I-29 Moo University
A newsletter for dairy producers - February 2016
Where Do the Sharps Go?
Author note: Each state varies in how they regulate livestock sharps, please check directly with your local or state waste management personnel.
I gave my animal a shot, now what? Regardless of why the animal received a shot, it is important to dispose of the needle in a safe way. Other sharp items such as scalpel blades used to perform various medical procedures on animals should be disposed of safely as well. Continue...
Email: Heidi.Carroll@SDState.edu
Website: IGrow.org
Location: Brookings, SD, United States
Phone: 605-688-6623
I-29 "What is Your Pregnant Cow Worth?" Winter Workshop a Success!
By Kim Clark, Dairy Extension Educator, Nebraska Extension
Nearly 150 dairy producers, veterinarians, dairy consultants, students, collegiate faculty and sponsors were in attendance for the What is Your Pregnant Cow Worth? workshop hosted by I-29 Moo University. This workshop presented one agenda in five states over five days starting in Mandan, ND on January 11, Watertown, SD on January 12, Pipestone, MN on January 13, Orange City, IA on January 14, and concluded in Norfolk, NE on January 15.
The I-29 Moo University is a group of Extension Educators and Specialists from Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota as well as allied partners within the dairy industry in those states. I-29 Moo University is in its 11th year of hosting dairy workshops and tours. Each year the I-29 Moo University collaborators hold various tours, workshops and session to equip dairy producers with the latest and most current information for dairy producers.
Throughout the one day workshop, attendees learned about synchronization programs, how genetics and genomics can be used to increase overall milk and herd performance, how to communicate and effectively manage employees, the importance of herd records, and using economics when determining reproduction programs and performance.
Attendees walked away from the workshop with numerous ideas to implement on their farm. The most common were that farmers are going to re-evaluate their AI program and that monthly or quarterly meetings will help build employee employer relationships.
On average, attendees felt this workshop added $0.25 to $1.00 per hundred weight of milk to their operation.
The buzz about the I-29 Moo University workshops is increasing around the dairy industry and the collaborators will soon begin planning for the 2017 winter workshop program.
Tracey Erickson discusses personnel management
Tracey Erickson is a dairy field specialist with South Dakota State University.
Photo credit: Ryan Breuer, Iowa State University.
Jim Paulson discusses genomics
Jim Paulson is a dairy extension educator at the University of Minnesota.
Photo credit: Ryan Breuer, Iowa State University.
Thank you to the sponsors!
Thank you to all the sponsors of the workshop.
Photo credit: Ryan Breuer, Iowa State University.
It was a full room in Orange City
Nearly 30 people were in attendance in Norfolk
Jim Salfer discusses record keeping
Photo credit: Ryan Breuer, Iowa State University.
Grasses to grow with alfalfa in mixes
Interest in the potential for perennial forage grasses to complement alfalfa for high-quality forage production continues to grow in the North Central USA. Forage mixtures of alfalfa with perennial cool-season grasses offer whole-system (soil, crop, and livestock) advantages over alfalfa monocultures. Continue...
Email: jcp@umn.edu
Website: http://www.extension.umn.edu/agriculture/dairy/
Location: Rochester, MN, United States
Phone: 507.280.2871
Calendar of Events
23-Crisis Preparedness workshop; Divots Conference Center, Norfolk, NE; 9:30a-2:00p. Contact Rod Johnson at 402.853.2028 or RJohnson@MidwestDairy.com to register.
8 - Veterinary Feed Directives webinar at 10:00 am through Nebraska Extension. Connect at Connect.unl.edu/DairyTuesday
29 - I-29 Moo University: Dairy Beef Short Course; starting at Central Plains Dairy Expo; Full details coming soon!
29-31 - Central Plains Dairy Expo; Sioux Falls, SD.
About Us
Website: iGrow.org/Livestock/Dairy
Location: I29 Corridor
Facebook: Facebook.com/I29DairyOutreachConsortium
University of Minnesota Extenstion
Jim Salfer (Extension): salfe001@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6093
Jim Paulson (Extension): jcp@umn.edu; phone: 507.251.4694
Betty Berning (Extension): bberning@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6104
Keela Fick (Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region): Keela.Fick@co.pipestone.mn.us; phone: 507.290.0576
Liz Purcell: Liz@MNMilk.org; phone: 763.355.9796
South Dakota State University Extension
Tracey Erickson (Extension): Tracey.Erickson@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.882.5140
Maristela Rovai (Extension): Maristela.Rovai@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.5488
Heidi Carroll (Extension): Heidi.Carroll@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.6623
Roger Scheibe (SDDP): SDDairyProducers@gmail.com; phone: 605.692.1775
Nebraska Extension
Kim Clark (Extension): KimClark@unl.edu; phone: 402.472.6065
Robert Tigner (Extension): Robert.Tigner@unl.edu; phone: 308.345.3390
Rod Johnson (NSDA): Rod@NebraskaMilk.org; phone: 402.261.5482
North Dakota State University Dairy Extension
JW Schroeder (Extension): jw.schroeder@ndsu.edu; phone: 701.231.7663
Iowa State University Dairy Extension
Ryan Breuer (Extension): rmbreuer@iastate.edu; phone: 712.737.4230
Leo Timms (Extension): ltimms@iastate.edu; phone: 515.294.4522
Sue Ann Claudon (ISDA): sueannc@iowadairy.org; phone: 515.965.4626
Allied Partners
Midwest Dairy Association: MidwestDairy.com
Minnesota Milk Producers Association: MNMilk.org
Nebraska State Dairy Association: NebraskaMilk.org
South Dakota Dairy Producers: SDDairyProducers.org
Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region