Carman Paw Print
March 6, 2022
Important Upcoming Dates
Dear Carman Families,
Have you ordered a yearbook yet? Forms have been sent home and the deadline to order is March 11th. The cost is $15.
Do you have a student who will turn 5 years old before Aug. 1, 2022? Kindergarten Registration is OPEN and online! Just go to https://www.parkwayschools.net/Page/1950 to register! If you have any questions, please feel free to call Mrs. Regan at 314-415-6104. Families are encouraged to register early for staffing and planning purposes. You can also visit https://www.smore.com/u9caf which includes information on registration, a recording of Wonderful World of Kindergarten and an interactive google classroom that has tons of stories and information on how to best prepare for kindergarten.
Please note, we will be having outdoor recess daily, when conditions permit. Please be sure your student arrives at school with a coat and gloves, and a hat if possible.
With CT Pride,
Book Fair Updates!
From our Chairperson - Danielle Peterson:
We raised 1,657.60 with the coin drive. With that, each classroom was able to pick out 2-5 books. One student from each classroom was drawn to pick out a book, as well. The top two winning classrooms will receive $50 to buy more books for the classroom, and the 3rd runner-up will receive $25 to buy more books. The rest of the money is going to Leah for the library.
The Book Fair is still open to shop online until March 9th. Our total in-school book fair amount is 7,886.93.
Thank you so much to Danielle Peterson, Mrs. Manley, our PTO, and of course our students and families for sharing in the love of books! A special thank you to our Reading Intervention Specialists for planning a fun Read Across America Week that helped to get the students excited and diving into more books!
There's still time to donate!
Our event is ending soon – the students have had a great time on the KHC Road Trip! Your student’s envelope will need to go back to school by March 7th so now is a great time to do one last call for donations so you can get them in on time. Thank you to all who have joined in to make our event a huge success!
Click on the link to join our team: http://www2.heart.org/goto/carmantrails
Are you a Visitor to Carman Trails? Or are you a Volunteer?
We are excited to be able to welcome our families back into our schools, beginning February 22, 2022. Please be aware that the appropriate background checks are required for those wishing to volunteer in the school. Currently, MACHS FBI fingerprint background checks are mandated. The cost to you, the volunteer, for the MACHS fingerprint background check is currently $41.75. This fingerprint background check only needs to be renewed every six years provided you continuously remain an active volunteer from year to year.
Additionally, there may be other background checks as required by State Law for all Parkway School District volunteers who will be working with and/or around students.
To start the process for becoming a volunteer, you will need to visit the Volunteer Tracker website. This link will direct you to information on how to get signed up with AppGarden and how to complete all of the necessary steps in the process. This is an interactive process and you will be notified by email along the way as to your next steps.
Once you have been approved to volunteer, please reach out to the volunteer coordinator at Carman Trails, Mrs. Karen Regan. You must be approved before you can volunteer. You will receive an email notification from AppGarden when your approval has been finalized. You can reach Mrs. Karen Regan at 314-415-6104 or at kregan@parkwayschools.net
Please note the following specifics related to volunteer and visitor opportunities:
A Parkway volunteer is an individual who has an opportunity to be alone with a student.
A Parkway visitor is an individual in a school for a limited period of time who does not have the opportunity to be alone with a student.
Visitors and volunteers will follow the same health and safety protocols as students and staff.
If a COVID outbreak occurs in a school or building, volunteers and visitors would not be allowed in the building during the outbreak period.
Per Missouri Statute 168.133, those who wish to volunteer must complete a fingerprint background check through the Missouri State Highway Patrol and FBI. The cost for the background check is $41.75 and is the responsibility of the volunteer. The background check will remain current as long as a volunteer stays active. If a year passes, the volunteer will need to complete and pay for another background check.
Those interested in volunteering may begin to complete the App Garden (Parkway volunteer tracking software).
Examples of Volunteers and Visitors
- Anyone in the building to accomplish a specific task during school hours
- Chaperone for a field trip
- Anyone that has the potential to be left alone with a student
- Tutors
- Volunteer Coaches or After School Club Sponsors
- Class reader
- Attending a school assembly
- Attending a meeting with teachers
- Guest speaker
- Anyone coming into the building after students are gone to help work on a project with other adults only.
STEM Fest returns March 12
Parkway's free family STEM Fest returns in-person this year! Join the fun Saturday, March 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The following activities are planned:
- E-sport competition (registration required)
- Dig up real dinosaur bones
- Explore art, music and PE
- Code and program robots
- Free paper shredding
- Slime station
More information can be at the STEM Fest website.
Trivia Night - April 2, 2022
Your PTO is thrilled to see the return of an in-person Trivia Night for the Carman community this year! Though we couldn't get the actual Saturday Night Live comedians on board with the event, we're really excited for our surprise emcee and the lineup of auction items that we're sure won't disappoint!
This is a great way to meet Carman families and staff, particularly for the younger families that haven't yet had the opportunity to network in person. If you have a group of 8 that you want to play trivia with, you can register a full group - OR - we will help place you with a table!
When: Saturday, April 2, 2022- 6pm Doors Open, 7pm Trivia Starts
Where: Trinity Lutheran Church (14088 Clayton Road, 63017)
Project Parkway Meeting
We need your help and feedback as we finalize our plans to ensure our schools and learning environments can support current and future students.
You are invited to participate in two community meetings to discuss the ongoing maintenance and repair needs of our aging school buildings. The first opportunity to learn more will be at our Project Parkway meeting on March 8 from 5:30-7:30 pm at Central High School. At this meeting, we will share and discuss a detailed list of potential projects for each school and the district.
If you prefer, you can also join the conversation online. Information on how to give feedback online will be posted on our website at parkwayschools.net.
Adventure Club News and Notes
Adventure Club registrations for ‘22-’23 school year began Tuesday, March 1st. If you think you might need care for next school year, I recommend registering as soon as possible to secure your spot.
Adventure Club is not only a safe place for children to be while their parents work but a great environment for social, emotional, and physical development amongst others. At Adventure Club we specialize in play and after the past two years, I think everyone could use a little bit more play time. Join us next year as we make the ‘22-’23 school year the most fun yet!
"Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development".
- From The American Academy of Pediatrics.
To find out more information and to register your child please visit www.prcommunityed.org - call or text (636) 891-6644. You can also reach out to me directly at 314-415-6129 or email me at fousheeprevost@prcommunityed.org
Best Regards,
Mr. Prevost Foushee
Adventure Club Facilitator
Kindergarten 2022-2023 Registration is OPEN!
Kindergarten registration for the 2022-23 school year is now open. Students must be five (5) years old before Aug. 1, 2022, to enter Kindergarten for the school year. More information about Kindergarten can be found here as well as at https://www.smore.com/u9caf
This week the Carman Cougar Spotlight recognizes Geovonnie Butler, a 5th Grader in Ms. Klebolt's class. Geo's nomination form states: "At the AAU Kids' State Wrestling Championship on February 26, Geo showed perseverance by battling back from a tough first round loss to take 3rd place in the 85lb weight class. Geo had to win four consecutive matches in a row. We are so proud of him!" Great job, Geo!
Come be a part of our character recognition efforts! Now, whenever you see a student (or staff member) demonstrating character outside of school, you can nominate them using this Google Form - linked here: https://forms.gle/rtmmbkxByyZBRDR17
Nominees will be randomly selected and spotlighted in future Paw Prints and possibly other school communications. By submitting a photo (by choice, not required), you are granting permission for us to use the photo in school-related communications.
Thank you for your help in recognizing and spotlighting character in our students!
PTO Upcoming Meetings / Events
April 2 -- PTO Sponsored Trivia Night at Trinity Lutheran Church 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
April 14 -- Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Night 4:00 - 10:00 p.m.
April 26 -- Chipotle Fundraiser Night 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
May 3 -- General PTO Meeting, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Parent Notification - Parkway Illness Guidelines for Students
Dear Carman Trails Families,
Just a reminder if your child has been sent home from school due to COVID like symptoms or is home from school due to COVID like symptoms a note from a healthcare provider or negative COVID results are required to return to school. Please email the note/results to the school nurse at cconnelly2@parkwayschools.net prior to returning to school. In addition, please send a hard copy to school if possible. Students will not be permitted to return to class if this documentation has not been received per Parkway protocol. Please review the information below regarding the Parkway illness guidelines:
If a student has any 1 low risk COVID symptom, they should remain home until the symptom has resolved for 24 hours.
Low Risk symptoms:
-Fever greater than 100.4
-Congestion/runny nose
-Sore throat
-Muscle or body Aches
If a student has 2 or more low risk COVID symptoms or 1 high risk COVID symptom, they should be evaluated by a healthcare provider prior to returning to school.
High Risk Symptoms:
-Difficulty breathing
-Loss of taste and/or smell
Please note, Parkway does not accept at-home Covid tests at this time.
Vaccination Records
As a reminder, Parkway is asking parents to consider sharing vaccination records if their child is fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
Sharing proof of vaccination is entirely voluntary. Your child’s vaccination record will be kept confidential. If your child is vaccinated, please complete this voluntary form to share your record with our school. The form will ask for your child’s name, school, grade and will have a place where you can upload a photo/image of your child’s vaccination card. You will need to log into your personal Google/Gmail account or use your child’s Parkway Gmail account to complete the form.
Providing your vaccine information will help us measure vaccination rates within our school communities. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nurse Connelly.
Above & Beyond 5K
Please join us in the Above and Beyond 5k to honor and celebrate priceless Nancy Simpson. Our walk/run name plays off the Ephesians 3:20 verse that Nancy loved. It also encapsulates her as a person that went above and beyond for her family, friends, and her students.
The race will benefit the "Granting Dreams Program", a memorial fund set up in Nancy's name. This charity enables Parkway School District K-12 students to attend and learn in educational experiences outside their regular curriculum. Teaching, learning, and helping students were more of Nancy's passions where she went above and beyond.
The 5k will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, 4/2/22. The kids 100 yard dash will follow the walk/run at 10:00 a.m.
You can find more information at the link below, including sign-up and location information.
Special School District Is Hiring!
Carman Trails 2021-2022 Buzz Book Is Here - Click the Link Below
Notes From Nurse Connie Connelly
Dear Carman Families:
Please see the attached link for the March Nurse's Newsletter, which includes the following topics:
Promoting Good Oral Health Habits
Ask the Experts: Eyes on Screens: Maintaining Your Kids’ Ocular Health in a Digital World
Important Information from Parkway Health Services
Nurse Connie Connelly
Sustainable Schools Challenge
What is the Sustainable Schools Challenge?
This is an annual Parkway program for all students, staff, and families to participate in sustainability activities while competing for prizes for their school running Sept 1, 2021 - April 29, 2022. It's designed to connect our district mission of preparing students to respond to an ever-changing world with our district sustainability goals incentivizing actions that reduce our environmental impact.
What you can do:
- Share and watch the 21-22 Sustainable Schools Challenge video presentation (6 mins) introducing the program, new updates, and a walkthrough of the website.
- Sign up now! Each student, staff, and family can sign up to earn a point for their school and receive the monthly newsletter with activities.
- Get the word out - schools have had success encouraging participation through their school newsletters and websites
Updates to the program include:
- Monthly prize winners will be selected through a drawing
- 50 points = 1 drawing entry
- New Mini-Grant program to fund projects up to $400
- Virtual Elementary, Middle, and High added as competing schools
Sustainable Schools Challenge homepage
Stay Connected with These Updates
March: Women's History Month
10th - PAMEE Meeting In-Person at the Welcome Center, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
13th - Daylight Savings Time Begins - Set your clocks AHEAD one hour
18th - 25th - No School - Enjoy your Spring Break!
April: National Autism Awareness Month
1 - Half-Day; Dismissal at 1:05 p.m.
2 - PTO Sponsored Trivia Night at Trinity Lutheran Church 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
14 - No School
14 -Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Night 4:00 - 10:00 p.m.
15 - No School
21 - PAMEE Virtual Meeting, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
26 - Chipotle Fundraiser Night 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Connect with Us!
Email: alove@parkwayschools.net
Website: parkwayschools.net/carmantrails
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Facebook: http://facebook.com/CarmanTrails
Twitter: @trailscarman