Padbury Newsletter
Issue #13 - 20 August 2020
Fri 21 Aug - Online Assembly for Students
Mon 24 Aug - Pupil Free Day (Staff PD)
Tues 25 Aug - Pre-Primary Liturgy
Wed 26 & Thurs 27 Aug - School Photos
Sat 29 & Sun 30 Aug - First Holy Communion Masses @OLM
Mon 31 Aug - Pupil Free Day
Tues 1 Sep - Year 3 Liturgy
Please check the community calendar for future dates as the calendar is regularly updated.
Dear Parents
Our Year Four children are in the final stages of preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist which will be celebrated at the end of August. Thank you to the Year Four teachers Mrs Woodall, Mrs Barry and Mr von Bergheim for preparing the children so beautifully for this special sacrament in which they receive Jesus for the very first time.
Next Monday, 24 August, we have a Pupil Free Day whereby the staff will be undertaking professional development. PCPS is a school which follows the Mercy ethos and charism and the staff will spend the day exploring - what Mercy means, what it means to be a Mercy school, the Mercy values and how bring these to life in our personal lives and school community, the life of Catherine McAuley (who founded the Sisters of Mercy) and Mercy Work social justice programme. Throughout the year we hope to share this knowledge with the children so that they too can embrace the Mercy charism of our school.
Tuesday Pre-Kindy is full however we have a few vacancies left for Thursday Pre–Kindy. Once children turn 3 years of age, they can attend Pre-Kindy. If you have a child who is 3 years old or soon turning 3 years of age or have friends, neighbours or relations with children ready for Pre-Kindy, please contact the school office for the remainder of 2020. We are also enrolling now for 2021 and 2022.
We are enrolling for Kindy 2022 and 2023 so if you have a sibling due for Kindy please ensure you have your enrolment lodged at the front office asap.
I am very pleased to announce that our Cross-Country team has taken out first position at the recently held State competition. We won the Girls Champion School Trophy, the Boys Champion School Trophy and the Overall Champion School Trophy – a clean sweep! There were over 165 schools participating and it is a huge achievement for our school to take home the shield five years in a row! Congratulations our amazing competitors who committed themselves to the many training sessions provided by our Sport teacher Mr Hignett and for their determination to achieve their personal best whilst displaying great sportsmanship on the day. Huge thankyou to Mr Hignett for his dedication and passion for Cross Country!
The Padbury Catholic Primary School P&F (Parents and Friends) Facebook Page is a celebration of all things Padbury, with the intent to build upon our strong community spirit. The page is also a great way to share information with our community about events, fundraisers, sporting and academic achievements. Please note that Padbury Catholic Primary School Class Pages are set up in the same spirit and also follow the Code of Conduct as below.
Code of Conduct
We ask that any comments made, are done within the spirit of our school motto “Love One Another”. Any negative comments will be deleted at the discretion of Admin. No photos are to be included in comments. This is to ensure that those children who are not permitted to have their photo displayed are protected.
Raising Issues
The Padbury Catholic Primary School pages are not a forum for issues to be raised regarding staff, students or parents/families of students. This is best done directly with the school as per our School policy. We will not support interactions that incite or fuel negative sentiments.
Not Including Names
We ask that you do not use the names of our staff, students or family of students unless these are already publicised in the original post.
The Padbury Catholic Primary School pages are not to be used for the advertising or promotion of individual and family businesses, services or products.
Underage Facebook Users
Padbury Catholic Primary School does not endorse children under the 13-year-old threshold imposed by Facebook creating their own Facebook account. We all need to be good social media role models for our children. The Padbury Catholic Primary School Facebook pages operate under the Commonwealth Telecommunications Act and Facebooks Terms.
I would like to thank all parents for their continued support in following the COVID protocols whilst on the school grounds. It is important that we remain vigilant even though there are no current cases in WA. PCPS continues to follow directives issued for catholic schools from Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) and applied to our PCPS context:
· Parents are able to come onto the school site to drop-off/pick-up their child/ren however cannot enter classrooms before/after school.
· It is great to see the increased use of the Kiss and Ride and the children being so responsible and independent getting out of their car and making their own way to the classrooms. Other than the few Visitor bays near the office, there is no parking allowed in the staff carpark.
· In the morning parents can park along O'Leary road on the school side only - not on the resident side.
· In the afternoon parents cannot park at all on O'Leary Road. This area is for a Kiss & Ride pick up for Yr 1-6, which is also a moving line of traffic.
· PK, K and PP parents may use the Kiss and Ride near the PK/K/PP classrooms in the afternoon only, to park and collect their child/ren. Parents parking in this area are asked not to remain on the school site and to vacate as soon as possible to allow other cars to utilise this area.
· No right-hand turn into the top carpark (K/PP) during drop off/pick up times. Instead, please drive down O’Leary Rd, loop around at the end of the road and drive back up and turn left into the top carpark.
· Just a reminder that morning supervision by staff does not commence until 8.15am. There should not be any children on the school site prior to 8.15am.
· In the morning, all Yr 1-6 children who arrive from 8.15am must make their way to the amphitheatre (undercover area if raining) and sit and wait with the supervising staff until the bell goes at 8.30am. If accompanying your child/ren, you are asked to also wait in this area and not outside the classroom as this confuses other children arriving at school.
· Physical distancing of one person per 2 square metre is still a requirement for all adults. Therefore, if you are coming on to the school site for drop offs/pick-ups please do not gather together in groups and ensure that physical distancing is maintained at all times.
· Please drop off/pick up your child/ren and then leave the school grounds promptly
· If collecting your child during the day please come to the office to sign them out, obtain a green slip and then collect them from their classroom.
· Pre-arranged parent meetings can occur onsite, with adherence to physical distancing and hygiene protocols. Meetings must be pre-arranged. Telephone meetings are still be available.
· Class liturgies can now occur however larger gatherings such as assemblies, whole school mases etc are still on hold.
· Assemblies will still continue to be streamed live to the classrooms for the children with merit awards presented in the classrooms by the Leadership Team. A photo will continue to be sent home of your child receiving their award.
· Uniform shop will continue to be open by appointment only booked via When attending the uniform shop for your scheduled appointment, please drive round the back of the school and park in the bays by the courts. Flexischools operating as normal with deliveries to the classroom. Any further uniform queries please contact Uniform Manageress Kylie Giles at or mobile 0418905442
· As the health and safety of all our students and staff is our highest priority, we continue to have in place a range of sustainable cleaning, hygiene and safety measures to minimise risks of COVID-19 transmission in our school environment.
Our Athletics Carnival on Friday 11 September will go ahead as planned, and parents will be permitted to attend, however as Phase 4 restrictions will still be in place on this date, there will be some restrictions put in place with regard to parents. More information will be sent out closer to the date.
Have a lovely weekend with your family and keep warm!
Mrs Margaret Williamson
religious education
First Holy cOmmunion
Staff PD
The Early Years teachers spent the day exploring how play-based learning facilitates and strengthens young children's development. We looked at characteristics of play and ways we can incorporate this approach into our daily teaching.
Keep your eyes out for some new indoor and outdoor creative spaces in our Early Years and some innovative and creative technology integration in Years 3-6.
Tech Tips with Mr vB
School Photos 2020 Info
State Cross Country Championships 2020
Last Thursday, Padbury Catholic School participated in the Annual Cross Country State Championships. It was fantastic to be back competing after such a disrupted year. It was a perfect Winter day with no rain but nice cool running conditions.
Padbury CPS have had amazing success at this event in the past and this continued again this year. Padbury CPS were again crowned state champions with over 100 schools in attendance and more than 2000 competitors. Our terrific record makes it four wins from the past 5 years. To say I’m proud of our amazing athletes is an understatement. Congratulations to all the students who participated in the gruelling 2km and 2.5km events, they represented Padbury CPS with tremendous spirit and determination.
Padbury CPS won – Overall Champion School, Overall Champion Boys School, Overall Champion Girls School, Year 4 Champion Boys, Year 4 Champion Girls. (WOW!!!)
The final five schools were. (lowest score wins!)
- Padbury Catholic 999 points
- Whitfords Catholic 1511 points
- Marmion Primary 1830 points
- St Marks Anglican 1930 points
- Swanbourne Primary 1933 points
The individual results for each race can be found by clicking on the link below.
Our focus now turns to Athletics. The School Athletics Carnival will be held on the following dates.
Monday 7th September - Jumps and Throws and Middle Distance racesYear 5 and 6
Tuesday 8th September - Jumps and Throws and Middle Distance races- Year 3 and 4
Friday 11th September - Annual Athletics Carnival
More information about these events will be coming soon.
Athletics Training:
We are holding training sessions for students in Year 3-6 for the next three Wednesday afternoons to prepare the students for the upcoming sports carnival. If students are attending, they will need a change of clothes if it is not their normal sports day. Training will run from 3:10pm until 4:00pm.
Running club
Running Club continues in Term 3 on Thursday mornings. All students are welcome to attend from 8:00am until 8:20pm
Mr Hignett
Physical Education Teacher
This Week’s focus: The Cyber Safety Lady
This week, I am sharing a fantastic resource for parents – The Cyber Safety Lady. The Cyber Safety Lady is a website and Facebook page run by Leonie Smith, one of Australia’s best known Cyber Safety experts.
Her focus is on providing up-to-date information about current apps, games, websites, etc., as well as practical advice and solutions for keeping everyone safe online, particularly children. She has been featured on 60 Minutes, The Project, The ABC and many other television and radio shows. I follow her on Facebook and she always has fantastic information, particularly focusing on current internet safety issues.
Please head to her page and like/follow to help educate and keep yourself up-to-date with all things internet! I strongly encourage all parents to follow her in at least one of the following ways:
- Mr vB
Social Worker's Corner
The Fathering Project
Offer Freedom with Boundaries – The Fathering Project
Kids need freedom within boundaries. It is like a tunnel. The edges are solid and you give them freedom to bounce around a bit within those walls as they move ahead.
- By giving your child small amounts of freedom they learn valuable decision making skills.
- They will make mistakes, but they will also learn from those mistakes.
- And yet boundaries are still important, to keep your child safe and protected. It is a delicate balance.
The Fathering Project is a brief email parents can subscribe to free of charge. Words of wisdom are forwarded weekly.
Mrs Ali Fisher
Social Worker
Sustainability corner
Waste Free Wednesdays
Mahatma Ghandi once said “The Future depends on what we do in the present”. Here at Padbury Catholic Primary School we are encouraging children to do what they can to ensure a more sustainable future for all. We are working on small steps to inspire children to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, starting with ‘Waste Free Wednesday’.
We encourage all families to participate in this wonderful initiative, by asking that every Wednesday, the children bring a ‘waste free’ lunchbox to school. The bins in the school will be put away to encourage children to use reusable, more sustainable food items. A waste free lunchbox can include many options, such as reusable food containers, beeswax sandwich wrapping or silicone zip lock bags.
We thank you all for your continued support.
Mrs Kathryn Carter
Sustainability Team
Battery Recycling at PCPS
Do you know that you can recycle old batteries here? The Mindarie Regional Council has provided us with a special bin to collect batteries that can do our environment harm if they end up in landfill with our other waste. The bin is currently located in Miss Wilson’s classroom near the sports shed. We would love to have less batteries put into landfill.
Which batteries can be collected?
Dry cell batteries include AA, AAA (single use or rechargeable), C, D, button batteries, 9V, 6V and cordless power tools.
Which batteries cannot be collected?
Lead acid batteries, such as car batteries, cannot be collected. Please contact your local council for details of how to dispose of these batteries.
Ms Stephanie Wilson
Sustainability Co ordinator
If you haven't already done so, please like/follow/share us!
padbury cares
Parish Update
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish
Website :
24:7 Whitfords Youth Group ONLINE
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays 7pm-8:30pm @ 24:7 Whitfords Online (Messenger Group Chat).
Coming up: 24:7 Whitfords Online Youth Group: Mental Well-being, THIS FRIDAY! (Last Online Youth Group)
Altar Server Training
12th September at 10:00am in the OLM Church
New altar servers are welcome, and existing Altar Servers welcome for a refresher on Covid protocols.
community news
Padbury Catholic Primary School
Location: O'Leary Road, Padbury WA, Australia
Phone: 94044000