St Peter's Primary School
Friday 3 March 2023
Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring me health in body and spirit that I may serve You
with all my strength.
Touch gently this life which You have created, now and forever.
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians
CONGRATULATIONS – Congratulations to Miss Liana Lenzo and her fiancé, Julian for the upcoming wedding this Saturday 4 March. They are looking forward to celebrating their big Italian wedding! Miss Lenzo will be returning as Mrs Locantro on Monday 13 March.
I am excited to announce that Mrs Cassandra Visser and Mrs Alison Perrin are both pregnant. Mrs Perrin will be commencing her maternity leave early Term Two, while
Mrs Visser will begin her maternity leave towards the end of Term Two. We wish both of them all the best during this exciting time and are looking forward to baby cuddles when they come back to visit.
Also taking leave during Term Two is Mr Jack Uchanski. Mr Uchanski got married over the summer holidays and is looking forward to celebrating an extended honeymoon during Term Two. I wish Mr Uchanski a restful break and look forward to his return to St Peter’s in Semester Two.
Please remember that there is NO parent parking in the Staff Car Parks on Wood Street or Salisbury Street. We have two pick-up and drop-off zones – Wood Street and Salisbury Street. Please see the NO STANDING zones below for each street.
Please also remember that there is NO PARKING allowed on our neighbours’ verge. The rangers have been visiting St Peter’s regularly and this week have issued a few fines. Please check the signage before parking.
We ask that parents pass this information onto grandparents and any other family members who may be assisting with pick up and drop off.
Our Pre Primary students may be dropped off and picked up at Salisbury Street only and our Year 6 student leaders walk the Pre Primary students down to the Early Childhood area. As a goodwill gesture, the Leadership Team will continue to provide Duty of Care from 8am in the Undercover area for Pre Primary to Year Six students. Please do NOT drop your children off to school prior to 8am, as there is no supervision.
NAPLAN – NAPLAN testing for Years 3 and 5 will be held in from Wednesday 15 March to Friday 23 March 2023. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. Teachers will be working with the students to ensure they are familiar with the test format, to reduce any anxiety. We aim for our students to not feel any increased pressure, and we always encourage students to “just try your best.”
PARENT-TEACHER INTERVIEWS – In Week 9, commencing Monday 27 March, we will have Parent -Teacher Interviews. These interviews are a great opportunity to speak with your child’s teacher about how they have settled into the 2023 school year and how they are progressing in their learning. Please be mindful that interviews are scheduled for 15 minutes, so please be punctual. If you need more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate time for a longer meeting. Parents will be notified when the online booking system opens.
I wish all our families an enjoyable long weekend! We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Tuesday 7 March!
Courtney Caputi
Gallery of Photos
Assistant Principal RE News
FACTION DAY – This Wednesday, we celebrated our first stand-alone Faction Day, celebrating the faction, Dominic. There was a yellow buzz in the air as the students participated in learning about St Dominic, the founder of the Dominican Order. A massive thank you to the Year Six Teachers for all their hard work behind the scenes to coordinate such a wonderful day with support of the Year Six Leaders. Our Year Six students did an outstanding job leading the whole school through the lunch time activities. They were well set-up, organised and delivered fun for all. Please see the gallery for photos.
BRIEF HISTORY OF ST DOMINIC – St Dominic de Guzman, the founder of the Dominican Order, was a man of remarkable character and broadness of vision. He had the deepest compassion for every sort of human suffering, and he saw the need to use all the resources of human learning in the service of Christ. The first of the Dominican Sisters to arrive in WA was in 1899, settling in Greenough, just outside of Geraldton. In 1940, Fr McBride wrote a letter to the archbishop notifying him of the parishioner’s desire to open a school in the area. They sent four of the Dominican Sisters to St Peter the Apostle who open the school in 1941 with 26 students.
We look forward to celebrating our next Faction next term!
Matt Nettleton
Assistant Principal – Religious Education
Merit Certificates Week 4
PPB Max Kotlarczyk / Eliza Exeter
PPM Jaxon Hayward / Ellie Daly
PPW Kaavya Dangal / Santiago Cristancho Charry
1B Edward Toop / Joanne Zhou
1M Edwina Peyton / Oliver Sherborne
1W Dean Moraly / Jasper Eastman
2B Elle Swords / Oscar Campbell
2M Isla Bartlett
2W Eason Zhang / Evie Dragojevich
3B Digby Blair / Cristina Friel
3M Noah Maltese / Zara Simeons
3W Juliana Joyce / Benjamin Yang
4B Archer Campbell / Myra Sharma
4M Archer Andreotta-Adis / Ariana Phan
4W Harry Maldenis / Layla Drabarek
5B Mia Camilleri / Evie Brook
5M Aria Todd / Aidan Keyt
5W Raffaello Batacchi / Keira Freitag
6B Excursion
6M Excursion
6W Excursion
Merit Certificates Week 5
PPB Angelica Goedsir / Thomas Tselepis
PPM Tom McCullough / Lincoln Poh
PPW Lola Donaldson / Ella Mallozzi
1B Grace Hoskins / Dacre Hooper
1M Juliette Restifo / Archie Thomson
1W Evelyn Qian / Dean Moraly / Jessie Cao
2B Aaron Hayes / Julian Salvia
2M Olivier Doyle / Isabella Grove / Eva Montini
2W Logan Tartaglia / Odetta Marsh
3B Poppy Cummings / Kallan Bennett
3M Juliette Besson / Henry Wilkins
3W Blake Nguyen / Elijah Armstrong
4B Emma Truong / Lucy Tran
4M Kenneth Jose / Nyla Sunderland
4W Zeus Samonte / Adya Jha
5B Isla Swords / Rhiannon O’Shea
5M Sunny Needs / Alice Pang
5W Jesse Italiano / Adriana Morris
6B Sage Earnshaw / Riccardo Fazari / Jessica Wang
6M Tristen Le / Philip Marinucci / Shamilyz Cheong
6W Zara Warner / Jesse McGuire / Summer Robinson
2023 Dates
Term One – Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April
Term Two – Monday 24 April – Friday 30 June
Term Three – Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Term Four – Monday 9 October – Friday 8 December
Pupil Free Days
Monday 6 March – Public Holiday
Thursday 6 April
Friday 7 April – Good Friday
Monday 24 April
Tuesday 25 April – Anzac Day
Monday 5 June – Public Holiday
Friday 22 September
Friday 3 November
Monday 6 November – Catholic Day
The Kindy classes are working to set up a Picture Book Comprehension Program. The program requires us to have multiple copies of popular picture books that you may have at home and would like to donate. If you have any of these book titles and would like to donate them to Kindy, please bring them to a Kindy classroom or to the Front Office. Please click the link to see the list – Comprehension Program 4 year olds
Thank you for your support.
Kindy Team
The Fathering Project
The St Peter’s Father Figures Committee invite you to the St Peter’s Movies Under the Stars Outdoor Cinema Event!
Join us for a night of entertainment under the stars. We will be showing a classic family movie in a beautiful outdoor setting. All you have to do is bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and your favourite snacks, and get ready for a night to remember. Popcorn and soft drinks will be available to purchase on the night. BYO refreshments and favourite sweet/savoury snacks.
Date: Friday 31 March 2023
Time: Gate opens 6:30pm for a 7pm Screening
Location: St Peter’s Primary School Oval (Gated Entrance from Wood St)
Cost: $5 per person
All families are welcome. Purchase your ticket through the TryBooking link: https://www.trybooking.com/CGDJU
We can’t wait to see you there!
Please show your event ticket/s on the night to the smiling St Peters Dad’s team at the Wood St gate entry from 6:30pm.
St Peter’s Fathering Figures Committee
Basketball News
Registrations will close on Friday 24 March 2023.
The Basketball Committee is also looking for volunteers to join them. Please email spbasketballteams@gmail.com if you are interested
Parish News
A training session will be held Tuesday 21 March from 4pm in the Church, followed by a sausage sizzle.
To rsvp, email Renee Bennett renee.bennett@encanta.com.au
We hope to see you there!
Visit the link below to view your newsletter:
P&F News
High School News
Chisholm Catholic College Year 7 2024 Scholarship Applications
Chisholm Catholic College is now accepting applications from current Year 6 students for Academic and Music Scholarships.
Please visit the Chisholm Catholic College website to register your child by Friday 10th March 2023.
Families will be contacted regarding the Academic Scholarship Testing that is schedulded to take place
on Saturday 25th March 2023.
For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Anne Balmer, Enrolments Officer on 9208 2516.
Community News
- ATHENA CALISTHENICS CLUB – Calisthenics is perfect for all ages to build confidence. For more details, call Brooke on 0422 487 930 or email info@athenacalisthenicsclub.com
- MOUNT LAWLEY / INGLEWOOD ROOS – Calling all girls Years 3-6, the Mt Lawley Roos are “Roo-cruiting.” Roosjfc.org.au/registration Queries – girls@roosjfc.org.au For more information, please click Roos Flyer Come and try one afternoon – please click https://www.trybooking.com/CGAVK
- MATHS EXPO – The expo is targeted at families in the aim to provide support to parents and students with mathematics learning at home by showcasing interactive resources. It will be a fun, interactive day with lots of opportunity to see a variety of resources that make learning fun, and there are prizes to be won on the day! Join us – Sunday 12 March at 10am at Stirling Community Centre, Karrinyup.
- 2023 INTERSCHOOL PRIMARY BASEBALL & TEE-BALL – Registration for Baseball and Tee-Ball Championships –https://www.schoolsportwa.com.au/interschool/primary/teeball/
Contact Us
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on Instagram @
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St-Peters-Primary-School-in-Bedford-418862431521114
Twitter: @St_Peters_P_S