News from the Den
Barnett Shoals Elementary Newsletter
🐻 February 12, 2023 🐻
What's Happening in The Den
Black History Month at Barnett Shoals
This year's theme is "Reflect Greatness: It Starts With Me." Each morning during announcements we spotlight notable African Americans while teachers display slide with facts, books that can be checked out in our library, and/or videos.
Our classes also participated in a door decorating contest. Kudos to Ms. K. Johnson's class for winning Best Overall and Ms. C. Johnson & Mrs. Payne's classes for winning Most Creative.
Enrichment ClustersFor the last 4 weeks, scholars have been participating in Enrichment Clusters on Thursdays. The goal of clusters is to develop self-directed learning skills in planning, problem solving, organization, cooperation, self-confidence, and creativity. Clusters topics range from Lego Creations to Zumba to Coding and Farmer Bears and everything else in between. Ask your scholar about their cluster.
Wildly Important Goal (W.I.G)
During the month of January, all teachers met with scholars to create WIGs for reading and math. Scholars will be working throughout the second half of the year to meet these goals. They are tracking their progress through their scoreboards. Please ask your scholars about their WIGs.
BSES takes GMEA Statewide Chorus
Honor Chorus Members
Vivace Choir
Exploring North Campus
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 15th: Parent University @ 8 AM in The Bear Den
- Thursday, February 23rd: Principal's Coffee @ 8 AM
- Thursday, February 23rd: Barnett Shoals Invents
- Thursday, March 2nd: Reading Day - Parade @ 1:30 PM
- Thursday, March 2nd: Cluster Fair @ 6 PM
- Saturday, March 4th: Boys to Men Masquerade 5-8 PM
- Tuesday, March 7th: Stroll or Roll to School Day
Important Dates
- Friday, February 17th: 1st Visit from Help A Child Smile
- Monday, February 20th: President's Day - No School for Scholars
- Wednesday, March 8th: Asynchronous Learning Day - Students DO NOT report to school building!
- Thursday, March 9th - Friday, March 10th: Spring Conferences
Principal's Coffee
Random Acts of Kindness Week: February 12-18
This site is a great resource for ways to incorporate random acts of kindness into your daily lives! Click here!
Please fill out this brief survey!
School Year 2022-2023
**The Georgia Parent Survey was developed to measure parent perceptions of the school climate at your child’s school. Your opinion is very important to us. Your survey responses are confidential and will be combined with the survey responses of other parents at your child’s school to identify areas in need of improvement. It should only take ten or fifteen minutes to complete the survey. Thank you for your time and participation.
Scan the QR code in the photo or visit https://gshs.gadoe.org/Pages/Parent.aspx
Kids Heart Challenge
You can help our class win the classroom challenge! Our goal is to have 100% of our students register online and complete Finn’s Mission. The top class in each grade level will win a glow party for their class!
Here’s how you can help:
- Click Here to Register - https://www2.heart.org/site/TR;jsessionid=00000000.app30004b?fr_id=7561&pg=company&company_id=387752&NONCE_TOKEN=977904BBCA48AE49176A1275D741059E
- Complete Finn’s Mission: Watch a 2-minute video to know Hands-Only CPR, spot the signs of a stroke and more!
- Share with friends and family through social media, text and/or email.
- Any student who raises $150 by the end of the event will earn an exclusive Frankie Collector's Keychain!
We need your help to accomplish our goal of having 100% of our families to know Hands-Only CPR, and you can help us by registering your child and spreading the word.
Also, check out this awesome video:
Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball
An evening of Fun, Food, and Dancing for the Family.
Tickets will go on sale soon ($5 per person 4 years old and up - includes the meal)
Dress to Impress and be voted on as King and Queen of the Ball.
For more information contact Mr. Willis (willisr@clarke.k12.ga.us)
Help A Child Smile
Our first visit will be on Friday, February 17th so please make sure that your scholar is in attendance on that day.
⬇️🔗 Link to the District Newsletter ⬇️🔗
Habits at Home
As a Leader in Me School, one of our 5 Core Paradigms is that families and teachers partner to support the whole child.
Our Habit for the month of February: Habit #6 Synergize.
Habit #6: Synergize
To put it simply, synergy means “two heads are better than one.” Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. But it doesn’t just happen on its own. It’s a process, and through that process, people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table. Together, they can produce far better results than they could individually. Synergy lets us discover jointly things we are much less likely to discover by ourselves. It is the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Habit #6: Synergize
- I get along well with others.
- I value the strengths of others and allow myself to learn from them.
- I ask for other people's ideas.
- I know we can accomplish more as a team than I can on my own.
Family and Community Resources
February Food Distributions List
Farmer's Market at Fowler Drive Elementary
Please put this on your calendars! Barnett Shoals families are invited to these markets!
These events, in partnership with the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia, allow many Athens-Clarke County families the opportunity to receive free food, drinks, house and school supplies, and toys.
The market will be held monthly at Fowler Drive Elementary for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year. The remaining markets are scheduled for:
- Feb. 22
- March 22
- April 26
- May 17
400 Fowler Drive, Athens, GA 30601
4:00-5:30 PM
**School accessible by bus line!!
Georgia Museum of Art
Every month, kids of all ages come to the Georgia Museum of Art on a Saturday to look at and make art.
10AM-12PM Free!
90 Carlton Street
Athens, GA
Green Life Exhibition - Student Submission Opportunity
Entries due February 24th. Visit acc.gov/greenlife to submit.
BSE Family Engagement Plan and Compact
Please check out our Family Engagement Plan and our School - Family Compact by clicking the ⬇️⬇️ links below ⬇️⬇️
If you or your family don't always have money for food, visit the FoodFinder website or download our app to find places nearby where you can get free food and meal assistance.
Hilsman Health Center Now Offering Dental Services for CCSD Students, Staff, Families
The Hilsman Health Center, located at 870 Gaines School Rd., Athens, located between Hilsman Middle and Gaines Elementary schools, offers dental services in addition to its other health services and is now accepting appointments with Dr. Merissa Nelms.
The center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday (closed from noon to 1 p.m. every day for staff lunch) and Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m. Call 706-546-7463 to make an appointment.
The first school-based health clinic to open in northeast Georgia, the Hilsman Health Center is a partnership between CCSD and the Athens Neighborhood Health Center and is staffed by a nurse practitioner, dentist, and support staff.
Click here for more information on the center.
CCSD's Employee of the Month nominations for 2022-23 are NOW OPEN!
Parents/guardians, staff, students, and community members can nominate any employee. 😃
Employees must be full-time and have a minimum of one year of employment with the district. A committee will select a winner for each month from September through May, and the winner will be announced at the monthly Clarke County Board of Education regular meeting. The September winner will be announced at the Sept. 8 BOE meeting.
Click here to nominate an employee: https://bit.ly/3cfPWCp