The Falcon Flyer
February 9, 2024 Edition 7
Welcome to Folsom Preparatory School!
New students!
Folsom Prep welcomes new friends! Kico, Victor and Alula
Spelling Bee
Congrats to all participants!
First place: Onyinye
Second place: Claire
Third place: Alisa
"To be a super speller, you should read a lot because you can learn how to spell so many word."
"To be a super speller, you should study the word by picturing it in your mind, writing it down, and spelling it aloud."
"To be a super speller at a spelling bee, you should stay calm and relaxed. You should spell your words slowly and carefully."
Rubio's Review
Rubios review
Chinese New Year
Brought to you by Vaughn and Wyatt
Happy Lunar New Year!
New year
President's Day
Check out some fun facts about President's Day!
presented by Tarun
President's day
Candy Grams! Getting ready for Valentine's Day!
Thank you to everyone!
Candy Grams will be delivered Valentine's Day!
Upcoming Events
Reported by Maya
Here's what's coming up...
Falcon Flyer
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