PTMS Weekly Parent Newsletter
May 19, 2023
Coming Up
May 29 - Memorial Day Holiday - No School
May 30 - Single Period Day
May 30 - 7th Grade Chromebook Collection in Math Classes
May 31 - Modified single Period Day Schedule - 8th Grade Promotion at 10:30 a.m. in the Quad
June 1 - Single Period Day - 7th Grade Chromebook Collection in Math Classes
June 1 - 8th Grade Knott's Berry Farm Trip - still a school day for those not going
June 2 - Minimum Day - School is out at 12:20 p.m.
Message from the Counselors
Final second-semester grades will be available in Aeries by June 9, 2023. If an English or math grade has dropped to a D or F and you would like your Wolf to attend summer school, please visit the SDUHSD Summer School Page and contact summer.school@sduhsd.net to enroll.
Summer brings much more free time for our teens. If you find your teen is spending too much time on social media apps, here is a guide from the American Psychological Association (APA) with a new set of guidelines on social media use for kids, urging parents to limit the content their children are exposed to on apps like TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram. The guidelines include ten recommendations to help parents make sure their kids develop healthy social media habits that do not hinder their physical, mental, and emotional health.
Looking for a summer opportunity for your student? Yale Science of Well-Being for Teens is being offered online for free this summer. Any teen can take the course, and the material is a resource for students who need a chance to look at the big picture in their lives.
Summer Counseling Resources:
Care Solace is a free and confidential care coordination service if you need assistance. Call (858) 515-0595. Support is available 24/7/365 in any language by visiting www.caresolace.com/sduhsdfamilies. Care Solace will ask you a few questions to get started and then they will navigate the mental health care system on your behalf and find providers in our community that match your needs.
CA Youth Crisis Line: (800) 843-5200
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
To our 8th grade Wolves, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors and to our 7th grade Wolves, we look forward to seeing you in the fall! We hope you have a wonderful summer!
Lisa Curry, Counselor (A-Ne) lisa.curry@sduhsd.net
Carsen Murt, Counselor (Ng-Z and EL Students) carsen.murt@sduhsd.net
Samantha Eels-Taylor, Student Support Facilitator samantha.eelstaylor@sduhsd.net
Did you miss out on buying a Yearbook?
If you missed out on purchasing a Yearbook for your student this year, you may be in luck.
IF there are any "extra" Yearbooks, they can be purchased for $55/each (not the $50 we originally thought) beginning before school on Tuesday, May 30th, and throughout the day while supplies last. The register will be closed all day on Friday, May 26th.
We need some volunteers on Promotion Day to assist in set-up, crowd control, and manning the Promotion Certificate tables. About 20 volunteers in all. To help out, please click on this link. If you can do this, not only will it be very much appreciated but you'll get a reserved parking spot in the staff lot, too!!!
8th Grade Promotion - May 31 - 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, May 31st, is 8th Grade Promotion beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the quad. Click here for the bell schedule for that day.
Here are some important details:
- May 31st is a REGULAR SCHOOL DAY. Eighth graders are expected to arrive and attend their morning classes as usual then be escorted to the quad with the rest of their Homeroom class to the quad for Promotion. Students not in their morning classes will be considered truant unless a parent has contacted Attendance (PTAttendance@sduhsdnet) to excuse them.
- What should my student wear? It's a special occasion! Make it special by dressing for it. But please leave the tuxedos and ball gowns at home.
- If parents wish to take their promoting 8th grader home immediately following Promotion, their absence from the afternoon classes must be cleared by completing this form. You can also complete this form by using the QR code above and to the right. You can do it right now if you already know you are taking your 8th grader home after Promotion. You do not have to wait until Promotion Day to complete the form or let Attendance know. This form DOES let Attendance know. Otherwise, 8th graders will be expected to attend their afternoon classes after Promotion. Eighth graders not in their afternoon classes and who have not been cleared by a parent will be marked truant.
- Parking. There is limited space in the staff parking lot here at PTMS, but you are also welcome to park over in the CCA parking lot. DO NOT PARK IN THE CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY. If you require Handicap Parking, we will have a few parking spots coned off in the PTMS parking lot for people who reserve a Handicap Parking Spot. To reserve a Handicap Parking Spot, please click here.
- There will be no seating, so if you wish to sit, please plan on bringing your own (beach chair, blanket, etc.). There will be limited seating for disabled persons and we ask that only the disabled person be seated there, not the whole family.
- Parents will be permitted into the quad for Promotion no earlier than 10:00 a.m. Promotion begins at 10:30 a.m. and will last 45 minutes to an hour.
- Parents requiring ASL Accommodation, please contact Lisa Graciano@sduhsd.net as soon as possible.
- June 1st and 2nd are REGULAR SCHOOL DAYS. June 1st is a Single Period Day and June 2nd is a Minimum Day. Please see this bell schedule for bell times.
- June 1st is our 8th Grade Knott's Berry Farm Good Citizenship Trip. Eighth graders not going to Knott's are expected to attend classes as usual. Please contact the PTAttendance@sduhsd.net if your student will be absent.
- June 2nd is the Last Day of School. It is a Minimum Day (see bell schedule here). Eighth graders will receive their Promotion Certifications on this day.
- Can I get a Promotion Yard Sign? Yes. Yard signs are now being sold on our Spirit Wear Webstore. Orders placed after May 26th, however, may not reach you by the last day of school, so order soon!
Knott's Berry Farm - 8th Grade Trip - June 1
Eighth graders who bought a ticket for Knott's Berry Farm are expected to report to the Gym on Thursday, June 1st, at 7:00 a.m. and find their pre-assigned chaperone. Students must have their physical student ID card to board the bus. Replacement ID cards can be purchased with Vetha in the front office for $5/each. Buses will leave the park at 6:15 p.m. which should have them returning to PTMS at 7:45 p.m. (traffic permitting).
Eighth graders who did NOT buy a ticket to Knott's are expected to attend classes as usual. It is not a day off for them. Absent 8th graders not going on the trip will be considered truant if their absence is not cleared through the Attendance Office (ptattendance@sduhsd.net or 858.509.1000, x4609).
Chromebook Collection - 7th and 8th Grade
This year we are collecting both 7th and 8th grade Chromebooks, in preparation for all of our students getting brand new Chromebooks in August.
8th-grade collection (through English classes):
Thursday, 5/25 (periods 1,3,5)
Friday, 5/26 (periods 2,4,6)
7th-grade collection (through math classes):
Tuesday, 5/30 (single period day)
Thursday, 6/1 (single period day)
Important information:
Chromebook check-in takes time - each student must check in with a staff member in the Learning Commons to make sure that everything works.
Chromebooks must be in working order (any repairs will be diagnosed by the IT department and a bill will be sent home) - See Chromebook repairs and insurance information
Chromebooks must be turned in with stylus and charger. If your student has lost a stylus or charger, a bill will be sent home over the summer (stylus is $25 and charger is $28)
- Chromebooks should be free of all non-district stickers and sticker residue, and the student's first and last name should be clearly visible on their name label. (There will be fees for Chromebooks turned in with stickers/residue/graffiti.)
We need two (2) parents per period to help manage lines in the Learning Commons during Chromebook Collection. If you are interested, please click here to sign-up. Feel free to sign-up for more than one slot if you wish. Thank you in advance for helping out. Don't forget to check-in at the office (have your ID ready) before going to the Learning Commons to help out.
ASB and Student Announcements
You can check it out on the Students tab of our website and click the link entitled "Student Announcements" for a running post of each week's announcements.
From the PE Department
Please follow us on Instagram to see what your student is up to during PE class.
Gardening Club
In this edition of our newsletter, we are excited to share the highlights of the Garden Club's recent meeting and the wonderful celebration that followed. On Monday, the Garden Club concluded its meeting, marking the end of a successful year filled with fruitful endeavors. To commemorate their achievements, members gathered for a delightful salad party, where the star of the menu was a warm zucchini pesto salad. The vibrant flavors and fresh ingredients harvested from the garden perfectly represented the spirit of the club and their dedication to gardening and culinary excellence. As we bid farewell to this remarkable year, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all the members for their hard work, passion, and contributions that made it truly memorable.
From Attendance
It's summer soon, but we're still learning. Be here. Every day. On time.
PTSA is Looking for a Reflections Chair for the 2023-24 School Year
PTSA is looking for a Reflections Chair for the 2023-24 school year. We need someone to coordinate the art collection at our site. This year’s theme is, “I am hopeful because…” If you or someone you know would like to do this, please contact Claire Audiard Dufayet at: vpprograms@pacifictrailsmsptsa.org
Cybersecurity Summer Camp
CCA's Humanicamp Summer Camp
Run and taught by students of Envision Conservatory for the Humanities, the summer program Humanicamp runs from June 12 - 16 (I) and June 19 - 23 (II). It fosters rising 6th to 9th graders' growing creativity and critical thinking in two one-week sessions of activity-based fun!
For information and to register, please click here.
CCA's iGEM Summer STEM Camp
CCA iGEM is holding a STEM Camp this summer for middle schoolers! Learn biology, chemistry, synthetic biology and gene editing, and forensics at a high-school level. Each day has advanced educational content and fun labs to reinforce the students' learning. Please email ccaigem2023@gmail.com or visit ccaigemcamp.com with any questions!
CCA's Robotics Summer Camp
Job Opportunity - Bilingual Parent/Community Liaison-Spanish
San Dieguito UHSD has an opening for a part-time Bilingual Parent/Community Liaison--Spanish. A Liaison facilitates communication with families on the behalf of the schools and district to create and maintain a partnership between home and school and create a greater understanding of educational procedures, issues, and concerns.
For more information on locations, work hours, and to apply, please visit this link:
- PTMS Webstore - the PTMS store for PE clothes
- PTMS Student Safety Vehicle Permit - please turn in to the office.
- San Dieguito Boys & Girls Club - click the link to the left for 2022-23 athletic schedules.
- SDUHSD - The SDUHSD is currently recruiting to staff permanent and substitute classified positions (e.g. Instructional Assistant, Nutrition Services, Custodian, Secretarial/Clerical). Part-time and full-time positions are available. Substitutes can set their own availability. To view a list of openings and to apply, please click https://www.edjoin.org/sandieguito or you can call Susan Gray at 760 753-6491 x5543.