GT Explorer
East Side, West Side, Joe Wright, Fred Douglass
Lewis and Clark Expedition
In the book, A Prairie Dog for the President by S.R. Redmond, students also learned that throughout the expedition; over 140 maps were made, new species of plants and animals were discovered, and some collected to share with the president. This inspired a STEM project: a prairie dog cage prototype. These original creations are on display in each school library.
Me on the Map
Five Themes of Geography
In one activity, place is defined by unique qualities or structures as being natural or man-made, for example, Niagara Falls vs. The Great Wall of China. Students were given a STEAM challenge: discover the 7 Ancient and 7 Modern Wonders of the World then choose one to recreate using Lego bricks. Students collaborated with partners or worked on their own to complete the structures. So many factors of physics came into play! Everyone gave it their best effort and the results were Wonderful!
Fourth Grade Foreign Exchange
We start many of our GT classes with greetings from around the world as we learn about different countries and cultures. Our East Side 4th graders were able to create interview questions and meet with six foreign exchange students from JHS. Three students were from Thailand and one each from Italy, Sweden and Denmark. This was a very exciting and informative exchange between learners. Questions about: location, weather, animals, pets, food, fun, games, hopes and dreams are just a few included. One 4th grader commented, "getting to interview someone from another country made me feel really connected!"
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