August 26, 2022
Welcome Back to School!
Tiger Gala Supports Student Needs
The Tiger Gala was established to celebrate the students, teachers, staff, and alumni from all 13 WDMCS schools, and to raise funds to support the future success of our students.
The West Des Moines Community Schools Foundation's focus is to create opportunities for students to participate and excel in the 4 A’s – academics, activities, arts and athletics.
Please join the Foundation by purchasing a ticket or by sponsoring a table.
Thursday, Sept. 8
6-9 p.m.
6500 Grand Ave., West Des Moines
COVID-19 Guidelines for School
We continue to encourage families to follow CDC guidelines regarding face masks.
What if Your Student Tests Positive for COVID-19?
- Contact your school nurse for guidance.
- Students must isolate themselves at home from days 0-5. Day 0 is the first day of symptoms, or the day of the positive test if no symptoms have developed.
- Students may return after 5 days, if:
- they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications;
- their symptoms improving; and
- they wear a mask for days 6-10 when around other people. If your student tests negative twice (at least 48 hours apart) between days 6-10, then the mask can be removed before day 10.
Learn more on the CDC website >
What if Your Student is Exposed to Someone with COVID-19?
- Students should mask when around other people for a total of 10 days. Testing is recommended on or after day five.
- If the initial test is negative, students are encouraged to test again 48 hours after the first test.
Tiger Gala Promo Video
Bus Safety Reminder
Family-Friendly Raccoon River Rally Oct. 8
Save the date and join the West Des Moines Community for the 2nd Annual Raccoon River Rally at Raccoon River Park on Saturday, October 8! This fall festival is a family-friendly event featuring live music, food trucks, activities for families, bike ride through West Des Moines, and cardboard boat races on Blue Heron Lake. The event is organized by the West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce and City of West Des Moines. Learn more at wdmchamber.org/rally.
Know someone looking for 2022-23 preschool?
Please share this link with interested families: https://discover.wdmcs.org/tiger-cubs-enrollment.