2022. Meet at 9:30am.
All Saints Academy is happy to be able to provide breakfast, lunch, and an afterschool snack for all of our children - FREE of charge! Please remember to bring a reusable water bottle everyday.
Blessing of the Animals - October 4. More details coming!
Harvest Festival and Raffle - October 14
After lunch, we will have a Costume Parade. Kids can bring a costume to wear for the parade. (The parade is optional for students.)
Volunteer-cleared parents are welcome on campus to participate in the festivities. More details are coming.
All families will be receiving raffle tickets to sell for $10 each. Please SELL the tickets and return the tickets to the school office. KEEP the money, families will be billed through FACTS. The raffle will be held at 3pm on October 14. Winners do not need to be present. We will livestream the raffle.
Please ask Mrs. Jauregui your questions!
Our Band Program with Mr. Josh Landin, SMHS Band Director started on Wednesday, 9/14. Its not too late to sign up! Go Rams!
Student Council 22/23
All Saints Academy of Stockton students will be leaders at our school and in our community. Student Council is an opportunity to develop your leadership skills.
There are two ways to participate: class representative or as an elected officer.
Students, please check your email for more information!
Shout out to the Hernandez Family our new CHOIR MOM and CHOIR DAD!
The Bishop is coming! The Bishop is coming!
Hope you can make it to celebrate with us!
Field Trips and 6th Grade Science Camp
6th Grade Science Camp is coming up and is our most expensive trip. We expect the cost to be around $550. Please save up or participate in school sponsored family fundraisers like working concessions at the Stockton Arena, using SCRIP gift cards (RaiseRight) and selling pies at Christmas to help with your own family expenses.
Our whole school is going to the Pumpkin Patch on October 19! More details coming!
We need 10 players to form a girls basketball team and we need coaches. These are the divisions available: 3rd Grade, 4-5th Grade, 6-8th Grade. Is anyone interested in forming a team? The cost is $50 plus the cost of the uniform for each player.
Cross Country is open to boys and girls and we have coaches for the following divisions (thank you volunteers!). The cost is $40 and students wear the ASA Spirit Wear t-shirts for the uniform. Practice begins this week for some age groups. Stay tuned for more information coming from the coach, by email, and an official sign up form coming from the office.
Grades K/1 - Carlos Shelton (aka Coach Carlos) (need at least one more parent volunteer, two volunteers preferred) (Practices are on Tuesdays from 2-3pm)
Grade 2/3 - Yasmin Lee (needs one parent volunteer) (Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 - 4:30pm)
Grade 4/5 - Victor Gutierrez (needs one parent volunteer) ((Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 - 4:30pm)
Grade 6, 7, 8 - Marlene Gastelum (aka Coach Lenny) (needs one parent volunteer) (Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 - 4:30pm)
Please order your ASA sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleece jackets. Cold weather is right around the corner!
Skywatch Project - September 1, 2022
Special thank you to our middle school build leaders!
Big thank you to Little Manila, UC Berkeley, Catholic Charities for supporting this educational opportunity for our students!
All Saints Academy of Stockton
Email: hiniguez@asastockton.org
Website: www.asastockton.org
Location: 144 West 5th Street, Stockton, CA, USA
Phone: (209) 463-1540
Facebook: facebook.com/asastocktonca