Greerton Village School Panui
February - April Term 1
Principals Word
Kia ora whānau
Thank you all for your kind words and support over these last few challenging weeks.
As COVID sweeps through our community it is more important than ever that we remain calm, kind and continue to look after one another.
School is going to look different for the next few weeks, as we deal with staff shortages and high numbers of students absent.
Please be reassured that all staff at GVS are committed to keeping your children and our school community safe. We will adapt our learning, environments and programs, while keeping your tamariki happy, and engaged.
We currently have many students and now a number of staff who have tested positive. The families who have children in these rooms have been informed. These confirmed cases and their whānau are currently at home isolating.
We expect confirmed cases to grow over the coming weeks, if and when a student or teacher tests positive in your child's class I will notify the whānau from that room via email.
The class will remain open for learning following phase 3 MOH guidelines, however we ask you to be vigilant and monitor your child for symptoms and get them tested if they develop them.
If your child tests positive I ask that you notify me asap.
Kia kaha whānau we will get through this together
Enjoy a happy and safe weekend.
Celebrating our very beautiful & very special Miss Brett
Today we celebrate our very beautiful and very special Miss Brett, who is about to become Mrs Honey! (The perfect name for the sweetest gal)
Today is your day and your GVS whanau at school (and in isolation) absolutely adore you, Steve and little Lottie!
Happy Wedding Vibes with love!
How glam does she look in Mrs Davis wedding dress from the 80s!
Shayne from 13C created this incredible Lego piece this morning for our weekly Lego challenge.
This piece is Mauao, with his tears that made Waimapu awa and the Patupaiarehe (fairies) that pulled him to the place where he now lives.
Kei te pai Shayne
Week 3 Lego challenge! Something special to you. Check out this beauty
GVS Hurricanes Rippa Rugby Team
Student Leaders
Our 2022 GVS School and House Leader Canvases have finally arrived!
Looking fabulous!
We welcome some new kaiako to our GVS whanau this year. We are excited to have each and everyone of them on our team and they look forward to meeting you and your tamariki this Term.
Brodie Keeble in Room 2 - Brodie has joined our Nga Whetu team after Bridget Goodwin won a principal position at Rangiuru school. Welcome Brodie and congrats Bridget.
Abbie Bull in Room 9 - Abbie has joined Papatuanuku. If Abbie looks familiar that's because Abbie had her final practicum at our kura last year. Abbie has three children and her little girl joins our school also this year. Welcome Abbie.
Reweti Kuka in Room 13B - Reweti has joined our team and is in the bilingual unit and Papatuanuku syndicate. Welcome Reweti we are thrilled to have you at our kura.
Jayreeve Mose - Jayreeve joins our kura this year as a Mentor. He will be based in the bilingual unit each morning and run sports across our school during breaks and in the afternoon. Welcome Jayreeve.
Abbi Hurn - We welcome back Abbi after maternity leave last year. Abbi is back two days a week as a CRT teacher. Great to have you back Abbi.
Thank you whānau ❤️
Today we raised $223.50 and a table full of non perishable food to be sent to Tonga from our kura. I know this will be greatly appreciated!
Specialist Art Class Room 1
This year we open a specialist art class for all students to attend.
Our talented "Miss D", Eden Devcich is the teacher in this room and all children across the kura will have the opportunity to work in this space. Here are some snapshots Miss D took.
We have the most gorgeous faces at GVS ❤️
Whakatō te Kākano - Bilingual Unit
This morning was extremely special at Greerton Village School
Te Kura o Maarawaewae, as our Bilingual Unit, Whakatō te Kākano was blessed and opened by Minister, Pahu Akuhata, Ruahine Watson, our Aunty Barr, kaiako, and the tamariki enrolled.
We are excited and thankful moving forward as we begin this new journey at our kura. ❤️
Te Kura O Maarawaewae Community Garden
Term Dates
Term 1 - Wednesday 2 February – Thursday 14 April
Term 2 - Monday 2 May – Friday 8 July
Dates for your Diary
*Monday 7 February – Waitangi Day – school closed.
*Good Friday 15 April – School Closed
*Easter Monday 18 April – Easter- falls within Term 1 Break
*ANZAC Day – Monday 25 April – falls within the Term One Break
*Last day of Term 1 - Thursday 14 April
*First day of Term - 2 Monday 2 May.
Just a reminder whanau that Term 1 = Sun hats!
The weather is getting warmer and all children are expected to be wearing a sun hat to protect themselves during Term 4 and Term 1.
From next week, all children without a hat will be expected to remain under the large sunshades at morning tea and lunch play. Each classroom will also have sunblock for students to apply.
Any Covid instruction to individual whānau will be emailed out, in the coming days and weeks please ensure you check your emails and junk folder regularly ❤️ It is essential your email details and phone numbers are correct at the office.
Thank you all for your kind words and support over these unsettling times for everyone.
Take care over this time
Below are the links to all the class facebook pages for this year, please request to be a part of it for all class communication, updates, photos etc
GVS Art Room -
Room 2 -
Room 3 -
Room 5 -
Room 6 -
Room 7 -
Room 8 -
Room 9 -
Room 10 -
Room 11 -
Room 12 -
Room 13/Whakato te Kakano/Bilingual -
Room 14 -
Room 15 -
Whare Manaaki -
Our beautiful new sponsorship signs are up and are looking incredibly amazing. One for our bike track and one for our fabulous Community Garden.
A huge thankyou to New Zealand Transport Agency, Tauranga City Council, Kennards Hire, Bike On New Zealand Charitable Trust,
Bay of Plenty Asphalt, ITM Tga, Naturally Native, Craig Hussey Earthmoving, Paul Hofsteede Builder, Menz Shed Tauranga, Tga Rotary and Page.
So thankful to everyone who was a part of these projects ❤️
Connect with Greerton Village School
Location: 151 Greerton Road, Greerton, Tauranga, New Zealand
Phone: 07 5412350