Happy Easter!
End of Spring Term 2023
A well earned rest!
Happy Easter
Mich B
Diary Dates & a look ahead
Parents are welcome to join us on the Monday Mile from 8.45am.
Collective Worship in Church - now only the first week of term and on special term dates.
Friday 31st March - PTA Cake Sale & Raffle. Ash Class pupils to provide the cakes (home made or shop bought, no peanuts please), all other pupils/families to purchase at the end of the school day.
Monday 17th April - National Offer Day for parents/carers of children due to start school in September 2023.
Monday 17th April - no hot meal available due to Ixworth School being on a PD Day. School packed lunches are available.
Thursday 20th April - Maple and Wild Cherry class trip to Farm & Country Fair. Please go to Arbor to give your consent and make your voluntary payment.
Wednesday 26th April - Pakenham Mill trip, Maple Class. Please go to Arbor to give your consent for this trip.
Monday 1st May - Early May Bank Holiday.
Sunday 7th May - Coronation Picnic (village event - all welcome), Bardwell Playing Field from 12 noon.
Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday for the King's Coronation.
Monday 22nd May - Class, whole school and Y6 leavers' photographs. Smart school uniform including logo sweatshirt please.
Friday 26th May - PTA Cake Sale, Wild Cherry Class Class pupils to provide the cakes (home made or shop bought, no peanuts please), all other pupils/families to purchase at the end of the school day.
Sunday 28th May - Cars on Bardwell Village Green event, all are welcome to this fun event on the Green.
Wednesday 14th June - Sports Day. Parents/carers are invited to the afternoon session.
Wednesday 21st June - Sports Day reserve date - in case of poor weather on 14th.
Saturday 24th June - Bardwell Village Fete, all are welcome to this fun event on the playing field.
Tuesday 27th June (PM) and Tuesday 11th July (AM/lunch) - September YR starters' settling in sessions. Further details will be sent to families in due course.
Wednesday 28th/Thursday 29th June - Y6 transition days at their new secondary schools (SET Ixworth and Thurston Community College).
Thursday 13th July - Leavers' Collective Worship in Church, 1.30pm. All families welcome to this end of term service.
Thursday 20th July - Carnival. Watch this space for further details!
Our Term Dates for the next academic year are now available - these are also on the school calendar on the website and on Parents & Carers>Term Dates page. Please ask the office staff if you would like a paper copy.
Summer Term Clubs
The School Council pupils are currently deciding on the themes for After School Club, so all we can tell you just now is that Wednesdays will be sporty.
We will circulate the themes for the clubs early in the Summer Term.
New menu and reminder re: lunch on 17th April
Our new menu goes live when we return after Easter. If you'd like a hard copy of the menu, please ask the school office staff. Please ensure your child's lunches are paid for in advance.
Uniform - check your laundry basket!
If you have anything that isn't yours, please bring it in and we'll reunite it with its owner.
This is a good time to remind you that ALL clothing items in school need to be clearly labelled with your child's name.
PTA - easyfundraising
Why not ask a grandparent or an uncle/auntie to sign up?
Easter Holiday Funded Activities (HAF)
We have been advised that we can also issue other families with a HAF voucher code, e.g for young carers, children in care, those on low income but not in receipt of FSM, etc. If you would like to receive a code, please contact Mrs Allman on bardwell@tilian.org.uk or 01359 250854. Your request will be completely confidential.
The full timetable of SCC activities is here. Activities include wildlife learning, science, football, film making, sports, crafts, swimming, Curve Motion and many more. Note that places are limited so it is recommended that you book early.
Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council have also sent us their list of HAF activities, which can be found here. The holiday clubs can involve helping young people experience new and enriching activities from sport to music, dance, drama, art, cooking and gardening, as well as improving socialisation, helping young people to have fun with friends during the holidays.
Suffolk Mental Health Survey
[circulated on behalf of Suffolk Mind/SCC)
Spare PPE and LFT kits
We also have a few boxes of face coverings (masks) that we no longer need. These are the disposable type, not FFP standard.
If you would like either, please ask me or Miss Egmore in the office. We will give no more than one box per family and they will be distributed on a first come-first served basis.
Mrs Allman
The Velveteen Rabbit - free tickets
The performance will be in the Tithe Barn, at 11am on 4th April 2023.
To book your free tickets please go to TicketSource. Further information is available from the Tithe Barn's OneSuffolk website.
If you booked 'early bird' tickets via the school, your child should have had their tickets with them on Friday 17th March.
Is My Child Too Ill for School? - NHS advice
We are very keen to have children attending school if they are well enough. Please have a look at this NHS advice if you are unsure.
Absence reporting process - including current NHS COVID isolation guidance
If your child is absent from school please ring into the school office giving the reason for the absence ('unwell' is not sufficient), please do not email for absence. If you need to, leave a voicemail.
The School must be notified by the parent/carer of the absent pupil on the first day of absence AND on every day of absence thereafter, before the register is closed. If a telephone call is not received, the school will contact parents/carers directly.
Please see the Attendance Policy for more information.
If you suspect or know that your child has COVID, the NHS guidance for children now states:
"If a child or young person aged 18 or under tests positive for COVID-19, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days. This starts from the day after they did the test.
Children and young people tend to be infectious to others for less time than adults. If they’re well and do not have a temperature after 3 days, there’s a much lower risk that they’ll pass on COVID-19 to others."
Discretionary Grant Scheme
Mrs Allman will order these for all families with pupils on income-related Free School Meals.
If you have any unused codes from the February half term, please note that these will expire 3 months after the issue date, c. 11th May 2023.
GVTSSP Sports Camp - Easter
Sports Camp: 3-6 April 2023
Please find flyer attached
Mon 3 April: AM Gymnastics or Football / PM Football or Dance or Parkour
Tue 4 April: AM Skateboarding or Target games . PM Skateboarding or Multi sports
Wed 5 April:: AM Nerf + laser tag / PM Nerf +laser tag
Thurs 6 April: AM Inflatables day / PM-Inflatables day
Ages: 5 – 12 yrs
Venue: Beyton, Thurston Sixth (IP30 9AA)
£10 per workshop
[Sharing on behalf of the organiser]
We are The Next Generation Project part of the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System who work with schools and local health and social care providers across Suffolk to promote health and social care career routes to students.
We are running a FREE 4 week programme for students aged 10 – 13 years old who are interested in careers in Health and Social Care called the Junior Health and Social Care Programme (leaflet attached). We have recently completed a very successful Junior Academy in the Ipswich area.
The 4 week program will run from West Suffolk College and will be held Saturday mornings on the following dates:- Saturday 22 and 29 April, Saturday 06 and 13 May between 9.30 – 12.30.
The areas covered within the program are –
v Keeping a Healthy Mind
v How we Use Communication Skills to Help Others
v The Importance of Fitness, Nutrition and Hydration
v First Aid
We have ambassadors attending from Suffolk Mind, the NHS and the East of England Ambulance Service.
There will be FREE goody bags and information for all students who attend. All Students must be accompanied at each session by a responsible Parent/Legal Guardian.
There is still some availability for the Junior Academy. Please find attached, a Registration Form which we would kindly ask those students who would like to attend the Academy to complete and return to andrea.chambers@nhs.net by Friday 31 March 2023.
Thank you for your support.
Lisa Sutton
Next Generation Interim Project Manager
Ixworth Library
Kinetic Adventure Centre - holiday programme
Redgrave & Lopham Fen at Easter
Here at Redgrave and Lopham Fen, we have lots of activities taking place during the Easter holiday, including a Holiday Club and Plant Sale, which might be of interest to parents/carers of children at your school. I’m attaching posters and the link to the events on our website is here: What's on this Easter! | Suffolk Wildlife Trust
I’d be grateful if you are able to pass on the details.
Many thanks
Deborah Key
Engagement Officer
The British Country Show - 9th/10th April
Game and Country Fair - 22nd/23rd April
Easter family fun at Sandringham
Knettishall Heath Easter holiday club
This is another activity that can be paid-for or booked for free for those with a HAF voucher.
Easter Events at the Guildhall
All events require booking, please visit www.burystedmundsguildhall.org.uk
What's on in Bardwell Church - March 2023
Wednesday 29th, midday - Lent Lunch in the Tithe Barn, supporting the West Suffolk branch of SAMS.
Bardwell Church is open every day from 9am to dusk.
For the grown-ups - Wine Tasting & Concert
Saturday 15th April, 7pm, Bardwell Church
Saxophone Concert and Wine Tasting.
Tickets £15 available from www.bardwellchurch.org
Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism - Suffolk County Council
Parent/carer courses (3 dates) - please see this flyer for booking information
What will I learn?
- Differentiate and spot misinformation and disinformation.
- Develop strategies and tools to mitigate and protect young people from algorithms, conspiracy theories and mis/disinformation on social media.
- Increase your knowledge of new and emerging social media sites and their risk concerning radicalisation and extremism.
Conference for frontline professionals:
Event: Suffolk: Tackling Online Radicalisation and Extremism Conference
Location: Trinity Park Conference and Events Centre, Trinity Park, Ipswich IP3 8UH
When: Tuesday 28th March 2023, 10:00 – 14:00
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/522513360527 (free)
About this event:
The internet has opened up many new opportunities in communication, entertainment and knowledge. But it’s also given extremists the means to target, connect and communicate with people vulnerable to radicalisation.
At this conference, we aim to:
- Increase your knowledge on online radicalisation and extremism: focusing on Mixed Unclear Ideologies and Far Right extremism
- Develop key media literacy skills and strategies, including how to combat disinformation, conspiracy theories and online gaming effectively;
- Provide you with guidance and practical skills to navigate the online world and safeguard young people from radicalisation and extremism
Attendees will benefit from an agenda of plenary presentations focused on relatable themes delivered by leading experts and media literacy practitioners. The programme will showcase many examples of best practices and ample opportunities for interactive discussion and networking amongst fellow professionals and peers.
Who is invited:
We are looking to invite members from the community who are frontline workers, including professionals, parents and carers, charities, the voluntary sector and including the following:
•Social Care
•Early Help Hubs/Teams
•Voluntary Sector
•Charity and 3rd sector
•Frontline Youth Workers
•Parents/ carers/ foster carers
*About the organiser:
Shout Out UK (SOUK) is a multi-award-winning education platform and a creative social enterprise. We fuse education and tech with film production and animation to create world-class programmes on Media & Political Literacy and high-impact Democratic Engagement campaigns. We are on a mission to protect and amplify democracy by ensuring that political literacy education is as wide as possible and available to all citizens in and out of school, regardless of their socioeconomic background, ethnicity, or gender
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me,
Charlotte Sanderson
Prevent, Hate Crime and ASB Lead
Public Health and Communities
Suffolk County Council
Allergy Awareness
We are an allergy aware school and would like to remind all families that there may be pupils in school with a peanut allergy. If a child with a peanut allergy comes into contact with peanuts, or with a pupil who has eaten peanuts, then this could lead to an anaphylactic reaction. Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to a trigger such as an allergy.
Because of this the school cannot accept products containing peanuts to be provided in lunch boxes or for eating at other times.
SCC information for Cost of Living Support
Suffolk County Council has asked us to share with families their updated 'Cost Of Living Support' information.
Bardwell Charities - financial aid
Bardwell Charity Trustees
Free School Meals - could you be eligible?
Your child may be eligible for free school meals throughout primary school. This could save you approximately £484 per year.
To check or apply online, visit: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-and-trips/apply-for-free-school-meals/
Check if you're eligible
Your child will get free school meals if you receive any of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit but no element of Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finishes or after you start to work fewer hours per week
Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (£616.67 per month), as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods).
To check if your child is eligible, apply online for an immediate response or call 01473 260989.
We encourage you to apply, because the school receives additional funding (Pupil Premium) for all children on income-related Free School Meals.
Families Suffolk magazine
Could you please share the following with your parents:
The March/April Issue of Families Suffolk Magazine is available to read online now.
This issue includes a brilliant ‘Places to Visit in 2023’ feature full of great ideas for local family days out and perfect for planning the Easter holidays.
There are also competitions to WIN FAMILY TICKETS to:
- The East Anglian Game & Country Fair
- The South Suffolk Show
- The Hadleigh Show
Click on the link to read: https://bit.ly/FamiliesSuffolk_Mar_Apr23_Print
If you would like to get your hands on a hard copy of this issue, you can pick up a FREE copy from any Suffolk Library or Children Hub or Waitrose in Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Sudbury.
I hope you enjoy.
Kind regards
Stacey Phillips
Families Suffolk
Click here to download the current issue of Families Suffolk Magazine
Online Safety Newsletter - April 2023
This month's edition includes information about being kind online, SendIt and BeReal.
You must be over 13 years of age to use BeReal.
There is also a link to a useful article about when to get your child their own phone.
About Us
Email: bardwell@tilian.org.uk
Website: https://www.bardwell.org.uk/
Location: School Lane, Bardwell, Bury Saint Edmunds IP31 1AD, UK
Phone: 01359 250854
Twitter: @BardwellPrimary