Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
Email: bright@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/542378_3
Location: 200 West Comanche Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-371-1220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
Jan 17- Policy Council
Jan 19 - Parent Meeting
Jan 25 - EHS Screening Day
Dear Bright Beginnings' Families:
I would like to thank the parents and community members who serve on our Policy Council. This group supports all of BBEC and our programs could not continue without their membership.
As we head into February, we are already looking at Parent Teacher Conferences during the first full week of the month. Teachers and staff will be reaching out to parents to schedule these important meetings.
Unofficially, this month also begins our recruitment planning for enrollment next year, as well as our transition planning for students that are heading to Kindergarten. There will be important information forthcoming for both of these jobs, so please stay tuned.
I would like to thank our families for their patience as we deal with Parking Lot construction. Please remember to drive slowly and to park before exiting your vehicles for arrival and dismissal. The increased traffic flow makes these two thing essential for safety.
We are excited about the continued growth of our students. The next four months will go by extremely quickly--so don't blink!
Thank you for allowing us to serve your children . . .
Arthur Barker
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Wednesday and Friday
7:50 am
11:45 am
Thursday, Jan 19, 2023, 05:00 PM
Sunnyside Elementary, Sunnyside Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
- Permission to Apply for KEHS Child Care Partnership and Home Visitation
- 2022-2023 Community Assessment and Self-Assessment
- Income Verification and Priority Criteria Document Changes
The next Policy Council meeting will be January 17th at 11:30am. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher or advocate. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
Welcome back after Winter break! We sure missed seeing you all. It was great to greet you once again!
As we get back into routines, daily commitments, and building relationships, I want to focus on Power of Intent. This always begins with being a STAR and taking those deep belly breaths to get our brains into problem solving mode. When we look at the choices and behaviors of others these could be reactions or responses. When we see others as trying to do their best, we show empathy. When we experience empathy, we have the ability to see how we can be helpful in a situation rather than reactive. When we see adults and children alike doing things we wished were different, we can be helpful.
Your little people need us to help them in Good intent and empathy. For example, when they protest when its time for school or wish for something from home or in their backpack, we can respond differently to get them from one moment to the next. We can say, "You seem sad, you were hoping you could be at home and play with your toy. Breathe with me" Look into their eyes while being at their level. "Say, you can handle this." STAR breathe again. Possibly as you are walking to the car or into school or as this upset occurs. As they calm, talk about when they can play with their toy or see their family again. "When we are home, we will play again together. It's time for school. Let's see what you get to do next. You can handle this." If they still seem sad or upset, "You can miss your family/toys and still do school. Let's go do this together." Give them an acceptable choice in walking beside you, holding your hand, and/or carrying something. How we respond and in our calm, we can help each other get from one moment to the next in whatever emotion is occurring.
Families, you got this! Keep practicing as loving boundaries are set, connections occur, emotions are acknowledged, and commitments are made all the while breathing through it.
Keep doing the "good stuff" with your kiddos and I hope these little tidbits allow us to shift a bit and add in a different way to learn with children.
Well wishes to you all this January!
Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Wishing you Well! ~Miss Melyssa
Early Head Start will have a screening day on January 25th at the Civic Center from 9 am to 3 pm. They will have dental exams, physicals, immunizations, hearing and vision screenings, and ASQs available to those who need them. March 1st will be dental screenings for 3-5 preschool students.
Some students still need physicals. All offices in town will provide a copy of health records to parents free of charge. It is recommended that you ask for the record for Bright Beginnings.