The Cardinal Connection
August 28, 2022
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
August 28th: All students in grades Kindergarten-12th must take a COVID-19 test and report results on Sunday, August 28th.
August 29th: First Day of School for Students in Kindergarten-5th Grade
August 31st: All students in grades PK3 and PK4 must take a COVID-19 test and report results on Sunday, August 28th.
September 1st: First Day of School for Pre-K 3 and Pre-K4 students
September 2nd: PTA Uniform Sale @3:15PM (during dismissal)
September 5th: Labor Day Holiday...No school for students, teachers, and staff
September 6th: After School Programming Begins
September 13th: PTA General Body Meeting
September 17th: DCPS Back to School Block Party
September 22nd: Back to School Night 6 PM-8 PM
September 28th: Virtual Principal Chat @ 6 PM
A Few Day One Reminders...
We have been working diligently and are excited to welcome our Cardinals back for their first day of school this week. With this being said we would like to provide our families with a few reminders to better assist us in having a strong opening. Please see below.
- All students and staff must test to return and upload the results of their test before they can start school.
- Kindergarten through 5th graders start school on Monday, Aug. 29th, and would need to test and upload their results on Sunday, Aug. 28th.
- PK3 and PK4 through students start school on Thursday, Sept. 1st, and would need to test and upload their results on Wed., Aug. 31
- We will have tests available for all families in need of a test if you were unable to get one prior to your student's first day.
- Families are not able to enter the building to take students to class. We will have adults in place this week to ensure that students are getting to class safely.
- Reminder, doors open for entry at 8:15 AM. We are asking families whose students are not eating breakfast at school to arrive starting at 8:30 AM if possible. This will allow us to facilitate breakfast in the cafeteria more expeditiously.
- Student dismissal starts at 3:15 PM and students are dismissed from the playground, field, and black-top area.
- We kindly request families not to park in the coned areas located on K Street during the arrival and dismissal. These areas are designated for Kiss and Go in the morning and our school buses in the afternoon.
Remember To Take A COVID-19 Test Before School Starts...
All students and school-based staff will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test on their first day of school. Our SY22-23 #SafeReturn protocol follows the test-to-return measures in place last school year and this summer. We will have COVID tests available for any family that may be in need of one to complete testing.
- Students in grades K-12 will need to take a COVID test on Sunday, August 28 and report results that same day by going to DCPSstrong.com/testing.
- Pre-K students will need to take a test on Wednesday, August 31 and report results that same day by going to DCPSstrong.com/testing.
Visit this link to learn more about how to have a safe return for the first day of school, including how to take a rapid test and share your results with your school.
School Visitation for School Year 22/23
PTA Updates and Highlights
Good afternoon, all! Hope everyone has been enjoying a fun and/or restful summer. Hard to believe school is starting next week.
It's been a pleasure meeting many of you at some of the open houses, both virtual and in-person. We are excited to meet even more of you in the coming days and weeks! Just wanted to highlight a few upcoming events and a call for volunteers.
Friday, September 2nd - The PTA will have another uniform sale during afternoon pickup.
Call for volunteers! We'd love to have some extra hands to help with uniform sales. This is a great way to meet new families and contribute to our school community. It’s never too early to get involved! Please email the PTA jowilsonpta@gmail.com if you can help with either of the events listed above. Thank you!
Save the Date for Tuesday, September 13th at 6:00 pm. - PTA General Body Meeting
Come and meet the J.O. Wilson PTA (Parent Teacher Association) to learn about who we are and what we do. We'll share information about upcoming events and activities, and we are excited to get your input and ideas! Membership in the PTA is free and open to all parents, guardians, and staff.
*General body meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month (unless it falls on a holiday or scheduled break.)
If you haven't already, please take a moment to fill out the PTA membership and interest form to help us get to know you!
Here are ways you can keep up with the PTA community:
- Visit the school's website https://www.jowilsondcps.org/. (Click on "Get Involved".)
- Follow us @jowpta on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram if you are on social media!
- Subscribe to the PTA groups.io listerv to help us grow our online community. The site allows you to post messages and share information directly with other subscribers.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or comments.
The J.O. Wilson PTA
Stay Up To Date With The DCPS Calendar!
Cardinal Kiss and Go Reminders...
To keep the lane open for Kiss and Go, parking is prohibited in the orange cones on K during morning drop-off.
- Plan ahead. Encourage your children to gather their belongings in the car before arriving in the Kiss and Go lane.
- Proceed as far as you can in the coned-off section in front of the school on K Street
- Remain in your vehicle. A Kiss & Go staff person will open the car door & help your child exit the car.
- Exit the Kiss & Go lane with care. Please pay attention to the flow of traffic on K Street before exiting the coned section.
Kiss & Go Don'ts
- Do not drop off students in the middle of K Street. Remember, PEASE no double parking at any time.
- Do not allow students to exit the car on the driver's side of the vehicle in the Kiss and Go lane.
- Do not drop off PreK3 and PreK4 students at Kiss & Go. PreK3 and PreK4 students use a separate entrance and have to be walked to the door by an adult.
SodexoMagic Elementary Menus
Supply Chain Issues and School Meals
While supply chain issues are nationwide, our team is committed to adapting our menu and operations to ensure our meals are delicious and maintain high standards in quality and nutrition. Check out this informative video on current supply chain issues faced by school meal programs and industries throughout the nation. Currently, menus are subject to change. We apologize for any inconvenience that these product shortages might cause and sincerely appreciate your patience. As always, we welcome your questions and feedback. We hope you won’t hesitate to email us at food.dcps@k12.dc.gov or reach us by phone at (202) 299-2159.
September ECE Breakfast & Lunch
August/September Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC)
August/September K-12 Breakfast
September ECE Breakfast & Lunch
August/September Elementary School Lunch
Snack: August/September Snack Menu
Supper: August/September Supper Menu
Please note that inclement weather, school closings, and seasonal availability cause Food & Nutrition Services to change food items from the original menu. Parents cannot be notified in advance of the change due to uncertainty of the number of days closed, possible equipment failure and product delivery disruptions. We thank you in advance for your understanding.