Willow Parent Bulletin #3
September 18, 2020
Dear Families,
We hope you will join us for our Virtual Open House next week. We have an evening of fun activities for the whole family in store. Watch for your invite next week.
We will be maintaining this learning structure for the foreseeable future. You will have the opportunity to give your thoughts (using your nice voice) on a survey coming out from the District Office. We will utilize that information to make changes that are in the best interest of our students.
As always, please reach out if we can be of help and know that you and your little wildcat are supported! Have a great weekend!
This week's announcements come to you from Nurse Straney.
This week's social emotional focus:
Each person brings to their interactions and relationships a unique set of experiences, interests, abilities, heritage, and temperamental qualities. Sometimes students can find these differences interesting, but sometimes they may view these differences as very different from their own.
Respecting and appreciating what makes each person unique can foster understanding, empathy, and positive attitudes toward others. These skills will support your child's ability to live in a diverse world and have friendships and relationships with all kinds of people. He/she will also learn that it’s okay to be different, and that these differences (in themselves and others) are accepted and valued.
Assessing your 1st and 2nd grade wildcat
Students in Kindergarten who are already reading will also be assessed in the near future.
Willow Virtual Open House
Thursday, Sep 24, 2020, 06:45 PM
- September: on Netflix:- Bookmarks:Celebrating Black Voices ( children's books by Black authors read by Black celebrities)
- September 24: Willow Open House- watch for your intivation
- September 25: No School- remote planning day
- September 28: No School- Yom Kippur
- October 12: No School- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- November 2: No School- remote planning day
- November 3: No School- Election Day- BE SURE TO VOTE
- November 25: early release at 1:35 PM
- November 26-27: No School-Thanksgiving Break
- December 3-4: No School-Parent-Teacher conferences
- December 18: early release at 1:35 PM
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720