MAMS February Update
February 5, 2024
Important Dates
February 5th- SIT Meeting, 3pm in the library
February 6th- Progress Reports Go Home
Home Girls Basketball v. Albritton, 4pm
February 7th- Wrestling v. Westover, 4pm
February 8th- Spring Sports Parent Meeting, 5:30pm in the Mini-Theatre
PTO Meeting, 6pm in the Media Center
February 13th- Spring Sports Try-Outs Begin
February 16th- PTO providing Birthday lunches for staff with birthdays from January- April
February 19th- No School for Students- Staff Telework Day (building closed)
February 20th- No School for Students- Staff Workday
February 26th- Parent/Teacher Conferences- contact a core teacher if interested
Things to Remember for the Month!
February is Black History Month- we will be having various activities and assemblies throughout the month.
February 5th- 9th is School Counselor Week- Our counselors work very hard everyday! Please show them some appreciation this week!
February 12th-16th is Love the Bus Week- Our school bus drivers are amazing! Please show them some appreciation this week!
Spring Sports kick-off this month- Make sure your final forms are complete!