SST16 PBIS Newsletter
If a student doesn't know how to behave: WE TEACH IT!
SST16 PBIS Consultant: Missy Baker
We are here to support 24 Southeastern Ohio School Districts. PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) is an implementation framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that support the academic, social and emotional competence of all students.
Upcoming Professional Development
TRAINING Opportunities
PBIS Tier II training: completed 2/2 and 2/3
PBIS Tier III Training: (anticipated March/April)
SWIS (Behavior Data Collection System) training and support: by request
PBIS Award Recognition: INTENT to apply for a 2022-23 PBIS Recognition Award is on February 28, 2023
Fabulous PBIS Resource: PBIS World Book
One School Social Worker and 8 schools K-12… necessity, the mother of invention, that’s what really led to PBIS World. When the new role of PBIS Coach was added to my hat wardrobe, I knew I needed to find a way to stretch myself even thinner than I already was without actually stretching myself. I needed to duplicate myself to increase my work production and efficiency. Thus began weeks of brainstorming that ultimately concluded with the idea of a PBIS website for my district. The website would enable and empower teachers and staff to implement and carry out PBIS more autonomously while freeing me up a little more to focus on broad trainings and tier 3 cases (Designed by The Studio Red)
Shout OUT to Beacon Rays!
The Beacon Rays have been working very hard to develop a PBIS Tier 1 behavior incentive program for both classrooms and district-wide. They are using a Pom Pom system to fill their classroom buckets for when students exhibit the expected behavior's such as Responsible, Respectful, and Safe. Once the classroom fills their bucket they will have an individual class celebration. The district will work towards filling Principal, Becky Martin's bucket, to have a school-wide celebration! What a wonderful way to acknowledgement positive behavior. Using Pom Pom's allows the adults to remember to praise and acknowledge the expected behavior outlined in their matrix.
SHOUT OUT Trimble High School
PBIS Incentive Day
The students at Trimble High School have an opportunity to be eligible to participate in the Incentive Day by meeting these three requirements: have less than 3 unexcused absences per 9 weeks, les than 3 minor behavior referrals and no major behavior referrals per 9 weeks (defined in their code of conduct), and no missing assignments per 9 weeks. THS allows their students to gain the right back through participation in restorative/rehabilitation programs for attendance/tardy, behavior, and academics.
BIG ideas to make PBIS a school-wide celebration
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) has been gaining popularity among schools because of its consistency in teaching students about positive classroom behaviors. Many states now mandate PBIS, and many school districts are also finding success after implementing PBIS practices.
An important part of PBIS is teaching clear behavioral expectations to all students. Once your students have learned and practiced these classroom values, their social and academic growth will improve.
To help make PBIS a success, schools reward students (and teachers) for their efforts and growth. This may include PBIS rewards ideas for individual students, classrooms, or even entire student bodies. Here are 24 PBIS celebration ideas to help get your school and students motivated
Here is another 350 ideas.
PBIS Recognition Award Process for the 2022-23 Update
PBIS Recognition Award Process Update for 2022-23
There is a lot of NEW information regarding the PBIS Recognition Award Process for the 2022-23 school year. I wanted to keep all of our districts up to date with the latest information. Please be aware that this is still a work in progress and items may still change. We do know that the 2023-24 process will also look different.
Important dates: INTENT to apply for the 22-23 PBIS Award Recognition is due on February 28th (the materials will be released on February 6th). Missy Baker will email region 16 school districts the information ASAP.
Implementing PBIS with a Culturally Responsive Lens
Is your building or district data showing disproportionality regarding student and staff cultures and backgrounds?
Culturally responsive PBIS systems (CR-PBIS) are designed to match the cultural backgrounds of the individuals they serve.
“PBIS is not fully implemented until it is culturally responsive.”
This information was provided by the ESC of Northwest Ohio Student Wellness Group. It has great resources such as a culturally responsive field guide, a LiveBinder with resources on culturally relevant implementation, and much more.
Remarks by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine for his 2022 State of the State address
Important information regarding Ohio graduates
1. To reward academic excellence, if you are in the top five percent of your high school graduating class -- wherever you go to high school in Ohio -- we plan to reward you with a $5,000 a year scholarship, also renewable for each of four years, if you choose to attend a college or university here in Ohio.
2. If a child’s passion instead takes them to college, many families worry if they can afford it. And so, for the first time ever -- we will provide need-based financial aid to students choosing to enroll in community colleges or university regional campuses. Our budget will also expand the State’s need-based scholarship, known as Ohio College Opportunity Grants, in two very important ways .First, we will significantly expand eligibility to include many more working Ohio families. And second, we will increase the scholarship amount to $6,000 per student, renewable for each of four years.
Is Your District or Building In Need of FREE Data Collection Tools?
Is data being used to make DECISCIONS in your district or building? Data should be used during all DLT, BLT, TBT, and PBIS meetings. Data should be shared with all stakeholders including staff, students, families, school board members and more. At PBIS Apps there are FREE data collection tools than can provide surveys for the data collection process. Here are some FREE tools that can be found on the website: Tiered Fidelity Inventory for Tiers 1-3, School Climate Surveys for staff, students, and families, Benchmark of Quality, SAS or Self-Assessment Survey, and Early Childhood Benchmark of quality. You can find out more information about each tool at the website. These survey tools are very helpful if your building or district is applying for a PBIS Recognition Award, to use the data to drive decisions and focus, and also when scoring The TFI for all three PBIS Tiers.
School districts can determine a point person(s) to become a local coordinator. That person can go to the website and at the bottom of the page there is a section called "local coordinator information form". By completing this form and emailing it to PBIS support, you will be given free access to the above data collection tools.
Having trouble training new staff on PBIS initiatives?
PBIS Network Team members at OCALI will be launching a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Website in February. It will contain online professional development opportunities. It will contain resources that will be available to support PBIS leadership teams with training materials. Many districts have not yet created resources for their "New Comers Club". This website will be excellent for this purpose.
Take advantage of this newly released module that provides more tools/resources for training staff.
In light of the need for all Ohio districts to engage with PBIS, this OLAC module explains PBIS overall, traces the development of PBIS, and examines empirical research on PBIS. The module points education leaders in Ohio to resources needed to understand PBIS and use it well in their schools and districts.
Press the get started button to access the module and the resources.
Take advantage of this newly released module that provides more tools/resources for training staff.
How to Avoid Non-Compliance for PBIS and Restraint and Seclusion
Topic: Meeting Expectations of the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports and Restraint and Seclusion Rule
Rule: Positive Behavior Interventions and Support and Restraint and Seclusion
On April 9, 2013, the State Board of Education approved Ohio rule 3301-35-15, standards for the implementation of positive behavior intervention supports (PBIS) and the use of restraint and seclusion. The rule was revised and re-approved on June 24, 2021.
The purpose of the rule is to ensure Ohio school districts establish consistent policies and procedures for the use of PBIS and emergency restraint and seclusion. The intent is to create safe environments for students and staff and reduce the need for emergency physical restraint and seclusion through behavior support and training.
Excellent resource: Checklist for Meeting the Expectations of PBIS and Restraint and Seclusion
Major Takeaways from OCALI Conference 2022: Very good information.
House Bill 318
PBIS Connections to State Initiatives
Governor Kasich signed House Bill 318 in August 2018, with an effective date of Nov. 2, 2018, to address multi-tiered behavioral supports to reduce out-of-school suspension and expulsions, especially for prekindergarten through grade 3 students.
Report Card Measure for Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion Frequently Asked Questions
Resources For District Support
Tier I Live Binder- full Tier I Modules and Resources
TFI (Tiered Fidelity Inventory) with Action Plan
Reducing the Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior in School
Kinship Connections PPT Shareable
Data Guide for Enhancing Your PBIS Framework to Address Student Mental Health
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support: Please contact for support and resources.