United South Central Elementary
November 2022 - Rebel Preview - Rebel Review
Principal's Corner
Our first couple of months of school have moved by quickly and our USC students have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. It is so awesome to see the students engaged with one another and enjoying one another’s company while committed to the learning process. As we end October and head into November, it is a great time to reflect upon the things we are most grateful for. Traditionally the month of November is a time for thanks and giving. Also, it is time to show gratitude. Did you know that expressing gratitude reduces stress, increases optimism, facilitates helping behavior, strengthens relationships, and increases one’s happiness? At USC, there is much to be grateful for. For starters, we have awe-inspiring caring staff which includes teachers, paraprofessionals, office staff, lunchroom workers, and custodians. These wonderful people are grateful you chose USC to assist you in the education of your children and are here to help support their growth and development. Personally, I feel privileged to work with all of these great people. Secondly, we have a beautiful school building. It is such a joy to be able to work in such a nice spacious building that allows students to learn in the best possible environment. Finally, I am grateful for the supportive parents/guardians and the community at large. USC would not be what it is without all of your support. Thank you.
Throughout the month of November, gratitude will be the focus at USC Elementary. Our main event this month will be our Veteran's Day celebration on Friday, November 11, 2022. Our school is known for putting on a spectacular program to show our Veterans how grateful we are for their service to our country. We would not have the freedoms we have without their valiant efforts. Please join us in thanking our Veterans on this day. In addition to Veterans Day, students will be celebrating Thanksgiving this month. In the spirit of gratitude, I would like to challenge you to think about all of the people you are grateful for and encourage your children to do the same. Perhaps you may wish to share your appreciation and gratitude for these individuals. A simple “thank you” goes a long way and can make someone’s day. Let’s all be encouraged to be kind, compassionate, and grateful this month. Enjoy the month of November.
With Gratitude
Jennifer Taylor, Elementary Principal
Important Dates to Remember
November 1 - Picture Retake Day *This is an updated date due to a conflict
November 16 - Two-Hour Early Out
November 17 - K-12 Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 22 - Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences (evening)
November 23 - Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences (No School PreK-6)
November 24 - 25 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
USC Elementary Fundraiser
Thank you for doing such a great job selling items for our fundraiser! We are so grateful for your generous investment in our USC students!
Mark your calendars for these important dates!
End Date: Tuesday, November 8
Delivery Date: Wednesday, December 7, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Again USC students thank you for your support!
American Education Week - November 14 - 18
Every year American Education Week is celebrated the week before Thanksgiving. This is a week to honor those who work in our nation's public schools. Please take an opportunity to express your gratitude to the USC staff throughout this week. This year we will have some dress-up days along with some activities to express gratitude to those who work at USC.
November 14 - Hats off to Education Day - Wear a hat and write a thank you to a staff member
November 15 - Pajama Day
November 16 - Dress like a member of the USC staff
November 17 - Dress like your favorite book character
November 18 - School Spirit Day (Red, Navy Blue, and Siver)
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences are quickly approaching on November 17, 22, and 23rd. We encourage your participation in this event. I want to emphasize communication is perhaps the most essential part of the education process for students, teachers, and administrators. Good communication and school and parent collaboration are key to children’s academic success both within and outside the classroom. When parents and teachers work together, children will understand that expectations are the same. We sincerely hope you attend conferences to connect with your child’s teacher in the spirit of partnership.
For the 5th and 6th graders we will be trying something new this year. In lieu of walk-in conferences, we are going to have individual conferences. In order to reserve your conference time, please click on the following link for Sign Up Genius. We are looking forward to seeing you at your designated time.
Book Fair Dates and Times
November 17 through November 24
November 17: 8:00 am-3:45 pm
November 18: 8:00 am-7:00 pm (Elem. Parent/Teacher Evening Conferences)
November 19: 8:00 am - 3:45 pm
November 20: Online Orders All Day
November 21: Online Orders All Day
November 22: 8:00 am - 3:45 pm (Elem. Parent/Teacher Evening Conferences)
November 23: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm (K 12 Parent/Teacher Evening Conferences - No School PreK - 6th grade)
Parent Contact Information
Please make sure to notify the elementary office if your email address or telephone number changes. It is imperative that we are able to contact you in case of a school-wide emergency or your child becomes ill. In addition, keeping your contact information current will ensure you receive notices and announcements from the school.
Student Illness
Extra Clothing
Please send an extra set of clothing with your child. It is important we have an extra set of clothing in the event of spills, mud, accidents, and wet clothing from recess. Thank you.
USC Elementary Vitals
Drop off and pick up at USC Elementary
Students will enter the school by the main door by the elementary office
Students can enter the building at 8:10 AM after they are lined up outside. Please be mindful to drop your students off as close to 8:10 A.M. as possible to alleviate a long wait prior to the start of the school day.
Students who eat breakfast can enter the building at 7:50 A.M. Students must go directly to the Commons and remain in the Commons until 8:10 A.M. when they can walk to their respective classrooms
Students will be dismissed from the main doors by the office.
Entrance into the Building:
Parents are encouraged to drop off and pick up students outside the main doors. If a parent/guardian needs to enter the school building for any reason including dropping students off, picking students up, and eating breakfast, they must check in at the elementary or high school office and get a name badge prior to entering the building. Student safety is our number one priority and we appreciate your help.
Parking Notice: When picking up students before and after school make sure you are legally parked to avoid potential pitfalls. We need to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and visitors.
Outdoor Recess: As fall sets in and the temperatures start to drop, please remember that your children will be playing outside every day, weather permitting. We need your help to ensure your students come to school properly dressed for the weather. Jackets/coats must be worn unless the temperature is 60 degrees or above. Moreover, as the snow flies students need to have additional outdoor gear which includes layers, hats, mittens/gloves, scarves, boots, and snow pants.
Thank you in advance for your help in ensuring your child feels comfortable outside at recess. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the Elementary Office at (507) 553-5810.
Lost and Found: Please check out the tables of items waiting to be reunited with their owners in the Commons near the vending machine. Stop in and take a look in the event your child is missing something. In order to avoid having your child's possessions wind up in Lost and Found, please make sure all clothing is properly labeled.
A Special Thank You to the Education Foundation
Spotlight on Kindergarten
Kindergarten students took a field trip to Center Creek Orchard in October. Students got to go on a super slide, crawling tunnels, jump pad, and corn piles among other things. Students separated into small groups and got to go on hayrides. There were apples to eat and each student got to bring home a pumpkin to celebrate fall. Fun was had by all.
Spotlight on the Third Grade
It has been said, a good dictionary can help students understand their subject better, improve their communication, and improve their grades by making sure they are using words correctly. We appreciate the Lions Club in Well’s MN for investing in our student's education by putting a dictionary in the hands of every USC third-grade student year after year. Thank you for supporting our students.
Spotlight on the Fifth-Grade
On October 25th, fifth-grade students attended the SCSC Science and Nature Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, MN. While at the conference, students were able to participate in academic enrichment experiences that allowed them to delve deeper into science and nature topics that intrigued them. Each student got to attend three sessions which included hands-on opportunities to learn about how science plays a part in our world, environment, home, space, life, and technology. Students were eager to share about the Bug Show, Remarkable Reptiles, Building Bridges with MnDOT, and painting snakes out of sticks. Being on a college campus was eye-opening and a great experience for all.
Remarkable Reptiles
The Fifth-Grade Class
The Bug Show
Fire Prevention Week
Fire Prevention Week is observed every year during the week of October 9. During Fire Prevention Week students learn how to stay safe in the event of a fire. Students from USC took a field trip to the Wells Fire Station to learn about how to prevent fires, stay safe, exit a burning house, and find a place to reunite with family in the aftermath of a fire. Thank you to all of our local firemen for the time they dedicated to teaching our students these important lifesaving skills.
Halloween Fun
Jennifer Taylor, USC Elementary Principal
Email: jtaylor@unitedsouthcentral.org
Phone: 507553-5810