May 2023
A Message from the Superintendent
May 2023
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
As we wrap up our 2023/2024 school year, we find ourselves in the thick of celebrations such as Mayfest, fourth grade parties, Crows on Parade, and 8th grade graduation. Our students are savoring their final weeks: collaborating on year-end projects, creating artwork for Spring Sings, and enjoying time playing and learning outdoors. On recent days, Wasbhurne students performed “Macbeth” in the courtyard during their language arts class, Hubbard Woods Kindergarten students were avidly bird-watching with binoculars made from toilet paper rolls, and third grade Pioneers emulated life on the American frontier. We have had an incredible school year in so many ways! Before we begin summer break, I wanted to provide an update on a few areas of focus for the District this year:
Safety & Security
We would like to thank our first responders for their tremendous partnership this year! Earlier this morning, I spotted many of our local police officers on the Willow Road Dunkin Donuts rooftop raising money for the Special Olympics. These individuals go the extra mile to get to know our staff, helping support many needs throughout the year, whether it be a health emergency at a school, Bike Rodeo demonstration, or teaching students about how they support safety in our community at The Skokie School’s recent Health and Wellness Fair. Efforts this year have involved:
Releasing the first edition of the District’s Safety Bulletin, intended to share safety practices and other important information with you.
Implementing Text-for-Help for our school community to access confidential support.
Helping us enforce the District’s Safe, Secure and Healthy Schools Resolution, passed by the School Board in September 2023
Strategic Plan 2020-2025
If you didn’t already have an opportunity, please take about 26 minutes to watch the BIANNUAL COMMUNITY MESSAGE, SPRING 2023 highlighting District initiatives and progress toward the District’s four Strategic Plan goals: Intellectual Engagement & Motivation to Learn, Positive Culture & Well Being, Local & National Leader in Progressive Education & Talent Development, and Financial Stewardship & Facility Improvements.
Key progress includes:
Refining our comprehensive literacy programming K-8, curriculum, resources and instructional practice, remains a key area of focus as part of Strategic Goal One: Intellectual Engagement & Motivation to learn.
Implementing RULER SEL Anchor Strategies was a key advancement toward Strategic Goal Two: Positive Culture & Well Being.
Completing our Portrait of an Educator to determine key competencies our educators will embody to complement our Portrait of a Graduate was a highlight as part of Strategic Goal Three: Local & National Leader in Progressive Education & Talent Development. This process was led by a team of 35 stakeholders including teachers, administrators, students and parents.
Beginning construction (thanks to the support of our community) approved as part of the 2022 referendum, addressing Strategic Goal Four: Financial Stewardship & Facility Improvements. To celebrate, we would like to invite our community to Greeley and Hubbard Woods Schools on June 1st for ceremonial groundbreakings (invitation below!)
We recently conducted a Parent Communication Survey to determine key areas of focus for the future. Additional efforts have included:
Hosting 11 Winnetka Parent Institute events this year, on topics ranging from the middle school experience to literacy. (You may view past presentations here).
Launching our “Winnetka Voices” podcast.
Designing a new website to provide content in a more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing format.
Focusing on a “Good News Only” social media campaign on Instagram to increase connections to our schools and classrooms.
Professional Support:
Our Human Resources and Professional Learning Department has been actively working to enhance opportunities for staff to further their professional skills. This has included:
Partnering with The Reading League for ongoing professional development in the science of reading and the Buck Institute for ongoing professional development in Project Based Learning (Sponsored by the WPSF).
Offering IEP/FBA/BIP Professional learning in special education.
These efforts have been collaborative endeavors on behalf of our students and have involved every single staff member in the District. I am grateful for our staff’s commitment to our District’s mission and the parent and community members who entrust us with educating the children of Winnetka.
We look forward to sharing end-of-the-year progress toward our Strategic Plan, Annual Goals, and School Improvement Plans at our June 13 School Board Meeting. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you out and about as we wrap up our school year.
Most Sincerely,
Dr. Kelly Tess
Superintendent of Schools
Episode #7: Tips on Supporting Young Readers & Preventing the Summer Slide
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendents, speaks to middle school reading specialists Sheri Johnston and Suzanne Savard about how to best foster childrens’ literacy during the summer months. Along with summer reading recommendations, they provide tips on what may support your child to grow in confidence in their reading skills–whether they are an avid or reluctant reader. You may be surprised by how simple and natural supporting your child’s literacy during summer break can be.
Listen here:
Winnetka Voices is a podcast hosted by The Winnetka Public Schools, featuring candid conversations on issues relevant to education and shared resources to support our students and families.
Registration for the 2023/2024 School Year
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open for all students (returning and pre-registered). Email notification was sent to the primary contact on record with the District March 17, 2023. Additionally, families will receive notification via regular mail. Contained within the notification is a unique “snapcode” that parents will need to login. Please phone 847-446-9400, with any questions. Additional information and login to the portal can be found on the District website.
Board Meeting Preview
The next School Board meeting will be held at Carleton Washburne School on May 23, 2023. A Work Session will be held a 5 p.m. on information related to student growth and achievement. The Regular Meeting is at 7:15 p.m.
The following presentations are on the agenda:
- DSSEI Entry Plan Progress Update
In-person seating for the public is on a first-come, first-served basis.
To observe via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 880 9070 7037
Passcode: 353337
The meeting will include an opportunity for in-person public comment. Please note, the Board will be following policy 2:230 and limit public comment to three minutes - however, if there is a high volume of public comment, the Board may need to limit the amount of time dedicated to public comment in order to efficiently conduct business. Community members can send communications to board members at board@winnetka36.org which will be individually reviewed by each board member prior to the meeting.
Acceleration Policy Implementation: Seeking Your Feedback
Attention Incoming 2023/2024 Kindergarten Families
Please review this communication for important information and upcoming dates. We look forward to welcoming you and your children to our school community!
If you did not receive this information from the District, please call our office at 847-446-9400.
Parent Education Sessions from District Partner Family Action Network (FAN):
For upcoming events with an array of highly-regarded authors, educators, and more, access FAN’s website here.
From Our Partners at Alliance for Early Childhood:
Let’s Play! Nature Exploration
Monday, June 5, 9:30am-11:30am, Erickson Woods, 1651 Willow Rd, Winnetka
Join The Alliance for Early Childhood and Community Partners, BackYard Nature Center and Cook County Forest Preserves, to engage in creative, imaginative, and child-directed, outdoor free-play as a family. Intended Age Audience: All ages are welcome.
To register, click here.Follow us on Social Media!
Please follow the District via the following social media platforms in order to see day-to-day happenings and more.
Facebook and Twitter: @Winnetka36
Instagram: @WinnetkaPublicSchools
A Special Thank You from The Skokie School
The Skokie School KW Team would like to thank everyone who helped make the 2023 Health and Wellness Day a huge success! This amazing day could not have happened without the support of our administration and staff. We want to especially thank the volunteers listed below, who took time to present to our students throughout the day.
Amy Banas, Crow Island School
Crystal Roel, The Skokie School
Dan Funk, Endurance Athlete
Dan Tun, Dare2Tri
Dr. Amy Krambeck, Northwestern University Department of Urology
Dr. Clara Schroedl, Northwestern University
Dr. Laila Iqbal, UIC College of Dentistry
Dr. Lisa Oldson, Northwestern Medicine
Dr. Shilpa Knigge, Oak Mill Medical
Dr. Steve Bachta, NorthShore University Healthsystems, American Ninja Warrior
Educating Outside the Lines
Erika’s Lighthouse
Illinois Bone and Joint Institute Dr. Lynn Chehab
Maja Gavrilovic, LEAD
Mak Nong, GLASA
Michael Strening Jr - Music for Relaxation
Mike Greenman, The Skokie School
New Trier Sports Medicine Emily Espinosa
North Shore Eye Consultants Limited Dr. Amy Wilder Cunningham
Rachel Falender, The Skokie School
SALT, New Trier Student Athlete Leadership Team
New Trier High School, Dr. Kate Kalnes
Shirley Ryan Ability Lab Meg Rosinski, Jordan Shackelford
SHRED415 Meg Rosinski, Jordan Shackelford
Tom Klisiewicz, SMART Health, Wellness and Performance
Victor Cooper, Washburne School
Julie Wilcox Yoga Washburne School
Winnetka Dental Group Michael Czarkowski, Addie Bacon
Winnetka Family Chiropractic Rikard Borjesson
Winnetka Fire Department
Winnetka Park District
Yogaview Liz MacIntosh
YogiB Yoga for Kids Liz Macintosh