The Eagle Express
March 24, 2023
Important Dates
Sat., Mar. 25 - St. Eugene Gala (6:30pm)
***March 27-30 Parish Lenten Mission***
Tues., Mar. 28 - Spirit Tee Tuesday/2pm Dismissal
Wed., Mar. 29 - Class Picture Day (see below for dress code)
Thurs., Mar. 30 - School mass (8:15am) - regular school uniform
Fri., Mar. 31 - SALT Day of Service
Fri., Mar. 31 - Stations of the Cross (8:15am)
Sun., Apr. 2 - Yearbook order deadline
Tues., Apr. 4 - Spirit Tee Tuesday/2pm Dismissal
Wed., Apr. 5 - Eat & Earn at Ted’s (Penn location)
Thurs., Apr. 6 - Last Supper Reenactment (8:15am)
Fri., Apr. 7 - Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
Sun., Apr. 9 - Easter Sunday
Mon., Apr. 10 - Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Gala Night!
If by chance you still have some raffle tickets and money to turn in, it absolutely needs to be turned in to the gala committee by Saturday BEFORE the gala, or there is zero chance that ticket will be pulled! with questions.
Soccer Kick Off!
Class Picture Day - Wednesday
Class picture day is coming up on Wednesday, March 29th. Order envelopes have gone home for pre-orders, and must be returned to classroom teachers by Wednesday, March 29th.
K-7th grade should wear dress uniform.
8th grade may wear dressy attire (follow free dress guidelines at minimum).
On Thursday the 30th, all students may wear their normal school uniform.
All Call for Volunteers
Get your SALT shirt washed and ready to wear this weekend! New shirts should be in backpacks today for those who ordered one.
Order Your Student Yearbook!
No Art Club in April
Kids Heart Challenge Update
Calling Mothers & Daughters!
Save the date for the annual Wonderfully Made Conference on Saturday, April 1st! Mothers with daughters ages 9-12 are invited to attend together to learn about topics like Theology of the Body, nutrition, and Natural Family Planning. This is a free, bilingual event, but space is limited! Register for the conference today! Wonderfully Made will be at the Catholic Pastoral Center, 9 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 1, 2023.
Esta es una conferencia para Madres e Hijas con charlas sobre Teología del Cuerpo, nutrición y Planificación Familiar Natural. El espacio es limitado, ¡así que regístrese hoy! El evento será bilingüe. Maravillosamente Hecha será en el Centro Pastoral Católico, 9 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. el sábado, 1 de abril de 2023.
Save the Date for Summer Basketball Skills Camp
Holy Week at St. Eugene
Eagle Excellence
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
News on Repeat
Come Exercise Your Creative Muscles! Join us Mar. 31 and May 5 at 9:30am in the Atrium to help prepare materials for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. No need to be a celebrated artist. We'll be touching up paint on small figurines and making paper and other materials as needed. Contact Christie Ardoin at with questions. And visit our webpage to find out more about this beautiful children's ministry.
Still Need Safe Environment? We still have a lot of people wanting to volunteer who have not completed Safe Environment. ALL ARCHDIOCESAN/PARISH/SCHOOL EMPLOYEES & ADULT VOLUNTEERS who have contact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete the new online Safe & Sacred Training (2020) including a background check. Until all steps have been completed in the online training portal, employees and volunteers may not serve at the parish/school or organization. Please complete this google form to send in your name and email address to Jennifer Goodrich so that she can send you information to begin the process! You must have updated SE if you plan on driving on field trips, being a homeroom parent, or coaching a team, etc.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, as well as those of your family and friends this Lent. | Please pray for the healing and comfort of Sasha, granddaughter of CSSE friend Belva Neal.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067